JQuery :: Dynamically Add To Jscript From Code-behind?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm using the excellent FullCalendar jquery tool and need to inject a list of events into the javascript already in place on the aspx page, shown below:

$(document).ready(function() {
var date = new Date();
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth();


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Encrypt My JScript Code With Using JQuery And Json?

Jun 19, 2010

Do can i Encrypt my JScript code with using JQuery and Json? How can i Encrypt my JScript code? I dont want every one that use my JScript code can read my JScript source code.

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JQuery :: Breaking On Jscript Runtime Error?

Nov 2, 2010

I have used jquery in one omy requirement. I would like to know why this breaking on jscript error will occur?

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JQuery :: Getting Error As Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: 'jQuery' Is Undefined - How To Fix It

Feb 15, 2011

I am using jQuery Vertical splitter in my application. I am getting error as Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'jQuery' is undefined.

And I am using this as follows..


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JQuery :: Throwing Microsoft JScript Runtime Error

Aug 9, 2010

i have an ascx user control with jQuery in script tags to do some UI work in the .ready jquery function but i'm getting the Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected error and i'm not sure why. here's my code:


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JQuery :: Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: 'readyBound' Is Undefined?

Nov 17, 2010

i am using this in the heder of my master page but every time i am going to run the project i got this error "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'readyBound' is undefined"or when use jquery in genral i got "microsoft jscript runtime error object doesn't support this property or method" + "$("#tabs").tabs();"

<link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.5/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css" />

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JQuery :: Jscript Error - Object Doesn't Support Property Or Method

Aug 19, 2010

i have little knowledge on javascript but i need to use this code get from somewhere for a jquery to work. I face this "Jscript runtime error: Object does not support property or method" whenever im trying to run this page. In my experience, im get this error msg 9 out of 10 times i use javascript in my system. Im using Microsoft Visual web developer 2008, i wonder if this is related to my problem, i not sure there is anything i need to add as reference or update anything. But anyway, in short, i just couldn't use javascript code when using this development tool because of this sort of error. Anyway, it happen that last time i tried use the same type of jquery code in another project and it seems to work well without an error. But now when im try to use it again in this recent project i created, it come out with this error and i have no idea how to solve it even look through google and this forum. It doesn't really seems like its the code problem itself although im not sure, because any javascript code just couldn't work. So below is my code that i need to use.


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C# - Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Object Expected After Using Code

Aug 4, 2010

i am getting this error when the below condition match, i am using the below code in Content page and in my master page i have this

<asp:ScriptManager EnablePartialRendering="true" EnablePageMethods="true" ID="smgr" runat="server" />

Error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

if (lstRecipient.Items[i].Text == ddlRecipient.SelectedItem.Text)
isDuplicate = true;
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "AlertAdd", "jAlert('Recipient name is already in the list.', 'Duplicate Entry!');", true);

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Web Forms :: Visual Web Developer 2010 Is Running VB Code Through JScript?

Jun 30, 2010

I am a complete novice so please forgive this simplicity of this question.....I've opened up the default ASP.NET website template in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and have the following code in my Default.aspx page (I also have a 'site.master' page which contains my Default.aspx page in a placeholder):

<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="false"
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
<asp:Content ID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent">


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To Put Jscript Code In Aspx Page, Which Created By Inheriting A Master Page?

Oct 8, 2010

i am creating a simple web portal, but i am stuck in a aspx page which created by inheriting master page ,there is some jscript code, but i don't know where to put this code in that page.

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JQuery :: Splitter Jquery Plugin Dynamically With 2 Panes?

Dec 19, 2010

I want a sample that uses splitter jquery plugin dynamically with 2 panes.

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JQuery :: Implment A Simple Function like A Show() Giving This Error: "Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Object Expected"?

Feb 13, 2011

I am new to jquery in asp.net mvc2 and was trying to implment a simple jquery function like a show() function on my system but it keeps giving me this error:

"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected"

this is my code:


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Oct 25, 2010

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JQuery :: Jquery Work With Others Browsers And Put The Js Code Outside The Html?

Mar 10, 2011

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How can I put this jquery code outside my html?


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JQuery :: Code Behind Jquery Load Failed

Mar 30, 2011

how to load Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), Page.ClientID + "_ReadyScript2", scripts.ToString()); in Class file resubable code

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JQuery :: Runtime Error: Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: "nodeName" Is Null Or Not An Object

Sep 30, 2010

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'nodeName' is null or not an object in jquery-1.4.2.min.js It occures only with IE.

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JQuery :: Best Place For JQuery Code?

Jul 12, 2010

Which is the best place to put your JQuery code.I have my jquery code on my aspx or ascx page. Is it secure to put our code here?

Would it be best and secure to have a seperate javaScript file for this?

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JQuery :: Creat The Datepicker Dynamically?

Aug 9, 2010

I have a big fat problem that i cannot wrap my head around with. I have a table and on each cell dbclick event i let the user edit the content on that cell, and one of those cell have a date in it and i would like the use to input date using the datepicker thus i need to find out how to creat the datepicker dynamically, i have the following text so far but it does not work.


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Popup A Jquery Window Dynamically?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a form that users must fill out. Once they click submit, I check for various errors. If there are any errors, I want to popup a jquery window at that point (via my code) to display the error message. Unfortunately, I'm having some trouble trying to get it to work. I don't receive any error...just a page refresh, nothing more.

Here's my codebehind:

Dim scriptString scriptString As
String = "<script language=JavaScript>"
scriptString += "$(document).ready(function() {"
scriptString += "$('#mies1').overlay().load();"
scriptString += "});"
scriptString += "</script>"
Dim errorMessage as String = "My Error Message Here."
Page.RegisterStartupScript("Error", scriptString)

In addition, I'll need to get my "errorMessage" string onto the qQuery popup window. Any idea as to how I can dynamically pop open this jQuery window and display my error message?

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JQuery :: Dynamically Add Images To Gallery?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm using a lovely jQuery plugin to load static images into a thumbnail viewer - the locations are hard coded which doesn't serve us any use other than for a demo.

I've managed to pull the images from our server into a unique folder but I've no idea how to load the images dynamically to the plug in. This is the format for the images in the plug in.


The documentation says I can use a JSON array too:


But I don't know how to make this "dynamic". I have the filenames and folder location in C# in my code behind - no idea how to pass this to the jQuery plugin. I can collect the file names and pass to a new ASP page (ie no need to load from the current page).

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Jquery - Give A Name Dynamically To Controls?

Mar 28, 2011

On a page I use a jQuery UI tabs. In several tabs, some part are the same, then I create a partial view. This partial view is call several time on the same page because tabs are divs on the same page. Then I have to make a difference between control.

In the partial view, I have this :

I'd like to tab0 give to this control : tabs0MyControl

I'd like to tab1 give to this control : tabs1MyControl

I need make the difference between because I do some action with jQuery after.

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How To Use JQuery On Dynamically Created Textbox

Sep 27, 2011

i am creating Textboxes at Runtime with something like this

Dim cnt As New TextBox
cnt.ID = "cont_" & x
If multiline Then
cnt.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
End If

These are dynamically created fields. so what i want to do is to use this following JQuery on this textbox

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#contentbox").keyup(function() {
var box=$(this).val();
var main = box.length *100;
var value= (main / 145);
var count= 145 - box.length;
if(box.length <= 145) {
$('#bar').animate({"width": value+'%',}, 1);
return false;

and what this function does it count the number of Characters that have been typed in a Textbox. so i am displaying the remaining characters. So that is working fine on my example because the Element is known at Early Binding. Now my question is what if the textbox is created dynamically ?



this is the name of the Textbox in my example. how do we use a J Query in Dynamically created Textbox.

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How To Dynamically Add Usercontrol Through Code Behind?

Jun 9, 2010

i have created web usercontrol, and i want to add it dynamically when user click on the button jst like we create dynamic button as,
dim objbtn as new button,i have add that uesr control and code for it is as follows,

dim objUC as clsUC=loadControl("hotel/UCRest.ascx")

and it get added but problem is that, using this code i got only design of the usercontrol not all functionality mean there are combos in it and i wrote code to fill that combos at page load event but using above code it adds combos,but they are empty. and there is also a checkbox and code written on click of checkbox will not get execute.

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Counting Rows In C# After Dynamically Adding Them With JQuery

Dec 15, 2010

I just have a simple ASP Table seen here:

<asp:Table ID="tblCategories" runat="server" CssClass="oneColTable padded-table dataTable">
<asp:TableHeaderRow CssClass="tableHeader">
<asp:TableHeaderCell>Category Name</asp:TableHeaderCell>
<asp:TableHeaderCell Width="50">Delete</asp:TableHeaderCell>

And if the user wants to add an additional row I use the jQuery Clone method to copy and append a new row.

My issue comes when I want to count the rows present on the C# side it always lists 1 Row. The row for the header entry.

How can I correctly grab the accurate row count on the C# (Codebehind) side?

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JQuery :: Dynamically Populate Menu Items?

Jan 8, 2011

I am using Asp.Net 3.5 along with C# and database is SQL Server 05. I am using Asp.net menustrip that is bind with with data source using LINQ to SQL. i also add some CSS stuff with menu so that after applying CSS my menu show at top of website horizontally.

But i need some JQuery Menu (stylish menu) which should be populate dynamically.

For Example i created two roles 1) Admin 2) User

When admin loggin the admin menu show when user loggin admin menu hide and all the data of menu is populate via JSON file. I am using sitemap to populate menu but now i want some JQuery Menu which is stylish and should populate accodrding to needs not be hard coded.

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