JQuery :: Custom Invalid Validation / Using JQuery Plug-in Validation?

Oct 10, 2010

Is there a method in jQuery that I can customize an invalid validation myself instead of using jQuery plug-in validation?

For example, if the form is valid do this below.

if ($('form').valid()) {
//do something

But if I wanted to have a cutomize invalid method I could do this below.

if (!x == y) {
$('form').valid() = False; //[:(]
alert('Form is not valid.');

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Similar Messages:

JQuery :: JQuery And Custom Attributes/ Find All Input Elements That Will Require Validation?

Jul 14, 2010

to directly get all elements in a form who contains a non html attribute ?

<input .... customAttribute="validateMe">

So I could find all input elements that will require validation.And use this in a loop to add validation to the input's found :

$('input').attr("customAttribute").val() == "validateMe"

I could also write every validation for each object separately, I have only a few elements who uses a required validation but it would be nice that I could do this in one shot instead of repeating the $("input").rules("add .....

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JQuery Error In ASP.NET MVC 3 Clientside Custom Validation?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a razor view in ASP.NET MVC3 application.This view has 2 partialviews PartialView1 is strongly typed and binded with the model.PartialView2 is not binded with the model.and this view consists of a collection of checkboxes.As part of validation atleast one checkbox must be checked to continue with the save.

Following is the jquery code that is giving me error:
Object does not support this property or method.

Error occuring at this line of code:
$("#form0").validate({ rules: { issueCheckBox: { selectNone: true}} });

Following is the JQuery code:

<script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js"


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Jquery Validation Not Working Throwing Error $.validation Is Undefinedj?

Nov 30, 2010

jQuery validation is working fine on my machine, when i pushed it to test server it won't it's throwing some errors which is kind of surprising.These are the errors I am getting: $.validator is null or not an object...I've never gotten this error before and it throwing an error when I declared a variable like var isValid.I don't know what to do. I am doing the custom validation methods not in the document.ready(). Does this cause this error? I wonder because all jquery validations are passing and hitting the server side validations.

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Web Forms :: Validating Input In A Custom User Control Using Jquery Validation Plugin?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a custom user control with some input fields and a submit button. I need to validate the fields using the jquery validation plugin when the submit button is clicked. (The function of the submit button is to create another custom control which displays the data entered in the above mentioned control)

Bt as far as I knw, validation plugin works only with form validation ryt? And my custom control does not contain a form tag as I am using master pages. The custom control is present in one of the content pages and the master page already contains a form tag with a runat=server attribute. And I guess one page can contain only a single form tag with runat=server attrib ryt?

So how do I get it to work?

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How To Localize The Validation Messages In JQuery's Validation

Oct 13, 2010

Is there a standard practice for localizing the JQuery Validation messages?

I've been able to hack something together by declaring my own ClassRules and referencing them instead of the default ones.

My code.


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Jquery, C#, Server Validation And Validation Blocks?

Feb 1, 2011

Im using the ms validation blocks to validate user input posted using jquery (ajax). Can someone give me an example of the best way to inform the user that the data does not validate.

Do i simply throw an exception and use the error event of the $.ajax function to inform the user of the issues or is there a better way of handling this?

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JQuery :: Pager Combined With Jquery's Load Function Results In : Validation Of Viewstate MAC Failed?

Dec 21, 2010

In my master.page I load a Web form:

<script type="text/jscript">$("#LoginInformation").load("LoginInformation.aspx");</script>

But when I have a ListView or DataView, etc... with a pager, I get problems when I click on 'next page'.Then I get the error: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. When I don't use Jquery's load function, I don't get an error.

View 6 Replies

JQuery :: How To Reset The Page After Jquery Validation On Asyncronous Postbacks

Dec 13, 2010

I am having some problem with Jquery validation.

In my application i am using jquery validation plugin..I am using Updatepanels and i am validating using


and ValidateMyform will validate on each button click...

var objPost = args.get_postBackElement();
if (objPost === null || objPost === undefined) return;
if (objPost.type == 'submit') {[code].....

Here I want to get back the page to normal stage(like after a full page postback)...even though after async postback the validation is still active...it should not get back to normal and its throwing errors if i enter something wrong...this is because the page is not fully refreshed on asyc postbacks...I just want get the like the normal after each asyc post back...

I tried using submit and reset to reset the page but its became to normal..the validation is still active...I have no idea what to do..

View 4 Replies

JQuery :: Date Range Validation Using Jquery.validate File

Dec 30, 2010

has anyone implemented date range vaildation using jquery.validate file? when i m trying to implement it with mvc application its not working properly , as its working only for numeric types. wl range validator of jquery validate only numeric values ?

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JQuery :: Creating The Validation Using Jquery In .netform With Post Mehtod?

Sep 24, 2010

I have created the validation using jquery in my asp.netform with post mehtod.but i have replicate the same in usercontrol.But in useroncontrol i dont have any form and i cant give any action and any post mehtod. how to do validation using jquery in usercontrol.

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MVC - Mark Multiple Fields Invalid In Custom Validation Attribute?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a form where users enter their preferred contact method. It has:

- a radio button where a user selects whether they'd like to be contact by phone or email or either

- a textbox for the user's email address

- a textbox for the user's phone number

I have validation via a custom attribute that verifies that if the user selected phone they entered a phone number, if they selected email they entered an email, etc... but it's at a class level on my ViewModel. As such the validation doesn't mark the expected field as invalid.

Is there a way that my IsValid override (or some other method) can mark the child property's value as invalid so I get highlighting?

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MVC :: JQuery Validation With JQuery UI Tabs Exhibiting Itself

May 12, 2010

In our application we have multiple instances of the same form in different tabs (one tab for each client). We use the MVC2 jquery validation to validate these forms, using the Html.textboxFor and Html.ValidationMessageFor elements.

The problem exhibits itself when we have two tabs. When we give wrong input in the second form (second tab), the validationmessage is shown on the (closed) first tab. It seems that the validation message is linked to the ID of the validationmessage (and thus only linked to the first form), and not to the combination of the form with the ID.


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JQuery :: Validation (jquery.validate.min.js) And Forms?

Jan 30, 2011

I have moved form the toolkit tabcontainer to jquery tabs. Now I consider to change the asp.net validation controls for jquery.The jquery validator uses the form element as container of all fields. However, I only use one asp.net form element which contains 'multiple' forms (a group of fields represent a form; one on each tab).Can I activate the jquery validator on a something else than a form element? I tried a div element, but this did not work.


In asp.net we have the validation group attribute to indicate the boundaries of a 'form'.

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JQuery :: Checkbox And Dropdown Validation Using Jquery?

Oct 6, 2010

i have a checkbox and dropdown in a gridview when user selects checkbox only then he can select the dropdown, and the dropdown wil have the values corresponding to the gridview rows count if user checks two checkbox in a gridview,and the dropdown value should be diffrent it should be not the same for the selected checkbox how to achieve this using Jquery and asp.net

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Is There A Tool In Visual Studio Or Plug-in To Automate Creating Buddy Class Validation

Dec 18, 2010

I am walked by Scott Hanselman's book through how to create NerdDinner MVC application.To validate the entity type Dinner that is generated by Entity Data Model Wizard, he extended the entity Dinner first by using partial class trick and then made a buddy class to be associated with Dinner.

namespace NerdDinner.Models
public partial class Dinner { }
public class DinnerValidation
Required(ErrorMessage = "Title is required")]
[StringLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Title may not be longer than 50 characters")]
public string Title { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Description is required")]

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MVC :: Register Client-side Validation For Custom Validation Attribute?

May 19, 2010

I am trying to create a custom password validation attribute which has these requirements

1. cannot be empty.

2. doesn't contain space or other special chracters, which I'll define later.

3. length is between 6 - 12


it works fine on the server-side but I'd like to make this work on the client side as well, so I created a PasswordAttributeAdapter class


and in global.asax I added


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MVC :: Custom Validation Attribute Is Not Called By Validation Mechanism?

Aug 28, 2010

Custom Validation Attribute is not called by validation mechanism?




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JQuery :: Get DatePicker Plug In?

Oct 10, 2010

Is there an easy way to get the datePicker plugin? Currently, I include the following jquery in a web page: [Code]....

At the jquery site, the download for datePicker has a bunch of files. And I am confused by the instructions. Went to another site for datePicker, and I get "object not supported" errors.Is there a simple "jquery-latest-UI.js" file I can include in the web page?

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MVC :: JQuery Validation Not Working With IIS?

Nov 19, 2010

Im using MVC 2 and .NET 4 on my local machine. I can debug my project using the Visual Studio Development Server locally. Everything works great, including the validation using



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Possible To Fire Validation From JQuery?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a form with several text boxes on it. I only want to accept floats, but it is likely that users will enter a dollar sign. I'm using the following code to remove dollar signs and validate the content:


$("#<%= tb.ClientID %>").change(function() {
var ctrl = $("#<%= tb.ClientID %>");

asp.net validation:

<asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator4" runat="server" Type="Double" ControlToValidate="tb" Operator="DataTypeCheck" ValidationGroup="vld_Page" ErrorMessage="Some error" />

My problem is that when someone enters a dollar sign in the TextBox "tb" and changes focus the validation happens first and THEN the jQuery removes the dollar sign. Is it possible to have the jQuery run first or to force the validation to run again after the jQuery executes?

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Jquery - Using MVC Validation In Javascript

Feb 2, 2011

I am currently looking a valiadation controls in javascript and ASP.NET and have come across the new MVC "jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js" which appears to use the data tags in the HTML to do the validation, is it possible to use these in standard ASP.NET (none MVC) as my logic seems to indication you can (by adding the appropriate data tags) but I can't find any referrance to using the library outside MVC

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C# - .NET Date Validation With JQuery?

Oct 1, 2010

I need to do some basic validation on a date, things like validating that the date is greater than today, validating that the date is real (i.e. "99/99/9999"), etc. Basically, I need to emulate what .NET does with DateTime.TryParse. Is there anything like that in jQuery? Or would I be better off making an AJAX call to validate the date in C#?

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How To Go For Custom Validation Control And When To Do Validation In Javascript

Mar 12, 2010

When to go for custom validation control and when to do validation in javascript? What are pros and cons of each of them?

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JQuery :: Difference Between JavaScript - How To Create Plug-ins

Oct 8, 2010

May I know what is the exact difference between jQuery and JavaScript at root level.

Most of the post /blogs says It is light weight javascript?What does it mean?

I have used Jquery plugins in my project so my project doesn't get the effect if I don't use the Pugins .Why do I need Pugins?

Can I create my plugins if yes How should I create my own plugins

I don't want to be dependant on somebody else 's plugin

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