JQuery :: JQuery Sortable - Sort And Update Database / Using For Custom Sorting <ul><li> List?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using jQuery for custom sorting my <ul><li> list.But I have a problem. I can sort and move those <li>-s but problem is I don't know how to update database with new order integers.Example of html ul li:


This is an example of my li element.. I have id=43, thats Id of picture in database.I use this javascript for trying to somehow make array and read that id into array:


Problem is I don't know exactly what am I doing wrong, because my event doesn't fire, when I press "update button.. Update button fires "update" function on click:


I hope someone will try to explain.Do codebehind and html needs to be in the same document? Can I use ascx and use "update" button there, to fire aspx methode?

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handle: ".handle",
axis: "y",


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