Include Files Within Include File

May 20, 2013

I have just started with ASP.NET.

I like the idea of using Include files so that I can create various versions of individual parts of a site and decide in code which to display. I used:


to include a content.aspx file within my default.aspx page.

I would like to include a Left.aspx, Main.aspx and Right.aspx file inside the content.aspx file. I tried using the reponse.writefile function but noticed when I debug the website that the text "reponse.writefile..." displays instead of the code contained within the referenced file(s).

Can this not be done?

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I'm frequently adding a lot of content files (mostly images and js) to my ASP.NET project. I'm using VS publish system, and on publish, new files are not published until I include them in the project. I would like to auto include all files in specified directory. Is there a way to specify wich directories should be auto-included in csproj file or anywhere else?

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How To Include .css Files

Jul 22, 2010

Since virturl directory name is not fixed, I wrote code below to include .css file in .aspx page now.

<link rel="Stylesheet" href="<%= ResolveUrl("~/Css/xxx.css") %>" type="text/css" />

The question is, when I use "ResolveUrl" in tag, IDE is always barking about that all CSS classes is undefined.

Is there any better way to define .css file including?

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2.0 -how To Include Files Containing Server-side Code

Oct 20, 2010

I want to be able to load a customized log in page depending on a couple of parameters passed into the querystring.Each customized login page needs to be able to dynamically display log in errors and possibly have other variables passed in.
Let's say the dynamic login page looks like this (over-simplification here):

<% if (has_errors) { Response.Write(error_msg); } %>
<input type="text" name="email">
If the aspx page loads the file like this:

the code shows up in the output and doesn't get processed. I have tried other ways to load the file contents (something similar to classic ASP includes) but get the same results every time.I could have all the custom pages set up as user controls, but I need 100% control over the css, js, and html - and the documentation I read here indicates that I won't have that level of textPLUS - I'm stuck in a .net 2.0 environment - so .NET MVC is not available to me

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Refresh # Include Files - Caching On IIS7 / ASP?

Jul 28, 2010

I have an ASP.NET master page which references a #include file as follows:

<!--#include virtual="/includes/"-->

I have modified the file /includes/ but the changes do not show up in pages. What needs to be done so modifications will be reflected? I need to avoid the following: restarting the server restarting IIS modifying web.config (doesn't appear to have any effect)
pretty much anything that causes the app domain to restart Any other options? Is there a setting which affects how long IIS caches #include files?

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Is there a way to get the 'Publish' to include files that have been copied into the bin directory during a post build event?

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if there's someone could help me to solve the problem,i'll be delighted ...

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Web Forms :: Include File In Cs?

Mar 15, 2010

my aspx file is include in master page.

now i can't call js function which i already include in the file when page is loaded.

page_load (cs file)

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this.GetType(), "1", "test.js");
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "2", "<script type="text/javascript">testing();</script>");
function testing(){

but an error msg occurs: object expect?

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Include More Than One .css File In Page?

Nov 25, 2010

I would like to have two .css files. One for each mastercontent page and one file for common elements. How to do this?

The following code doesn't work (css classes from Common.css file are not avalaible)

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<link href="MasterPage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="Common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="head" runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="Master_Header" CssClass="SomeClassFromCommonCssFile"></div>

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Using An Include File Bad Coding Practice?

Mar 18, 2010

Is using an include file bad coding practice in I am aware of master pages, etc. but it seems like in this case an old fashioned include file works best.I have a home page and I have an "all other" page. The all other page is my master page. I place the header include on the master page and at the top of the home page.

<!--#include file="inc/inc_header.aspx"-->

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Way To Include A CSS File In Master Page

Feb 14, 2011

I am new to the domain. I want to include a CSS file in my master pages,but it is not working I give the link to the CSS externally as<link href="Stylesheet1.css" rel="Stylesheet1" type="text/css" />Is there any necessity to include CSS classes in master page if so how and where I have to include?

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.net - Include A C# File In Aspx Page

Apr 9, 2010

I have an aspx page that has a @Page directive which points to a c# class. e.g.

<@ Page Language="C#" EnableSessionState="true" ValidateRequest="False" Inherits="MyClass" %>

MyClass extends Page, which is the code behind class for that aspx page.Now I want to add another class to the aspx page. This class does some processing and will redirect the user to another page if certain conditions are met. It will be called before the above directive. I tried adding another @Page directive, but gotten an unknown error (literally). I'm thinking that there can only be one code behind class per aspx page so I got the error when I added another one. Googling such question didnt really help me with the answer.

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Include A File From The Server Side?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm currently working on a CMS in which the whole page is created in runtime according to DB configuration, and I want to include a file (the name of the file is also extracted from the DB) in runtime.

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Sep 26, 2010

It took me a while to realize the following, which was generated by VS after dragging and dropping the script file to a view file, does not work


However, the former works perfectly for another view file. I am wondering if any expert could shed some light on this.My current hunch is the correct path without using helper Url.Content() depends on a page's URl not where the view file is located.

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Include Classic File In Asp Page?

Jan 31, 2011

I would like to include the asp clasic file in page. I am looking for something similar to :

<!-- #include file="inc.config.asp" -->

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Include A Header File On A Page?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a classic asp website, onto which I am adding an (.aspx) page. Is it possible to include my existing asp header (header.asp) and footer (footer.asp) files on my aspx page?

I don't want to convert the page to a user control, because those pages include other asp pages with asp code on them.

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Web Forms :: Include A File In Webpage?

Oct 27, 2010

I want to include a file into a webpage like this

<!--#include file="1.html"-->

1 is taken from the querystring in the page

so i tried this

<!--#include file="<% Request.QueryString("page_name")&nbsp;%>.html"--> #

and it dont work wht shall i do?

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Web Forms :: Include Htm In Aspx From External File?

Jul 18, 2010

Depending on a parameter, I want to include html from different files in an aspx page (this is a section of the page). Here is how I am trying to do it:

in aspx file:


in C#


The problem is, whenever I edit the "include" files in VS, VS saves them as UTF-8. Then when I open the web page, there are three extra characters where the included html starts. If I go into a different editor, I can change the format to ANSI and then it displays okay in the web page.

I have two questions: 1. Is there a way I can save the file in VS as ANSI so I don't get the three garbage characters? (I tried saving as file types .htm, .txt, and .inc but none work.) 2. Is there a better way to do this so it does not matter if the file is UTF-8 or ANSI?

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C# - Make A Difference Where Include The JQuery Script File?

May 11, 2010

On my master page (for all pages in my site) I have a ToolkitScriptManager.

On my content page, there are a series of hyperlinks and divs for collapsible functionality.

The code to show/hide the panels work like the following:


If I include a ScriptReference to the jQuery 1.4.2 file in the toolkitscriptmanager, the javascript code is executed incorrectly on the page (only the text for the hyperlink is changed, the div is not actually shown.) However, if I don't include the jQuery file in the ToolkitScriptManager and instead include it in the content page, it works correctly.

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Web Forms :: Include File In .aspx Page Method?

Mar 9, 2011

I have 5 linkbuttons act as navigation menus on the top of each .aspx page. I wrote code to control when and which linkbutton should be enabled. I am going to create a header.ascx page with these 5 linkbuttons and use <%=Response.Write("header.ascx")%> code to include the .ascx file in the .aspx page. But I got a problem with the code behind, the current .aspx page does not recongnize the linkbutton objects because they are in another file. How do I declare these 5 linkbuttons in the application?

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Visual Studio :: To Include A File To The WorkFlow Project

Mar 12, 2010

I excluded a file(i.e . a WorkFlow file) from my project. The file got removed from the Solution Explorer, But it was in the directory where the project was saved. Can anyone please tell me how the file can be included again.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get A Text File In Same Mode (include Space)

Dec 16, 2010

A Text File contain

My Name is
Father Name
136 Jhansi

how to show in .aspx page with same format

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Forms Data Controls :: Include Chart Reading Values From An XML File?

Feb 17, 2011

I am using VS 2005.I want to include Chart reading values from an XML file.

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