JQuery :: Html Editor Content To Event?

Nov 10, 2010

i am using the html content editor found here [URL].aspx this is nice and lite and works well. but i have a linkbutton that will save the content, i am not sure how i can pass the content to the onclick event handler.

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JQuery :: How To Get HTML Content Of Editor Control Given In AJAX Toolkit Control Through JQuery In Client

Mar 11, 2011

I have a Editor control with ID="Editor1" . But i want to retrieve its html content entered by the user in the client side through jQuery .

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AJAX :: How To Use Editor With HTML Content

Sep 24, 2010

I have a AJAX editor and I want to put the HTML content in a database and I want to get the HTML data from the database to put in the HTML editor, in HTML mode.

So I do:

Editor1.ActiveMode = AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.ActiveModeType.Html;

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AJAX :: Display HTML Editor Content On Another Page?

Apr 7, 2010

I am using the HTML Editor with a database, which works fine. All the instructions I find show the output on the same page as the Editor - which to me doesn't make much sense... at least not for how I want to use it. I believe I need to use the Literal control, but I can't find a clear example.

If I have Editor1 on page "edit.aspx" which submits the content to database db.mdb, using fields "id" and "fldContent", how can I display the content on another page "view.aspx"?

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AJAX :: HTML Editor - Store The Content Of It And View It?

Jan 1, 2010

I want to use ajax html editor. I want to store the content of it in a ms access database and how can I do that? editor1.text is valid on this I guess. also do ı need to use ole object for that?I want to view it in datalist and how can I do that?

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AJAX :: Reference To A JavaScript File To Use In HTML Editor Content?

Jan 6, 2010

I wish to execute a javascript function in HTML Editor content. Hower, I give me the error "object expected". It seems like the browser cannot locate my javascript file.

Here is my setup:

- I have an external javascript file, "myscript.js" under "script" folder which has "test" function which contains a single "alert()" command.

- I referenced to "myscript.js" via <script src=....> tag (and also tried using Script manager's ScriptReference Path, same result).

- In my default.aspx page, I have a button which call "test" on mouseover event, which works call "test" correctly whenever I mouseover.

- In my default.aspx, I have the HTML Editor, with the this HTML content:

<span id="0001" onmouseover="alert('ok');">OK</span>
<span id="0002" onmouseover="test('not ok');">Not OK</span>

When I mouseover "ok" alert() script executed, but it give "object expected" error on I mouse over "not ok", it look like the browser cannot find "test" in myscript.js.

How do I reference this a script file inside the HTML Editor content?

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AJAX :: How To Save Editor Content As An HTML File To A Disk

Jun 2, 2010

How to save Ajax Editor content as an HTML file to a disk?

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AJAX :: How To Receive The Content Of The Editor Control With Jquery

Apr 28, 2010


How can i recieve the Content of the Ajax Editor Control with jquery. It doesn't work!

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AJAX :: Can't Receive The Content Of The Editor Control With JQuery

Apr 28, 2010

i am using jquery 1.4.2 and asp.net 3.5 with the microsoft ajaxcontroltoolkit.

My Problem is i can't recieve the Content of the Ajax Editor Control with jQuery?

I Know it's a Textarea bvehind the scene but its not possible for me to recieve the

value of the Editorcontrol.

Here is theSource:


I have no problem with normal <asp:Textareas> only the Editor Control from the

AJaxcontroltoolkit doesn't work.

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AJAX :: Html Editor Control - When Saving Content To Sql Server Which Dataype use?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a few questions about HTML Editor Control.

1. when saving content to sql server which dataype do I use?

2. Since they changed this site, I am unable to find access the videos. there was a video about custom editor control, but it was in VB and I need the code in C# does anyone know how to access the videos and sample code on this site anymore?

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Jul 16, 2010

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Is there one built into WebMatrix or can I just use the AjaxToolkit Html Editor or another 3rd party editor?

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SQL Server :: AJAX HTML Editor - How To Get Content From Database / Failed To Enable Constraints

Jul 16, 2010


I know there are a couple of posts about this already, but I still can't figure it out.

I'm using Table Adapters method called GetBBNewsByNewsID with the following SQL query:

SELECT Description
WHERE (NewsID = @NewsId)

The table has columns: NewsID, Header and Description. I only chose Description cuz that's all I wanted to show.

This is my code (aspx.cs):


The error I keep getting is:

Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

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AJAX :: Editor Content Show At Literal At Button Click Using JQuery

Aug 29, 2012

I want to show editor content at literal at button click using jquery. I have editor,literal,button like below.

<cc1:Editor ID="Editor2" runat="server" />

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Preview" />

<asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

I show like below.

 Literal1.Text = Editor2.Content;

how can i do it using jquery.

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AJAX :: KeyPress Event For HTML Editor?

Jun 24, 2010

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Jun 22, 2010

I was wondering if there was an easy way to change the output generation properties of the HTML editor.

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Mar 5, 2011

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AJAX :: Display HTML Editor Created Text Outside Of The Editor?

Jan 26, 2010

I have an Editor control on my page and the user can go in use it hit save and that all works.

In another part of the page I have a simple dropdown to select a note and view it. When you push view it loads the text which was entered in via the editor control.

If the user used an order or unordered list. The text shows up but not the list part.

So if they did this:

ThisAnd this

What is displaying is

And This

Without the bullets. Same for the numbers.

I have it going to a literal control which should render the html, but it doesn't.

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Web Forms :: Custom Editor Zone Of Html Editor

Sep 6, 2010

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How To Get Element Content By Id From HTML Object By JavaScript ( JQuery )

May 10, 2010

i write the following code to access page "JQueryPage.aspx" and get data from it using jQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
function(data) {
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);

"JQueryPage.aspx" is just a page that contain DIV called 'resultsDIV' that contain the data that i want to return the above code return data variable that contain "JQueryPage.aspx" html and i want to get DIV content from it .

i have 2 questions:

1- how can i extract DIV content from data object
2- is this way is th best to get that data ?

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JQuery :: Autcomplete With Blur Event On Html.TextBoxFor?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a strange problem in my application.whenever i select a suggestion from the autocomplete(jquery) textbox, it first fires a blur event of a textbox first.(When i click the suggestion using mouse). But i want to fire blur event later.What should i do?

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JQuery :: Access Html Elements Like "<p>" Tag And Others When Html Elements Are In Content Page Only?

Oct 3, 2010

i have found out a way to find controls on content pages by using

var txt = $('input[id$=TextBox1]'). But how to access html elements like "<p>" tag and others in jquery when the html elements are in content page only.

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How To Replace Html Tag In Html Editor With Specific String

Feb 9, 2010

anyone knows how to replace a html tag in a string with specific characters:


string s1 = "<span style="italic">inluding <span style="bold">other</span> tags </span>";
string s2 = "<span style="italic">inluding </span><span style="bold">other tags </span>";

i want to replace "span" with "bold" to "bOpen" and "bClose" and to replace "span" with "italic" to "iOpen" and "iClose" in both c# and javascript.

i did use regular expression to do that: res = Regex.Replace(res, ".*?", replaceHtmlBold); but it cant match the nested tag and none-nested tag at the same time.

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Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to use JavaScript passed by Ajax on the client-side? I am getting an "object expected" error from an onClick event from a HTML control that is passed with the JS. The controls and JS work when the page is rendered on the server.

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How To Create A Content Site Editor

Jan 15, 2010

I'm using ASPMaker to create a content site editor. It analises the database and creates automatically the pages(list, edit and add) for all DB tables. But ASPMaker is limited to customize the resources and design.

I need any easy and fast way to create this content editor in ASP.Net C#. Can someone indicate a software or any easy way to use Visual Studio 2008?

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AJAX :: Gets Content Of Editor Control In Client?

Mar 12, 2010

I want to Gets Content or Text of Editor control in client. How can me it?

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