Invalidcastexception - Can't Access Custom Membership User In Code

Feb 2, 2010

I've wrote a custom membership provider and a custom membership user. So far so good, I can create users / login etc, but when I try to access the custom membership user in code like this;

Public Function GetOpportunities() As IQueryable(Of Opportunity)
'Dim p As CiseroMembershipProvider = System.Web.Security.Membership.Provider
'Dim _User = p.GetUser(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity, True), CiseroMembershipUser
Dim _User As Curve.CiseroMembershipUser = Nothing
_User = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser() 'Dim _CurveUser As New CiseroMembershipUser
'Return From o In Me.ObjectContext.Opportunities Where o.ClientID = User.ClientID
Return From o In Me.ObjectContext.Opportunities Where o.ClientID = _
_User.ClientID Order By o.ModifiedDate Descending
End Function
I get this error:

Unable to cast object of type 'CustomMembershipUser' to type 'Curve.CustomMembershipUser'. When I put a quickwatch on the object System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser() it is of type CustomMembershipUser. The quickwatch window generates the text DirectCast(System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser(), CustomMembershipUser) when I click onto the properties, but reevaluating the expression raises the error.

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Similar Messages:

Security :: Membership.GetUser(object ProviderUserKey) Throws InvalidCastException In .NET 2.0?

Jan 10, 2011

I have an application that has been running for about 1.5 years. Suddenly, I got a bug report that the support team are receiving an InvalidCastException in the User ManagerUnable to cast object of type 'System.Guid' to type 'System.String'. The line this appears to be happening on is:

string queryStringID = Session["EditID"].ToString();
Guid providerUserKey =
MembershipUser user =
<--- here

This is a rather strange error as the value of the queryStringID is in fact a Guid generated by the Membership.GetUser(UserName).ProviderUserKey on the previous page. It doesn't seem to make any sense at all. I'm using the built-in SqlMembershipProvider with no changes. It's as if it isn't picking up that it should be using the overloaded function Membership.GetUser(object providerUserKey)Anyone else ever seen anything like this? I wouldn't normally post here unless I was absolutely stuck but I can't seem to find any relevant information by Googleing this one. Also, it's just started doing this. There was never an issue before. Very strange

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Security :: Store User Password In Custom Membership User

Aug 12, 2010

I have a custom membership user class and custom MembershipProvider working against database. Due to security reasons the user passwords are stored in the database as hashed values. So my procedure

public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password) is
//select hashed password from db
return (EncodePassword(password) == dbpassword)

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Access The RequestContext From Within A Custom Membership Provider

Jan 13, 2011

Is there an easier/better way to access the RequestContext from within a custom Membership Provider than the following (and further, will this method even work):


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C# - Forms Authentication Code-Behind With Custom Role And Membership Providers

Mar 8, 2011

Unfortunately, all the examples for Forms Authentication Code Behind w/ Custom Role and Membership Providers I find online are written with a VB.NET code behind and I need a C# code behind. I need a codebehind that will do the following:

authenticate user upon login button click
if user active_flag=0 (false) OR password!=@password, display error: "Access Denied"
if user admin_flag=1 & active flag=1 (true), redirect to admin_pageszipsearch.aspx
if user admin_flag=0 (false) & active_flag=1 (true), redirect to pageszipsearch.aspx

Default.aspx Code:

<asp:Login ID="LoginUser" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" RenderOuterTable="false">
<span class="failureNotification">
<asp:Literal ID="FailureText" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

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Security :: Use Membership Roles And Access In Code?

Jan 20, 2010

in my app i want to create two types of users. (1) 'staff' (2) 'admin'

i have a page called registration which basically creates a user. i used the configuration wizard to create roles and set access rights to certain pages and this works great.

however, if i was to deploy this app then users wouldnt have access to the wizard therefore not be able to create users with roles/access.

so how can i do this in code? can i create a drop down in the registration page with two values (staff and admin) which will represent roles and then another drop down with access rights? (allow/deny)

how can i now program these drop down and make it work like i would normally do using configuration wizard?

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Migrating From Custom User List To MS Membership In SQL Server?

Aug 27, 2010

For that, I made my own users and passwords tables and hashed the passwords myself. Now, I would much rather move to Microsoft's built in membership provider with in sql server. Does anybody know a good way to migrate over?

The only real idea I've had so far is to make both systems run simultaneously, then when a user logs in, validate them in my old system, then ask them to re-enter their password and save their new stuff in the microsoft's system... then clear the record out of my old system. Eventually, I would hope that would move everybody into the new system. But that seems annoying and messy. Is there some better way?

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Security :: Custom Membership Provider Error "Could Not Load Type Custom.AspNet.Membership.PostPropertyProvider"

Jan 5, 2011

This is my first membership provider; I converted the sample provider [URL] to SQL. I created a vb class provider and put it into the App_Code folder. After it was created I tried to modify my webconfig but the error pops up. I don't know what else to try, I don't know if I have missed something



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Recommendation For Handling Custom User Properties With OpenID Membership

Jul 12, 2010

I'm using DotNetOpenAuth as my membership system, and the way I have it working now seems to be working quite well. What I'd like to do however is build into my website the ability to check user credentials against the AuthCookie rather than a session. In the membership provider, I can check for the username like this

string UserName = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
''# which returns the OpenId ClaimedIdentifier

What I'm wondering is if there is a way to extend this so that I can retrieve custom properties from the AuthCookie rather than having to create my own session object. Currently I have this setup.

Namespace Domain
Public Class UserSessionModel
Public Property ID As Integer
Public Property RegionID As Integer
Public Property Username As String
Public Property Slug As String
Public Sub New(ByVal user As User)
_ID = user.ID
_RegionID = user.RegionID
_Username = user.UserName
_Slug = Replace(user.UserName, " ", "-")
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace

BaseController (inherited by all controllers)
Protected Overrides Function CreateActionInvoker() As System.Web.Mvc.IActionInvoker
''# Create a UserInfo object for the logged in user
''# and store it in a session state.
If Session("UserInfo") Is Nothing AndAlso User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim user As Domain.UserSessionModel = New Domain.UserSessionModel(OpenIdService.GetOpenId(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).User)
Session("UserInfo") = user
End If
Return MyBase.CreateActionInvoker()
End Function

Then in my views I do something like this

Dim user As MyApp.Core.Domain.UserSessionModel = DirectCast(Session("UserInfo"), MyApp.Core.Domain.UserSessionModel)
<%: Html.ActionLink(user.UserName, "Details", "Users", New With {.id = user.ID, .slug = user.Slug}, Nothing)%>

What I really need to be able to do is remove the Session stuff all together and just simply check the AuthCookie for my custom properties ID, RegionID, Username, and Slug. I can already get the "ClaimedIdentifier" out of the AuthCookie using HttpContext.User.Identity.Name... I just need to be able to extend it.

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Security :: Create / Manage Access Rules For Membership Roles Through Code?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using vs 2005 and 2.0 to create my website. Recently, I thought about applying membership instead of my customized security system in order to achieve higher security level and performance. At first thing went well, since it was easy to create/manage users and Role names from behind code, but when I came upon the "Access Rules" I faced what you can call it an 'obstacle' at least from my opinion.

The thing is, I don't want to use Web Site Administration Tool to create and manage my access rules which I'm going to assign to each of my dynamically created Roles. What I want to be able to do is make a page where the Admin can create/manage his desired Role(s) and also, create/manage the Access Rules, then add such Access Rules to the previously created Role(s).

Now, what I need to know first is... is it even possible to do such thing in the first place? Because the way i understand it is, since the access rules are stored in the web.config of each folder/directory that you apply them on then it shouldn't be allowed to modify it from the running/published website.

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MVC :: Custom Membership / Role Provider Works But Seems Unable To Determine User Roles

Apr 26, 2010

I created a custom forms authentication and membership provider and it seems to work fine opening up in WAT, creating roles and adding users. Also when I in my mvc app use it to log users in, it works fine. However it seems to fail to determine a user's role (no errors, but just jump over User.IsInRole(...) lines and Roles.GetRolesForUser(); comes up empty. I got a gut feeling I did something wrong with my configuration, so for now I'll post just that:


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Security :: Custom SQL Server Membership - User And Role Provider With Aspnet_regsql Generated DB Schema?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to create a Forms Authenticated site and have already used the aspnet_regsql tool to create the necessary logic in my SQL Server DB to hold my data. Now, I am looking to create a custom Membership, User and Role provider for my DB model. I was looking at the following video: [URL]

Now, I get the concept on how to go about it but I notice that this guy uses custom DB Procedures as to the ones that are generated by the aspnet_regsql tool. Can anyone direct me on where I can find info on how to go about building the Membership, User and Role provider class using the DB structure that aspnet_regsql generates? So much junk on google that I am having a hard time finding good guidance.

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Custom User Control Cannot Access Sitemap

Apr 18, 2010

I have a footer that I am adding to a masterpage. Within this footer, if constructs menus based on the Current Node of the sitemap, however the sitemap is coming back as null. how to fix this issue.

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MVC :: "Custom" User Registration Ideas - Implement Authentication And Membership?

Dec 26, 2010

how to implement the authentication and membership for a hobby project I'm working on. Tought I'd ask for opinions here. I started using the membership/authentication/profile providers. First off I want user's to "activate" their accounts, so upon registration I figured I'll set "IsApproved" to false, generate and email an activation code which I store in a user profile. User's won't have usernames, just log in by email address. While it's easy to pass an email address as username, I'm worried about user's having to change their email addresses (used for logging in) later.

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Getting Access To A Custom Master Page From A User Control

May 24, 2010

We have created a Master page that inherits off the Master class.We have also got ui controls that inherit off the standard ui control class.Our Master page has a public member variable. We need to be able to access that member variable from the ui controls that we use.However we can't seem to get at it? Is it our architecture that is wrong? Or the idea itself - user control getting acces to Master page variables?

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C# - Load A User Control In An Ajax WCF Service And Access Custom Properties?

Apr 4, 2011

I can load a generic user control just fine in my WCF service doing the following:

UserControl userControl= (UserControl) new Page().LoadControl("~/UserControls/MyControl.ascx");

However i can't seem to find any way to do this

MyControl myControl=(MyControl)userControl;

The reason i need to do this is because my user control has a custom property, person, I need to do the following:

myControl.Person=new Person();

essentially i need to simulate:

<%@ Reference Control="~/UserControls/MyControl.ascx" %>

which normally goes inside page or master-pages.any way of doing this in an Ajax Enabled WCF Service?

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Security :: Can Implement Custom MembershipUser/custom Roles And Membership Provider

Oct 13, 2010

I create custom principal for implement logic for users. In identity I store Id, Name. But it abnormally - this classes must use for authenticate and authorize.

I can implement custom MembershipUser, custom Roles and Membership provider.

How to do it? What best practices are?

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C# - User Control Access From Code Behind

Dec 22, 2010

I have a user control called adminMenu and I use it in my index.aspx and all is fine, but I need to access a MenuItem in adminMenu and need to change NavigateUrl on the MenuItem. Tried this code with no luck:

MenuItem MaintenanceReports = this.adminMenu.FindItem("MaintenanceReports");

Not sure if I should be accessing adminMenu properties from controls code behind, but when I try from controls code behind was not able to access it either.

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How To Access A User Control's Parent Form's Controls Inside The User Control's Code Behind

Jun 11, 2010

I have to access the parent form's controls inside an event handler method on my user control's code behind.

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Security :: Custom Membership Provider With Custom Controls?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm new to ASP.NET and I don't exactly understand some features.

I have a custom membership provider TestMembershipProvider which inherits from MembershipProvider. It has the following CreateUser method:


It's absolutely simple code.Then I have two text boxes (login, password) and the button to register a new user. I thas a following code:



Authentication in web.config is set like this:


No matter what I write into textboxes, following error is being returned:

The password retrieval question provided is invalid.

I don't know why. Either in web.config or in get RequiresQuestionAndAnswer I have false value. When I instantiate my TestMembershipProvider and call CreateUser directly instead of using static Membership.CreateUser, it works fine. Do I have to use instance of my TestMembershipProvider or did I missed anything?

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C# - Dispose Of Custom Object From Within Custom Membership Provider?

Apr 16, 2010

I have created my custom MembershipProvider. I have used an instance of the class DBConnect within this provider to handle database functions. Please look at the code below:

public class SGIMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
#region "[ Property Variables ]"
private int newPasswordLength = 8;
private string connectionString;
private string applicationName;
private bool enablePasswordReset;
private bool enablePasswordRetrieval;
private bool requiresQuestionAndAnswer;
private bool requiresUniqueEmail;
private int maxInvalidPasswordAttempts;
private int passwordAttemptWindow;
private MembershipPasswordFormat passwordFormat;
private int minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters;
private int minRequiredPasswordLength;
private string passwordStrengthRegularExpression;
private MachineKeySection machineKey;
**private DBConnect dbConn;**
public override bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword)
if (!ValidateUser(username, oldPassword))
return false;
ValidatePasswordEventArgs args = new ValidatePasswordEventArgs(username, newPassword, true);
if (args.Cancel)
if (args.FailureInformation != null)
throw args.FailureInformation;
throw new Exception("Change password canceled due to new password validation failure.");
SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[3];
p[0] = new SqlParameter("@applicationName", applicationName);
p[1] = new SqlParameter("@username", username);
p[2] = new SqlParameter("@password", EncodePassword(newPassword));
bool retval = **dbConn.ExecuteSP("User_ChangePassword", p);**
return retval;
} //ChangePassword
public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
if (config == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
ConnectionStringSettings ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[config["connectionStringName"]];
if ((ConnectionStringSettings == null) || (ConnectionStringSettings.ConnectionString.Trim() == String.Empty))
throw new ProviderException("Connection string cannot be blank.");
connectionString = ConnectionStringSettings.ConnectionString;
**dbConn = new DBConnect(connectionString);
} //Initialize
} // SGIMembershipProvider

I have instantiated dbConn object within Initialize() event. My problem is that how could i dispose off this object when object of SGIMembershipProvider is disposed off. I know the GC will do this all for me, but I need to explicitly dispose off that object. Even I tried to override Finalize() but there is no such overridable method. I have also tried to create destructor for SGIMembershipProvider.

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Custom Server Controls :: Get IP With Custom Membership Provider?

Feb 7, 2011

I was made a custom membership provider.

All works good. My problem is Logs.



I dont know how to get user's ip.

I tried these methods...

Dim req as httprequest
ip = req.servervariables("remote_host") 'result = nothing
Dim req as new httprequest
ip = req.servervariables("remote_host") 'result = nothing
Dim req as requestcontext
ip = req.request.servervariables("remote_host") 'result = nothing...

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Web Forms :: How To Expose User Control Custom Property At Its Code Behind File

Mar 10, 2010

I created a simple gridview user control with a custom property ProfileType which should load different records depending on the ProfileType value when attaching to a web page.

This is my web page:


how I can expose user control custom property at its code-behind file.

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Web Forms :: How To Access A User Control From .vb Code Behind File

May 14, 2010

I'm trying to access a user control from my .vb code behind file. I am actually trying to access a button on that user control page.

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Access :: Getting Error - OleDbException Was Unhelded By User Code

Apr 15, 2010


I am a learner. I have got seven textbox and a button on the page. I should be able to write text in the textboxes and save them in access database. I can run it OK, but when I write something in the texboxes and try to save it I get the following error.

'OleDbException was unhelded by user code'

also the following,

'Could not find file C:mohammadpweb_devcustomer.mbd'

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