MVC :: Ajax.BeginForm Not Working In Firefox But Is Working In Chrome And IE

Feb 9, 2011

I have a problem with partial postback in FireFox

in my index.aspx I have following code:


Finally my Partialview has following content:


This code is working fine when using IE or Google Chrome, but when using FireFox the code in my controller is never reached.

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AJAX :: .net MVC Ajax.BeginForm Not Working In Firefox But Working In Chrome And IE

Feb 11, 2011

I have a problem with partial postback in FireFox in my index.aspx I have following code:


Finally my Partialview has following content:


This code is working fine when using IE or Google Chrome, but when using FireFox the code in my controller is never reached. I just can't figure out what I am missing

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AJAX :: Drag And Drop Is Not Working In Chrome And Safari But It Is Working Fine IE And Firefox

Nov 19, 2010

After the implementation of ajax drag and drop, we have observed that which is working fine in IE and Firefox and not in chrome and safari, In Google chrome and Safari when we try to drag a module, the page getting scrolling to the top of the page.

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AJAX :: PageLoad Not Working On Firefox, Chrome Or Safari?

Apr 3, 2010

I've had an issue with a javascript menu not working inside an Ajax update panel after the ajax postback. I was able to solve this in IE by calling the menu js function with a pageLoad() function which is automatically called by ajax. However I then discovered it doesn't work in any other browser.

Having search around I've only found two references to the issue; one where someone else has found the same thing and another where someone states that pageLoad isn't stable in other browsers.

Is there any way to solve this issue in browsers other than IE?

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ASP Session Not Working In IE8 - Working In Firefox - Chrome

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to get my site to play a flash video the first time, and only the first time, a user visits the site. Currently, I'm using ASP session tags to install a sessionid cookie into the users browsers.

<% Session("name")="blah"

This method works fine in FF and Chrome, but IE8 doesn't seem to want to accept the cookie. I've tested it with IE's lowest security settings possible ("Accept all cookies"), but it still does not create any cookie. Is there any other way to make it so that all browsers will take the cookie?

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MVC :: Ajax.beginform Using Multiple Submit Doesn't Work From Firefox / Opera / Chrome

Nov 11, 2010

this code does not work in any other browser other than Internet Explorer, I could tell that happens, I've seen that in MVC2 was a known bug, I thought I updated to MVC 3 this was corrected, but still the same.The problem itself is that it shows as null ActionResult and I have no idea how to detect, the code I use is:

<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("CmdApply", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "Post", UpdateTargetId = "RenderPartialId", Confirm = "Seguro de continuar", OnComplete = "showCurrentPage", OnBegin = "ShowBeginSearch", OnSuccess = "CloseDialogSearch" }))
<input id="GoPageSubmit" type="submit" name="GoPageSubmit" value="<%=Resources.s2olMVC.Search_GoPageTitle %>" />
<input id="SubmitNext" type="submit" name="SubmitNext" value=">"/>
<input id="SubmitNextLast" type="submit" name="SubmitNextLast" value=">>" />

In ActionResult, the two n submit it recognizes, as if none, shown in Null There is another way to implement this type of submit? In Internet Explorer everything works fine.

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Response.CacheControl Not Working In Firefox Or Chrome

Jan 15, 2010

i have this code in global.asax.vb, to disable the back button.

Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now().Subtract(New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0))
Response.Expires = -1
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
End Sub

this code works perfect in IE, but refuses to work in any other browser like firefox or chrome. what can i do to make it multi browser?

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Response.BinaryWrite Not Working In Firefox And Chrome?

Dec 7, 2010

I have binary data - it is png picture.

I use Response.BinaryWrite to display this picture.

Unfortunately it works only in Internet Explorer. In Firefox and Chrome it shows long text of strange symbols.

What's wrong with BinaryWrite? How to solve this?

I may not say to asp:Image to show this picture, I may not indicate ImageURL, becouse there's no URL. This picture is response from webrequest. And webrequest may not be indicated in URL because I set some parameters not in QueryString but in post data.

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Popup Window Is Not Working In Firefox And Google Chrome?

Jan 27, 2010

I want to open a popupwindow (with close button only) when the user clicks a button and the parent window should be disabled until the popup window closed. For that I'm using the following code

function popup_window(url) {
popupwin = window.showModalDialog(url,null,'height=20,width=150,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no');

Anyhow, this code is working perfectly in IE. But, I hav two problems. In firefox, it is not opening with the size I've mentioned in the script. It is opening in full size. And In Google Chrome, parent window is not getting disabled.

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Cross Domain Call Not Working In FireFox And Chrome?

Nov 16, 2010

I am making a asynchronous request to different server for some data using jquery. It works fine in IE, but doesn't work in FireFox and Chrome, when it reaches the code where the request to other server is made, it freezes there and a blank page is shown. If I remove that piece of code, the ajax works fine.

Also, when I place a breakpoint at document.ready, the breakpoint is hit when debugging using IE, but it's not hit when debugging using FireFox.

Following is the JQuery I am using

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {

$('.tabs a, .tabs span').livequery('click', function () {[code]....

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Web Forms :: Date Control Is Not Working In Mozilla Firefox And Google Chrome?

Mar 28, 2011

I am using javascript based calendar control in my application.

Following is my .aspx and .aspx.cs file.:

.aspx file:




On click of hyperlink we are opening javascript calendar and assiging it to textbox.

The same functionality is working in IE, but its not working in Mozilla firefox and Google chrome.

This is one of the major problem i am facing in entire application.

I want to make my application to be work fine on multiple browser.

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Web Forms :: SiteMapPath Not Working On Firefox / Chrome And Safari Works Fine On IE

Jun 6, 2012

SiteMap is not clickable on Firefox,Chrome and Safari But works perfecly fine on IE..Here is the code;

div.logintext {
position: relative;
top: 25%;
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
text-align: left;


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MVC :: Client Side Validations With Ajax.BeginForm Not Working?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a webform in which i am using Ajax.BeginForm.

But due to this my client side required fields are not working.

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Web Forms :: Created Java Script Calendar Working Fine In Ie6 But Not Working In Firefox

Aug 13, 2010

I created a one Java script calender. Its working fine in ie6 but its not working in firefox. I'm new to this java script so kindly give your suggestion as soon as possible.

Inherits="_Default" %>@
Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
TagPrefix="asp" %>
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN".......................

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Visual Studio :: Javascript Debugger Is Not Working On Mozilla Firefox But Working Fine On IE8?

Jan 15, 2011

I am using vs2008 pro. my problem is that javascript debugger is not working on mozila firefox but working fine on IE8.

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Web Forms :: Code Write File 2.0 Is Working In Firefox But IE Not Working

Aug 28, 2010

If Not IsDBNull(ext) Then
ext = LCase(ext)
End If
Select Case ext
'Case ".htm", ".html"
' type = "text/HTML"
'Case ".txt"
' type = "text/plain"
'Case ".doc", ".rtf"
' type = "Application/msword"
'Case ".csv", ".xls"
' type = "Application/x-msexcel"........................

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AJAX :: HoverMenuExtender Not Working In Google Chrome?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a GridView in which I have item,Edit ,Footer and Empty Item Template , and also a hovermenuextender to show Edit/Delete link on row hover. when my page opens if it doesn't have any data it show empty row , when user enters data and click on Add button it save's the data and load the grid. All works fine in IE and firefox but not in google Chrome.

After saving data in chrome all links stop working , but when i reload the page it workes fine if i remove the hovermenuextender it works fine in chrome also, So i think hovermenuextender creating problem in chrome when it's added at runtime(if empty grid comes hovermenuextender will be added after data saved)

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AJAX :: Date Picker Not Working On Chrome?

Aug 18, 2010

ajax toolkit date picker is not working in latest google chrome browser. it works fine all browsers and earlier version of chrome but it doesnt work latest version. any body know the reason

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AJAX :: Masked Edit Backspace Not Working On Chrome?

Sep 23, 2010

I am working on an app and have added masked edits to some of the textboxes. On Google Chrome v6.0.472.62 the backspace button is inoperative along with the delete button. I have found no method around this. It also functions incorrectly on the ajax toolkit website: [URL]

Chrome is fairly popular and I doubt I can use this code with this issue.

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AJAX :: MaskedEdit Extender Is Not Working Properly In Chrome?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm facing an issue with chrome. I have multiview in which user control is loaded. This user control has one maskedEditExtender textbox (telephone textbox in ___-___-____ format). Issue is whenever the control is loaded i cannot see the masked feild but as soon i refresh the page I see it. I tried the script above but it didnt worked.

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URL With Cyrillic Querystring Not Working In IE (but Working In Firefox)

Dec 6, 2010

On our site, I use the category (in Russian) in the querystring. E.g.: [URL] (I notice the link is not clickable here, you need to copy the entire link to view the result) If you paste this link in IE8, it is translated to cat=???? and it does not work If I paste it in FireFox, it works. It gets even more weird: the same URL is reachable from the homepage, and if I click the same URL in IE8 from the homepage it works fine (unless I click open in a new tab, that it is back to ????). I am using ASP.NET 3.5(C#)

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AJAX :: Drag And Drop Is Not Working In Chrome And Safari Browser

Nov 17, 2010

I am using AjaxContrToolKit (AjaxControlToolkit.Compat.DragDrop.DragDropScripts.js) in my application to provide the drag and drop facility . After implementing the same in the application , observed that working fine in IE and Firefox browser . But the same is not working in Safari and WebKit (Chrome and Safari) browser . In these browsers(both Safari and Webkit), while clicking on the top of the panel getting scrolled up .

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AJAX :: Simple Timer Is Not Working In Firefox?

Jan 6, 2011

When a new item is inserted I want to show a message like "Successful" for 3 seconds and then redirect to main page. For that purpose I used timer control. It works fine in IE but not in firefox. Below is the tick method:

protected void UpdateTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
UpdateTimer.Enabled = false;
lbl_Result.Visible = false;
if (lbl_Result.CssClass == "successMessage")
lbl_Result.CssClass == "failureMessage"

In firefox, it continuously refresh pages, timer never gets disabled. What should I do?

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AJAX :: Update Panel Not Working In Firefox

Jan 4, 2010

Environment used : 2008 webapplication with c#

problem : here is my code :

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<iframe id ="captchaframe" src="test.aspx"></iframe>
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" Text="refresh" onclick="Button1_Click"></asp:Button>
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Session["CaptchaImageText"] = GenerateRandomCode();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("$(document).ready(function() {");
sb.AppendLine(" });");
ScriptManager requestSM = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this);
if (requestSM != null && requestSM.IsInAsyncPostBack)

I want to just refresh the iframe on button click without whole page i have used update panel for removing postback and easily refresh iframe .I works in IE, but not working in firefox.

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AJAX :: Autocomplete Extender Not Working In Firefox?

Feb 2, 2010

Am using AJAXControltoolkit 3.0.30512.20315.My list is not appearing just under the text.It works perfect in IE but not in firefox.

Note : i don't have CSS specified for extender.

<asp:Panel ID="pnl_Detail" runat="server" Visible="true">
<table style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<td align="right">


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