JavaScript - Format A String Using A String Pattern?
Sep 23, 2010
I have a displayFormat pattern "$###,###,###;-$###,###,###;#"( it can be different too) and I want to reformat the value in the AspxTextbox after deleting the ',' on GotFocus and LostFocus events by calling the following JavaScript function :
I have tried to use ASPxFormatter but it is an internal class that is not indented to be used in a user project.Using String.Format('{0:' + displayFormat + '}', parseInt(value))); didn't work too , it threw an exception since String.format doesn't accept this format of pattern,Can you provide a way to reformat my string to any pattern I want not only the one I recite since ?
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<asp:Label ID="LabelHidden" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Label>
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Data] WHERE [ActivityName] IN (@ActivityName) AND ([ID] = @ID)"
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList_Employees" Name="ID"
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<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="LabelHidden" Name="ActivityName"
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if (li.Selected)
queryBuilder += li + "', ";
queryBuilder = queryBuilder.Substring(0, queryBuilder.Length - 1);
LabelHidden.Text = queryBuilder;
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exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM [Data] WHERE [ActivityName] IN (@ActivityName) AND ([ID] = @ID)',N'@EmployeeID int,@ActivityName nvarchar(50)',@EmployeeID=4,@ActivityName=N'Production Technical Support'', Tools Development'','
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<a href='http=://XXXXXX'>Buy Book</a>
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Whats wrong ?
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< asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Tijd" ItemStyle-CssClass="time" HeaderStyle-CssClass="smallheader">
< ItemTemplate><%# ("Swimtime")%>< /ItemTemplate>
< /asp:TemplateField>
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PHP Code:
lbl_wall.Text = "<span style='font-size:12px;color:#555; font-style:italic'>Member since - " + String.Format("{0:ddd, MMM d, yyyy}", dbReaderPr["date_added"].ToString()) +"</span>";
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