JQuery :: Create Slide Gallery On Two Lines With Jquery?

Jan 29, 2011

I need to create a slide Gallery on multiple rows (two) with jquery.There is already made some plugin, or can give me an example to be able to realize?

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Similar Messages:

JQuery :: Create Slide Show Gallery Dynamic?

Jun 20, 2010

creat slide show gallery dynamic asp.net with JQuery

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JQuery :: How To Add Jquery AD-Gallery Gallery Plugin In An C# Project

Jan 13, 2011

I have added jquery gallery image plugin to my web site AD-Gallery

But the lower arrow buttons are not working both in IE and FF. When I moved the mouse over any one of it , an error box appeared in IE with this text

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0)
Timestamp: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 22:39:31 UTC

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method

Line: 439
Char: 15
Code: 0


And the code at line 439 in jquery.ad-gallery.js file is :

var left = context.thumbs_wrapper.scrollLeft() + 1;

why I'm getting this error and how can I get rid from this?

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JQuery :: Automatic Slide Show?

Sep 11, 2010

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Implement Photo Gallery With Slide Show?

Jul 13, 2010

I am developing a web application, I need a modern photo gallary using ajax or jQuery.

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JQuery :: Automatic Slide Show In Datalist?

Jul 1, 2010

I need a slide show in datalist. Let me explain my requirement in detail. I have few columns like ID,ProductName, ProductImage,Product Price columns in my datalist. In that ProductImage is only visible column rest all columns are unvisible. OnPageload user has to see first image then after 5 seconds he has to see second and so on. One it reaches to last image. Again it has to start from the first image. I need a stop button to stop the slide show and then start button to start the slideshow. The important thing is I need to trace the id whenever the user stops the slide show. I hv done the manual slide show. I mean I have done next and previous button. User can manually move to previous and next image. But how to make it work automatically on pageload. I know we have ajax slide show for this purpose. but how to trace the product id while stopping and starting in Ajax slide show.Expecting Your valuable suggestion.Note : I am loading the images from the directory and filename from the database

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JQuery :: Dynamically Add Images To Gallery?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm using a lovely jQuery plugin to load static images into a thumbnail viewer - the locations are hard coded which doesn't serve us any use other than for a demo.

I've managed to pull the images from our server into a unique folder but I've no idea how to load the images dynamically to the plug in. This is the format for the images in the plug in.


The documentation says I can use a JSON array too:


But I don't know how to make this "dynamic". I have the filenames and folder location in C# in my code behind - no idea how to pass this to the jQuery plugin. I can collect the file names and pass to a new ASP page (ie no need to load from the current page).

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JQuery :: How To Develop Photo Gallery With Ajax

Jun 1, 2010

Im developing a news site and I want to do a gallery like the one in this site :


it's created with flash but I need to do it with jQuery or ajax

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JQuery :: Adding Play / Stop Button To A Simple Slide Show?

Sep 24, 2010

I got the following code with the help of raghav khunger and I wanna add a play and stop button on it to cycle the pictures orderly and stop them. how can I do that?


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Looking For A Gallery Running On JavaScript And/or JQuery Like One Click To Many Showcase

Oct 29, 2010

To see the example visit the web page: spam and click one photo you will see many photos appearing. How can I make it using JS or JQuery or what else? I will use .NET for active server pages.

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JQuery :: Removing Duplicate Lines From Autocomplete TextBox?

Jun 17, 2010

My datasource returns up to 3 different values for each item: a contact name, a company name, and an email address

The problem is, this ends up returning the same company names multiple times in the returned list of suggestions

Is there a way to weed these duplicate items out using JQuery or is there another method I should use?

Here is my implementation


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JQuery :: Use DB Query Result To Generate Required Lines Of Code?

Aug 24, 2010

I 'm gonna query database for photo records. each record include "photo path" where imagesURL stored in string format

I Choses my favorite Juqery plugin to show images. Plugin needs some lines of code like below.

How could I generate these lines


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JQuery :: Use Jquery To Create A Play/pause Button To Auto Page Through The Listview Control?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm finding it next to impossible setting up a slideshow given the constraints I have. I could do it easily using a listview control except listview controls don't automatically page themselves! Is it possible to use jquery to create a play/pause button to auto page through the listview control, making it a slide show?

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JQuery :: Create Twitter Like Registration Form For An (C#) Web Application With JQUERY?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to create a twitter like user registartion form for my asp.net(C#) web application. I have configured asp.net membership module for my site. I have searched alot but couldn't find any all in one JQuery Plugin which provide the following functionalities to my webform

1. Form Feild highlight when onFocus and on error
2. Tooltip when form feild is in focus
3. Proper client-side form valodation
4. Check user name avalibility
5. Check email re-registration
6. Calculate Password strength
7. Nice feedback when form is submitted

Can anyone know any all in one plugin wich I can add to my asp.net(C#) registration forms to make my forms live? I'm extremly new to jquery and it my firstever jquery project.

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Mar 16, 2011

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Jquery - Create QUnit Test That Will First Create Mouseover And Then Show An Alert

Feb 28, 2011

I have asp.net button and I want to create a QUnit test that will first create mouseover and then show an alert. How to do this. I tried

$("#buttonid").mouseover(function () {

but it doesnt work.

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Finding PowerPoint Slide Number & Slide Title In VSTO?

Dec 10, 2010

I am writing a small plugin on ASP.NET C# VSTO and I want to be able to capture slide number and title of the slides when a slideshow is happening.

share sample code to capture title of the slide and slide number?

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Web Forms :: Create Ppt Slide Though C#?

Apr 13, 2010

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Create A Slide Show While Using Vb.net 2.0?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a web project that I'm creating using ASP.Net 2.0 (VB code). I need to figure out how to create a slide show that will display a series of pictures that are stored in an xml file. Everything that I have found online shows how to create a slide show using the Ajax Toolkit for 3.5 or greater. what to use to create a slide show using vb.net 2.0?

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How To Create Image Gallery Like That Of Google

Sep 30, 2010

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Access :: Trying To Create An Album Gallery?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to create an album gallery, which works this way:First, i have the album photos with description on each album under the photo, with a pager. ( that was done)Second, when you click on a certain album, you see all photos related to this album only. I am using ACCESS DB. i just cant figure it out how to connect those data correctly, and how clicking an album will take me to the photos related only to it.

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JQuery :: JQuery And Custom Attributes/ Find All Input Elements That Will Require Validation?

Jul 14, 2010

to directly get all elements in a form who contains a non html attribute ?

<input .... customAttribute="validateMe">

So I could find all input elements that will require validation.And use this in a loop to add validation to the input's found :

$('input').attr("customAttribute").val() == "validateMe"

I could also write every validation for each object separately, I have only a few elements who uses a required validation but it would be nice that I could do this in one shot instead of repeating the $("input").rules("add .....

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JQuery :: JQuery Sortable - Sort And Update Database / Using For Custom Sorting <ul><li> List?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using jQuery for custom sorting my <ul><li> list.But I have a problem. I can sort and move those <li>-s but problem is I don't know how to update database with new order integers.Example of html ul li:


This is an example of my li element.. I have id=43, thats Id of picture in database.I use this javascript for trying to somehow make array and read that id into array:


Problem is I don't know exactly what am I doing wrong, because my event doesn't fire, when I press "update button.. Update button fires "update" function on click:


I hope someone will try to explain.Do codebehind and html needs to be in the same document? Can I use ascx and use "update" button there, to fire aspx methode?

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Web Forms :: Create Album Image Gallery

Oct 26, 2013

I want to create Image Gallery as like facebook having different category of  album photos. Like if anybody given the album name xyz so after clicking on xyz or on the image of xyz the images inside that should be opened. In this way i want to create Image gallery using albums. 

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