C# - Regex Pattern For Checking If A String Starts With A Certain Substring?

May 1, 2010

What's the regular expression to check if a string starts with "mailto" or "ftp" or "joe" or...

Now I am using C# and code like this in a big if with many ors:


It looks like a regex would be better for this. Or is there a C# way I am missing here?

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How To Use Regex To Find A Matching String Pattern And Delete It

Feb 4, 2011

I have a table Books with columns BookID, BookSummary, BookAuthor.

What I have stupidly done was to add a link to another url at the end of the BookSummary. Assuming the text is something like this:

This is a book about a love story in World War 2 in Europe. The book is written by Elliot James.

I have added

<a href='http=://XXXXXX'>Buy Book</a> at the end of the text making the final content of BookSummary to be like:

This is a book about a love story in World War 2 in Europe. The book is written by Elliot James.

<a href='http=://XXXXXX'>Buy Book</a>

I now need to write a code (via regex?) to read through each BookSummary, find the <a href='http://XXXXX'>Buy Book</a> and delete it. But the problem is the content in XXX could be anything and I cannot use typical string functions. Can anyone guide me to
achieve this using Regex?

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Web Forms :: Find A Substring (email) In A Large Text Using Regex?

Sep 22, 2010

I want to find a substring (email) in a large text using Regex.

just want to return the first valid email that is found from the input text:


string inputString = "Our email is myname@ourcompany.com.

desired output: myname@ourcompany.com

this is the Regex pattern i've used: ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$

- is this pattern correct?


private static void DumpHRefs(string inputString)
Match m;
string HRefPattern = @"^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}$";
m = Regex.Match(inputString, HRefPattern,
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
while (m.Success)
Console.WriteLine("Found email " + m.Groups[1] + " at ".......

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Regex Pattern / How To Use Multiple Instances

Mar 7, 2011

YARPQ - Yet Another Regex Pattern Question:

What I am trying to figure out is how to use a custom delimiter, single character or set of characters, to wrap a block of text inside a larger body of text and then pull that text out via regex. I have successfully done this with a single instance of wrapped text. If I have multiple instances, it blows up. Here is an example.

This would be my text block with the internally wrapped text:


When my current regex runs on this block, the greedy nature gives me a match starting with my first wrapped block delimeter and ending with my second wrapped block end delimeter. So my regex of @"#Delim(.*)#EndDelim" doesn't work in this instance. I am trying to figure out how to exclude the #EndDelim from my grouping. Simply using ([^#EndDelim]*) doesn't work as it tells regex to ignore the individual characters inside the brackets and not the actual word so this breaks if I have any of those characters inside my wrapped block of text.

I am probably making this harder than it needs to be. Does anyone know of a good solution or how to ignore entire words in regex?

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C# - Regex Pattern / Looking For The X_X Numeric Patterns?

Dec 23, 2010

I will have the following possible strings:




The numbers could be different, but what I'm looking for are the X_X numeric patterns. However, I need to do a replace that will search for 2_3 and NOT return the 12_3 as a valid match.

The +/-'s are arthemtic symbols, and can be any valid value. They also ARENT required (in the example of the first) .. so, I might want to check a string that just has 12_3, and if I pass in 2_3, it would NOT return a match. Only if I passed in 12_3.

This is for a C# script.

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Finding Regex Pattern For Phone Number?

Dec 14, 2010

I want regex pattern for phone number as follow.


area code should be entered in paranetheses is mandatory after area code there should be hypen and only three digit should be allowed to enter that is mandatory after 3 digit again hypen should be there that is mandatory and then 4 digit should be enter that is mandatory.

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State Management :: What Is The Regex Pattern Of Session Id

Sep 7, 2010

asp.net 4.0

I wonder what the Regex pattern for session id is?

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Regex Pattern For Text With Length Only 9 Or 16 Should Be Allowed?

Jan 27, 2011

I need regex patter for following code.Text with length either 9 0r 16 should only be allowed.

if (txtId.Text.Length != 16 && txtId.Text.Length != 9)


//lblError.Text = "Please enter a valid ID";[code]....

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C# Search Oracle Table Column For Regex Pattern

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to build an asp.net page using c# that will query a column in an Oracle database that has 20,000 rows. I want to display all rows that match this regular expression pattern "[]$".(should only have about 5 rows that match this pattern) The version of Oracle we use does not support regex so I need to find a way to do this in c# but I'm not sure how do that.

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Web Forms :: Checking Filename For Special Characters (RegEx)?

Jul 21, 2010

I have an application where the user uploads files.


I need to check the file name for special characters and replace them with an underscore. Is there a Select Statement OR IF Statement I can use to search the fileName for unwanted special charaters; those characters will be replaced with a blank or underscore?

I want to replace ampersand, Number sign, Apostrophe, and so on.

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Substring From A String Using C#?

Jan 9, 2010

The following is a line of huge .txt file and i am reading it line by line. I need the value of second column. In this line, I need to extract 'C9006'.

Mr ABC|C9006|The white field,

Note : The delimiter char is pipe sign '|'. The length of second column is not consistent.

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C# - Web App Using A 3-tier Design Pattern, One Of The Bottom Layers Provide Some Checking Mechanism To Ensure...?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm trying to write a web app using 4-tier design pattern ( Data Store, DAL, BLL and UI).
Among other things this app would also implement a forum.

Suppose I want to move a thread from one forum to another. In order to do this, UI layer must pass down to other layers the ID of a thread and the ID of a forum to which I wish to move this thread ( UI would pass these parameters by calling method A in BLL layer and A would in turn call method B in DAL layer... ).

a) Now should one of the bottom layers provide some sort of checking mechanism to ensure that the two ID arguments supplied by UI layer really represent an existing thread and an existing forum or is it the responsibility of UI layer to provide valid ID values?


I would consider the ability to pass invalid IDs a bug.

Should non existing ID be considered a bug just in the case of moving a thread, or also in the case of displaying a thread. Thus when user navigates to page Showthread.aspx?ID={0}, if query string parameter ID references non existing ID, If none of the layers check for the validity of ID, then GridView simply won't display any

"But in this case it doesn't look like the ids are in any sort of list. If they were one could only assume that this would never happen as I assume the lists would be populated by a stored procedure or a DAL procedure that pulls all valid IDs."

But even if user chooses IDs from a set of list, by the time it posts the page back, the DB table containing this ID could be changed in the mean time by admin or whomever?!

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Web Forms :: Extract Specific Portion Of A String Using Substring?

Apr 28, 2010

How to extract specific portion of a string using substring? I have strings

100 - abc - jewellery
20 - def - stationary

I only want the portion between to dashes. (abc,def)

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SQL Server :: Replace The String After Comma Starts In MS SQL?

Sep 23, 2010

How to replace the remaining String after the Comma Starts Using SQL Query. Below is the data

"MediaRights, MediaRightsLink, MediaRightsCompanies, MediaRightsTypes"

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IIS Configuration :: Convert Float Field To VARCHAR String And Then Apply Substring In SQL Server

Mar 7, 2013

Select number,empname,empfathername from emp

where number column is float data type 

I need first four dights of number where it consists 10 digits.

num is 1234567890

O/P like to be


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How To Find The Number Of HTML Elements With A Name That Starts With A Certain String In C#

Oct 15, 2010

I'm not sure if the topic describes my problem very well but I am creating some HTML elements (textboxes) on the fly with jQuery and I never know how many I will create (it loops through a database). I then want to get all the elements in the code behind and perform some actions (insert them into another database).

I know I can use

string n = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["hiddenField0"]).ToString();

To get the first textbox but what if Idon't know how many textboxes I have created and want them all? Their name starts with hiddenField plus an incrementing number.

Is there a way to loop through all elements that has a name that starts with a certain string?

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JavaScript - Format A String Using A String Pattern?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a displayFormat pattern "$###,###,###;-$###,###,###;#"( it can be different too) and I want to reformat the value in the AspxTextbox after deleting the ',' on GotFocus and LostFocus events by calling the following JavaScript function :


I have tried to use ASPxFormatter but it is an internal class that is not indented to be used in a user project.Using String.Format('{0:' + displayFormat + '}', parseInt(value))); didn't work too , it threw an exception since String.format doesn't accept this format of pattern,Can you provide a way to reformat my string to any pattern I want not only the one I recite since ?

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DataSource Controls :: Pull A SubString From A Linq Datasource But Can't Use INTs Per .SubString(int, Int)

Feb 5, 2010

I need to pull a SubString from a Linq Datasource, but can't use INTs per .SubString(int, int) I have strings such as xxxx.xxxx.xxxxx.AAAA.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx and I need to pull AAAA out. the preceeding x's will be varying lengths, so I can't use a static int. What I do know is that there will be a static number of periods (.) leading up to the AAAA. I can't figure out how to use the SubSting with characters rather than indexs. This is what I have so far:


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C# - String Manipulation In Regex?

Apr 4, 2011

i have a problem in string manipulation

here is the code

string str = "LDAP://company.com/OU=MyOU1 Control,DC=MyCompany,DC=com";
Regex regex = new Regex("OU=\w+");
var result = regex.Matches(str);
var strList = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in result)

the result i am getting is "MyOU1" instead of getting "MyOU1 Control"

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Use A Regex To Tell If A String Has 10 Digits?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to find a regex that tests that an input string contains exactly 10 numeric characters, while still allowing other characters in the string.

I'll be stripping all of the non-numeric characters in post processing, but I need the regex for client-side validation.

For example, these should all match:

321225 -1234AAAA

But these should not:

123456789 (not enough digits)
12345678901 (too many digits)

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Web Forms :: How To Replace String Using Regex

Jun 16, 2010

I am getting taggings like the following in a string

<color> vocation </color>
<color> elation </color>
<color> sage </color>

you can notice that each tagging differs only in the wordings


But i want to write a code some thing like this

Regex.Replace(userAx, "<color> vocation </color>",
"<color> </color>"

so that the resulting output does not contain words at the centre.In the above code instead of giving the word vocation exclusively, i have to mention some pattern, so that it will replace all the words instead of doing it for first sentence only.How to modify my code?

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VS 2010 RegEx Not Splitting String?

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to get all the words in a string using a regular expression.When I use this expression in javascript, it works, but when I try it in the .Net code I get the whole string.this is my code.Is my regular expression wrong or am I using the wrong method?

Dim myRegex As New Regex("/([a-zA-Z]){1,1}([a-z])+/g")
Dim str() As String = myRegex.Split(text)

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C# - How To Check And Extract String Via RegEx

Oct 24, 2010

I am trying to check if a string ends in "@something" and extract "something" from it if it does. For example, I am trying to do something like this:

string temp = "//something//img/@src"
if (temp ends with @xxx)
string extracted = (get "src");

How can I accomplish this?

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.net - C# - Faster: String.Contains() Or Regex.isMatch()?

Jul 6, 2010

Possible Duplicate: Regex.IsMatch vs string.Contains Which is faster, preferable and why?What the difference in mechanisms between two?I need to search for some values from UserAgent, most of values can be used without wildcards (e.g. if I want to catch cellular phones I search for iPhone instead of *iPhone* wildcards).

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ADO.NET :: Checking Mssql For Existing String?

Feb 23, 2011

i want to make so i can check if the string already exists in a row in my table in the mssql from my application with c#.

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