JQuery :: Open Masterpage Fulll Window On Load?

Feb 1, 2011

I want that when my application loads it open on maxium window no status bar no menubar nothing just addressbar.My applicaiton is using masterpage and various contentpage. I know how toopen normal page means just aspx page not in MASTERPAGE.But with masterpage it is not working.So please tell me how to do that.

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Open A New Window On Page Load?

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Me with C# asp.net. How can I open a new window on page load (I mean not a new page but a small window with a close button and some text and a link to another page).

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Use Javascript To Open A New Window On Page Load?

Jan 19, 2010

i have aspx pages with vb.net in the back. I need to use javascript to open a new window on page load. I am also sending a querystring (www.mysite.com/default.aspx?dest=register.aspx) from the previous page. I need the javascript to parse the querystring and open the new window only if the URL has a querystring.

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I have a webpage that I would like to add a onclick event, that when a "add" button is clicked, a new, but small window pops open. In that window will be a few text fields. And when the user clicks save, the data entered in the text fields will be inserted into my database, the popup window will close, and the original page will post back to reflect the newly entered data. I know I'm not the first to want something like this, but I can't think how to do this. Is this part of the Ajax Control Toolkit?

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Not Open A New Window (JavaScript Popup) If JQuery Validation Plugin Returns False?

Sep 23, 2010

I have an .aspx page with a couple of textfields. I validate these with jQuery validation plugin when the user clicks the submit button. When the submit button is clicked I also open up a new window, but I only want to open the window if the fields are correctly filled out.How do I stop the window from opening if the fields are not validated?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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i have an aspx page in which a link in the grid view opens a popup page . the data in the grid view would be dynamic and i need to send the id of the row of grid while calling the child window. i get the id using sender.id, but how would i send this using window .open()?

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Web Forms :: Close Popup Window And Open Page In Parent Window?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a login page that is loaded in popup window (colorbox) and after user logs in it should be closed and parent window should be loaded with new page.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Do While reader.Read()
If Trim(reader("ZAP").ToString()) = Trim(textBoxZap.Text) Then
Session("A") = "1"
lblErr.Text = "incorect"
End If

So once the buton is clicked and user name and password is corect popup window should be closed and user redirected to default aspx.

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Apr 28, 2010

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Javascript - IE - Get Popup's Opening Window When Using Window.open (url)?

Sep 23, 2010

we are running a click-to-call service, my idea is basically like this: website have a link on their page, when the link is clicked, a web page(say it is popup.aspx) hosted on our server is popup, user can input their phone number, and click "call me" button to let the website call him. In the button click event, I want to get Request.UrlReferrer, then query the db to get website's phone. But in IE, Request.UrlReferrer is null(firefox is ok, not test chrome yet),my question is how to get opening window' url in IE? we put popup.aspx on our server because

our client website is not force to use asp.net. we have the control what we put on the popup window, and can modify the page just from our side, if we put the pop window on our partner's side, if we have 100 partner, and we change the page's design, we will notify everyone of them to change this, change that. we can implement a statics system to know how popup a day, which site is most popular,etc

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Using The Javascript To Open A Child Window Using Window.showModaldialog?

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Web Forms :: How To Open The Redirected Page From Iframe To Open In The Parent Window

Feb 17, 2011

I have an asp.net page that contains an Iframe embedded with some data and a ImageButton. On ImageButton click event (server side) I have Response.Redirct:


This always open the results.aspx in iframe. I want that results.aspx should always open in the parent window. I tried the following till now but none worked:

Response.Redirect("<script language='javascript'>self.parent.location='results.aspx';</script>");
..and also tried the options from [URL]

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Sep 11, 2010

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Aug 2, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Pass A Window Name To Window.open

Feb 12, 2010

How do I pass a window name to window.open(url, windowname) programmatically? I am using a user control inside aspx forms. I want the windowname to be different, so from each link a separate window opens.

I have an asp:hyperlink in a .ascx form. The code looks like this:

<asp:hyperlink runat="server" id="xx", navigateurl="is set programmatically" onclick="javascrip:return popup(this, 'my window'; " text="xxx"/>
'my window' needs to be a variable.

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Web Forms :: Open Popup Window With In Another Window

Aug 26, 2010

I have an aspx page which contains a user control(a gridview). When I click on a link button in the gridview, I will open a popup window(An aspx page) successfully. When I click on save button in the popup, I am saving the details and refreshing the parent page successfully. I have a button in popup window. My requirement is:

When I click on the button inside popup window1, I would like to open another popup(aspx)(Say popup window2) in a new window without closing popup window1. When I save some changes in popup window2 and click on save button in popup window2, I need to close it and refresh popup window1.

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Web Forms :: Load Panel After Page Load A Window Is Visible?

Jul 1, 2010

how i can load an panel(that contain for example Weather information) after page load

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Javascript - Passing Data Between A Parent Window And A Child Popup Window With JQuery

Dec 3, 2010

I have the following HTML

<td class="label" valign="top">
Affiliate Party
<td class="field">
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyId" id="AffiliatePartyId" />
<input name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyName" type="text" id="AffiliatePartyName" class="PartyLookup" />

and the following Javascript/jQuery

$(".PartyLookup").after("<img src='Images/book_open.png' class='PartyLookupToggle' style='padding-left:4px;' />");
$(".PartyLookupToggle").click(function () {
window.open("PartySearch.aspx", "PartySearch", "width=400,height=50");
return false;

I need to be able to flag ANY PartyId input field with class="PartyLookup" so that it will modify the DOM and include the image next to the input field. The popup window returns data to populate both the hidden and text fields, but since the click() is generic I need to pass it the ID of the input field.

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Aug 31, 2010

I'm using the following span to open a page in a new window. What is INCREDIBLY odd is that it is exactly the same code from three different pages, but the first refuses to open in a new window. The only difference is that the first example resides within an Ajax Accordian Panel so I suspect that it might be an Ajax related issue.


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Aug 25, 2010

I using VS2008 and C# for an ASP.NET web application. From within C# code, how to use the "Window.Open" method to create a new browser window? I know it can be done in ASP script code using Javascript but I would like to create new window from C# as desired.

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AJAX :: Open TabContainer From MasterPage

Aug 16, 2010

I am using VB.NET in my Web application. I would like to link directly to a tabcontainer from my masterpage. I have seen snippets of code, but I have not been able to get anything to work. Does someone have a simple solution already?

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