AJAX :: Dynamic Client-side Content / Getting An "object Expected" Error From An OnClick Event From A HTML Control?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to use JavaScript passed by Ajax on the client-side? I am getting an "object expected" error from an onClick event from a HTML control that is passed with the JS. The controls and JS work when the page is rendered on the server.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Control Server Side Event Is Not Firing If We Set Client Side Events?

Aug 27, 2010

I have created dynamic control with both server and client side events.. if i set client side event server side event is not firing.. I have created the link button which will validate and do some necessary actions.. Validation is working but click event of link button is not firing .. if we remove the client side event , server side event is firing.. how to avoid this.. I want both events..

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Content Placeholder Javascript Object Expected Error

Jan 29, 2010

I have the following code behind that was, until recently, working fine and dandy!

tbxProdAC.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#" + GridView1.ClientID + "').remove();
$('#" + radProdAC.ClientID + "').attr('checked', true);
$('#" + ddlBuyer.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Buyer--');
$('#" + ddlSub.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Sub Category--');
$('#" + ddlProd.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Product--');");

However, ever since I have introduced the notion of content place holders (from a master page), I am repeated getting the Object Expected error.Now I understand why this is happening, asp.net is amending the control names to take into account the CPH i.e. $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_radBuyer').attr('checked', true);

How do I go about reslving this issue, effectively 'renaming' my asp.net controls to take this into account?

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AJAX :: Can Send An Object From Client-side JavaScript To Server-side Code Via AJAX

Mar 16, 2011

I know that I can receive an javascript object from the server via ASP.NET AJAX using Json. But I am not sure how can I send an javascript object from my client-side javascript to my server-side code. And if I can, how can I extract this object in my server-side code and access its members?

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AJAX :: Object Expected Error When Using ComboBox?

Feb 11, 2010

I've got a few ComboBoxes on a page which worked fine before. I can't recall making any changes to the form but now I get an "Object Expected" javascript error when the page loads and the comboxes don't load/work.

On debugging from IE, the highlighted error is in MicrosoftAjax.js in the piece of code

var a=g?new h(g):new h

View 9 Replies

Dynamic Control And OnClick Event On PostBack?

Jan 13, 2010

I know this topic has been posted before but I'm stuck on it still.I've placed creating of dynamic control on Page_Load but the event isn't firing.On my asp page, i have <asp:PlaceHolder ID="test" runat="server/>On my code behind, I have private display method.

private void DisplayButton() {
LinkButton btn = new LinkButton();


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Converting Client Side Html Radio Buttons To Web Controls With Dynamic Ids?

Jan 12, 2011

I have the following client side code in .aspx page within a datalist itemtemplate that takes questions from the database like this:


The output is like:

1) What is your age group?
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
- Option 4

The ID's of the radio buttons are dynamic ("Q" & QuestionID). If there is no answer to a question then the GetVisible function returns false and the containing panel is hidden.

I have been trying to get rid of the html and replace these with asp:radiobuttons but it is not possible to set id's from databinding.. only simply. I was trying something like:

<asp:RadioButton ID="Q<%#Eval("ID")%>" runat="server" Visible='<%#GetVisible(Eval("OptionA").Tostring())%>'
Text='<%#Server.HtmlEncode(Eval("OptionA").ToString())%>' />

Here is the function that provides data:


but I'm finding it impossible to work with the html controls, i.e get their .text value from codebehind, or adding events!

better way to replace the html with suitable asp.net web controls or from the codebehind and output it. Or point me in the right direction?

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AJAX :: Getting Error Object Expected In Line ==> Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded ();

May 11, 2010


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JQuery :: How To Get HTML Content Of Editor Control Given In AJAX Toolkit Control Through JQuery In Client

Mar 11, 2011

I have a Editor control with ID="Editor1" . But i want to retrieve its html content entered by the user in the client side through jQuery .

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AJAX :: Fire A Javascript Onclick Function Before The Server Side Event(SelectedNodeChanged) Called?

May 12, 2010

I have developed a web application which contains aspdotnet treeview control. In this treeview control has binded with some database value.. that controls has one parent node and more than one child nodes for each parent node.

my problem is here, when the user clicks the parent node, I need to fire a javascript onclick function before the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged) called..

If I provide javascript to the parnet node when it is binding, then I could not fire the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged).

How to provide onclick javascript event for parent node in treeview control even the parent node has SelectedNodeChanged event.

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: To Know Error Like Username Or Password Is Incorrect On Client Side Instead Server Side?

Oct 4, 2010

I m using site login Control in my login.ascx file and disaplaying login control in Div so if there is login link in page and i click on that then Login Div will popup which is site login.May i know how can handle error like username or password is incorrect on client side instead server side?

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AJAX :: Retrieving The Content Of The HTMLEditor On The Client Side In JavaScript

Oct 12, 2010

retrieving the content of the HTMLEditor on the client side in Javascript

I have tried:


nothing seems to work

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AJAX :: Create Server Side Object On Client

Jun 21, 2010

I've created a ScriptService / ScriptMethod that uses a custom class as an input parameter but can't figure out how to create an instance of the object on the client side.I thought that when I used ScriptManager and Ajax before the ScriptManager registered my server side classes for me or am I completely mistaken?

View 4 Replies

Client Side Click Event Of Control In User Control Doesn't Work?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a webdayview control (Infragistics proprietary ASP.net control) on my page. On the aspx source I've inserted some javascript (webdayview_click - clientside click event) that calls a webmethod in the codebehind. This seems to work fine, but when I
insert this webdayview control into a user control and move the corresponding javascript into the aspx of the user control, it doesn't work. I can't even insert a breakpoint into the javascript function to debug it. Is there a way to make it work? I want to enable the click event of the webdayview control so that when I click on it, the javascript function calls the webmethod. Here's my code (remember it is inside a user control):


I posted this question on the Infragistics forum but didn't get any replies. Hopefully I'll get some here. :)

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Run Server Side Function On Dynamic HTML Control?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create an HTML button that can use a C# server side delete function. since I don't know how many results I will have at the page, the control is created dynamically when the end user searches for current Messages:

CmsContactUsContent += string.Format("
"<input type='image' value='delete' id='del{8}' runat='server' onClick='DeleteItem' img src='/MaromyDotNet/img/AdminIcons/note.png' style='width:16px;'/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div style='clear:both'></div></div>", message.ContactMessageId);

There is a Class called ContactMessage and I'd like at each iteraion to allow the user to delete the current message through this function:

public void DeleteItem(object sender, EventArgs e)
int idToDelete = 41;

However, the event does not fire.

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Handle OnClick On Client Side ?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to handle the OnClick event on the client side with javascript, i tried using OnSelectionChanged which 's triggering event handler that's being handled in the code behind(.cs). Basically, my requirement is when user clicks on a particular date, i want to pass the date selected value to a javascript function to implement other part of the webpage functionality.How do I handle the onClick client side?

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Web Forms :: How To Fire Server Side Event After Client Side Event Is Triggered

Sep 12, 2012

I have a scenario where i have 4 asp buttons , on click of each button there are 4 labels inside 4 seperate divs where each displays seperate data.

Now if i click second button i need to display second label text inside 2nd div and hide all other divs.How can i achieve this ?

 OnClientClick event of each button calls displayAlternate() which displays repective div and hides other.

displayAlternate('second'); return false; --> if i do this server side event is not fired ...

If I return true div second label is not getting displayed..

How can I achieve functionality where all divs expect 2nd is hidden and i get server side event also..

Below is code.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function displayAlternate(id) {

[Code] .....

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Javascript - User Control With Client + Server Side CustomValidation; Wrong Client Side Validator Is Picked

Nov 23, 2010

I have a user control which contains a CustomValidator which is used according to whether a RadioButton is checked or not (there are several RadioButtons, I'm only showing the relevant one)

<asp:RadioButton runat="Server" ID="RadioBetween" GroupName="DateGroup" CssClass="date_group_options_control_radio" />

There is some client + server side validation code (the server side code does exactly the same thing and is skipped for brevity)

<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateDateFields_Client(source, args) [code]...

There are two instances of this control in the page. When running the client side version it hits the wrong one (the version of the control which is disabled). You can see from the generated HTML both are correctly specified. I'm not sure how .NET works out which clientside function to call given they both have the same name.

<script type="text/javascript">
var ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator = document.all ? document.all["ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator"] : document.getElementById("ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator");

Do i need to add something in to scope it? What's the best way to achieve this? If I disable the loading of the second control everything works fine.

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Adding Client Side OnClick To A HyperlinkField In GridView

May 30, 2010

I have an existing GridView which contains the field "partner name". It is sortable by partner name.Now I need to change the Partner Name field and in some condition make it clickable and alert() something.

The existing code is:

<asp:GridView ID="gridViewAdjustments" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" AllowSorting="True" OnSorting="gridView_Sorting" OnRowDataBound="OnRowDataBoundAdjustments" EnableViewState="true">
<asp:BoundField DataField="PartnerName" HeaderText="Name" SortExpression="PartnerName"/> [code]...

enable me to access "lnk" by id and add to its attributes. However, I lose the Sort ability.

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Client Side Event That Occurs On A User Control When Its Parent Submits To The Server?

Sep 8, 2010

Is there a client side event that occurs on a user control when its parent submits to the server?

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Web Forms :: How To Call To Script Element And OnClick Client-side

Jan 3, 2010

I am trying to get my ListView to select the item that was clicked.

I have it working with a CommandButton in the listViewItem, but I would like to have the item select when the user clicks anywhere on the row.

I need to somehow PostBack or otherwise get the ListView to return to the server and re-bind with data. I just don't know enough about client-side script to get this done.

This is the HTML client-side code of interest. Specifically, the onClick event.


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'Object Expected' Error In Jquery?

Dec 10, 2010

am getting objected expected error in my jquery how to reselove it.........i am try to redirect to login page when the session gets time outs.........

<% if (this.Request.IsAuthenticated)
int sessionDialogWait = 2 * 60 * 1000 - 60 * 500; // ms = 1.5 minutes
int sessionTimeout = 1 * 60 * 1000; // ms = 28 minutes

getting error in this part as 'Object Expected' in this part " $(document).ready(function () {" either i should add any thing in my page....

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Web Forms :: "object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object" Error When Access The Dynamic Control

Nov 25, 2010

I got this error "object reference not set to an instance of an object" when i want to display the values of dynamic generated drop down lists by pressing a button to show the values in Listitem.

i have master page in which i use :



3) treeview menu

Server side Code is:


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Web Forms :: Server Event Does Not Fire With Dynamic HTML Control

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create an HTML button that can use a C# server side delete function. since I don't know how many results I will have at the page, the control is created dynamically when the end user searches for current Messages: [CODE] CmsContactUsContent += string.Format(" "" + "" + "

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AJAX :: Onclick Event Not Working With A Button Set As Target Control Of A Modalpopup Extender?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a modalpopup extender attached to a button. That is to say the button is the targetcontrol id of the modalpopupsxtender. I would still like the onclick event of that button to work because only the onclient click event is working. How can i go about this.

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