Web Forms :: How To Open The Redirected Page From Iframe To Open In The Parent Window
Feb 17, 2011
I have an asp.net page that contains an Iframe embedded with some data and a ImageButton. On ImageButton click event (server side) I have Response.Redirct:
This always open the results.aspx in iframe. I want that results.aspx should always open in the parent window. I tried the following till now but none worked:
Response.Redirect("<script language='javascript'>self.parent.location='results.aspx';</script>");
..and also tried the options from [URL]
I have a login page that is loaded in popup window (colorbox) and after user logs in it should be closed and parent window should be loaded with new page.
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Do While reader.Read() If Trim(reader("ZAP").ToString()) = Trim(textBoxZap.Text) Then Session("A") = "1" Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx") Else lblErr.Text = "incorect" End If Loop
So once the buton is clicked and user name and password is corect popup window should be closed and user redirected to default aspx.
Is there any way to force a page (that opens in an iframe) to load in the parent frame (whole page/window)?
I am in a scenario where I really had to use iframes to maintain my website branding because my eCommerce provider does not support customizations. When Payment is made, I would like my TransactionComplete.aspx to open in the parent frame and not within the same child frame.
how to open a popup window and return values to the parent page
i.e passing value fom popup window to parent form.
(The child window contain textbox with a button. Once the value entered in the textbox the value entered should be updated in parent window from child window)
I have a screen where on filter icon click on a column i need to show a popup screen or a div looks like popup and in which will have list of check boxes with distinct values of all rows of column one (i.e. the data of popup is like below). All these check boxes are dynamically generated controls.
When user click on any of the above check boxes the parent grid should get refreshed with the filtered data and popup or div tag looks like popup should stay and should not be closed. How do i do this?
How to refresh my parent page details by keeping my child div tag open or child window open? What is better approach whether to create server side div tag or a modal popup window?
i have an aspx page in which a link in the grid view opens a popup page . the data in the grid view would be dynamic and i need to send the id of the row of grid while calling the child window. i get the id using sender.id, but how would i send this using window .open()?
In my application users upload their word document and user has been given an option to preivew the uploaded document. Inorder to preview the document i put the following code in my page_load event
i have a string(including a link) comes from database, and i am assigning it to a label, now i want open it in parent window whenever i click on it, the string consists following code,
log on to <a href='http://mySiteName/Login.aspx'> PAS</a> at your earliest convenience. By the way, you are doing a great job.
I am opening a window with window.open and I am losing the server session. Is there a way to open a window with Javascript and use the same session? I need this working in IE 7 and higher. I am working with ASP.NET on the server side. The sever does not have a sessionless cookie state.
I have a parent window from which i open a modal dialog on button click. In WinXP with IE8 it works just fine, but in Win7 with IE8, upon opening the modal dialog it brings me to the login screen. If i enter my credentials, close the dialog and open it again, it works.
The explanation i figured out is that the session isn't transfered between parent and child. The modal is opened with javascript window.open function.
I don't want to store the credentials in a cookie and then read it in my modal because it's a security no-no. Is there an explanation why this is happening in Win7 and not in XP and is there a resolution for this issue?
I am trying to open a file share link from the window.open ... but its adding the http://localhost/vdir/ before the path can any one say what is the problem?
I have a main page which display the results when clicked on the search button. Those results are in the gridview. one of the column is a hyperlink. when clicked on the hyperlink, it will display the detail page in an iframe(iframe is in the main page below grid view) which is on the same page.
now i need to make changes to the main page, to display directly the detail page in an iframe when there is a single record. or the grid view when there are multiple recoreds so that user can choose which details they want tlp see when a search button is clicked.
i open a iframe in a page, from that page opend in iframe, i want the page url.means one page mainpage.aspx have a iframe, that iframe open open a iframepage.aspx page.from the iframepage.aspx page's button click event i want to referesh the mainpage.aspx page.how can i do.
I have a PDF help document that I would like to store on the server. When a user is on the site and clicks on the help link, I would like it to open the PDF help document and go to a particular page, depending on where the user was when they clicked on the link. For example, if they are on the Staff Projections page when they clicked the help link, I would like the PDF to open in a new tab and automatically go to page 32 which contains information about Staff Projections. I am running .NET 3.5, and the company uses Internet Explorer 8.
Our website application needs to open other web sites Iframe.(Our application is web based tool to help high school children to analyze the websites. It has to show news websites to in one iframe and in rest of the page there will be questions related to the news website)
But since many websites use framekiller code, these sites take control of entire page. Is there any ternative way / solution to this problem?It is necessary to be able to open other sites in our website (in iframe or any alternate way), otherwise whole concept of our application will become void.
I have a web.site map that works fine with the exception of opening a page in a new window. The page opens, just not in a new window and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
<siteMapNode url="Part3.aspx" title="Part III Practice Component" description="" <siteMapNode url="InterviewLog.pdf" title="Print Version Guide and Log" description="" roles="" target="_blank" <siteMapNode url="EnrollmentForm.pdf" title="Enrollment Form" description="" roles="" target="_blank" siteMapNode>
In my web application i have three buttons. Submit,Server Update and Delete. If i click on the submit button then all the information will be stored and remain in the same page.after that if i click on the server update button then all the same information will be stored in the another server.and it is open with new window.after that when i am clicking on the submit button then it will go to the next page with another window.i have to go to next page with same window.my code is
On button click im using this Server.Transfer("abc.aspx", true); to transfer to abc page..what i need is i need to open in new window by this abc.aspx page on button click..here im passing parameter to abc.aspx page, so let me know how to do...
In parent page there is an imagebutton. What I want to when user click this image button, another page will open with width=200 and height=100 with no toolbar.
My url here opens in same page...how can i open my url in new page...redirecting to diff pages on each condition..how can i use windows.open function here to open up link in new window.