I am working on asp.net 3.5 and in MVC using Linq to SQL classes. In my MVC project i am calling stored procedure using linq to sql that conatin query joining two tables.Below is my code in Partial class
[ Function(Name="dbo.GetUserWiseThreadDetail_SP")] [ResultType(typeof(Thread))] [ResultType(typeof(Reply))] public IMultipleResults GetUserWiseThreadDetail_SP([Parameter(DbType="VarChar(30)")] string userID) { ExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, (MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), userID); return ((IMultipleResults)(result.ReturnValue)); }
In one of the controller i have made one more class
public class MypostIndexData { public IEnumerable<Thread> Thrds { get; set; } public IEnumerable<Reply> Repls { get; set; } public MypostIndexData(IEnumerable<Thread> thrds,IEnumerable<Reply> repls) { this.Thrds=thrds;this.Repls=repls; } }
finally coding of controller action method
ForumDataContext pmforum = new PMForumDataContext(); public ActionResult MyPosts(string userId) { IEnumerable<Thread>thrds; IEnumerable<Reply>repls; IMultipleResults result = pmforum.GetUserWiseThreadDetail_SP(userId); (this satement doesnot give any result,if i execute stored proc in sql it give the results) thrds = result.GetResult<Thread>(); List<Thread> thrdlist = new List<Thread>(thrds); repls = result.GetResult<Reply>(); List<Reply> replylist; if (repls != null) { replylist = new List<Reply>(repls); } return View(new MypostIndexData(thrds,repls));
I am unable to understand why i am not getting any results?
I have a web user control with DataList control in it. In my .aspx page, I have a report header, an empty panel as a place holder, a report footer.In my .aspx.vb file, I'll loop through a list of departments. Within each department, I'll load a label to display the department name and the user control for the data, and add both the label and user control to the panel. So there are two variables: the number of departments and the number of records in a user control.
Now I need to display the current page number and the total page number in the report footer. Is it doable? How? I'm thinking of this approach: declare a page variable count, count the number of department name labels and the number of records in a user control. When the total count reaches a number, such as 20, I'll break the page. This way, I can get the the page current number and the total number of pages. But how to add a page break to an asp.net page?
I'm building a web application: some pages will be accessible by non logged-in users (demo and sign-up pages) and others will only be accessible by logged-in users (actual application). In the global.asax file, I'm currently handling the session start event by loading some variable from a query that's based on the UserID. What will happen when a non-logged in user looks at a page? I guess my question is really about how to handle the session start event when it's a logged-in user, when it's not and when a user logs in. I want a certain number of queries to run only once per session, after the user logged in.
When i see MVC Music store. They have used ADO.NET entity data model and used LINQ language to perform operation in DB.. Is there any way to use normal sql queries?
I use LINQ-SQL as my DAL, I then have a project called DB which acts as my BLL. Various applications then access the BLL to read / write data from the SQL Database.
I have these methods in my BLL for one particular table:
public IEnumerable<SystemSalesTaxList> Get_SystemSalesTaxList() { return from s in db.SystemSalesTaxLists select s; } public SystemSalesTaxList Get_SystemSalesTaxList(string strSalesTaxID) { return Get_SystemSalesTaxList().Where(s => s.SalesTaxID == strSalesTaxID).FirstOrDefault();
've made a quiz/score system where a user will go through categories (page by page using querystring) and after submitting his/her score i redirect them to the next page where i show them their score and i also want to show "out of x number of questions".
I've made a query in my dataset:
I get an error about "Cannot implicitly convert type "void" to "object". This is the first time i am trying to use the SQL COUNT so i am almost certain it has something with the way i write it in my BLL, but i cannot figure out why or how to write it as it should. Hopefully you can direct me in the right path?
Without paging function, i can loop through the gridview by using
var sum = 0; var gridViewCtlId = '<%=timesheetView.ClientID%>'; var grid = document.getElementById(gridViewCtlId); var gridLength = grid.rows.length;
so with gridLength i can loop through the gridview to sum all rows. However, when I use paging event of gridview, i use the page size to loop through all rows, but it occurs errors because the last page may not have enough rows.
I'm trying to do something that on the face of it is very simple.
If I have 5 text boxes, and 1 of them is blank, I want to exclude that textbox from the query, rather than searching for where a field is blank.
I've tried to do a bit of research into dynamic linq queries, but have come up empty handed, or what I've found doesn't seem to quite answer my question.
I have my Linq query in which i need to find time difference(not days difference).
The field in database is datetime.
Dim ldtToday As DateTime = TimeOfDay Dim SR_RM_InnerJoin = From SR In lcntxRT60Entities.RtSReports _ Join RM In lcntxRT60Entities.RtRMaster On SR.RtRMaster.ReportID Equals RM.ReportID _ Select SR, RM _ Where SR.TID = 1 _ And --(Check) SR.ReportDeliveryTime.Value.AddDays(1) < ldtToday
How can i check if the time field of the record is less than current time??
A sample linq query from MSDN: var expensiveInStockProducts = from p in products where p.UnitsInStock > 0 && p.UnitPrice > 3.00M select p; Does this query select EVERY column from the database table immediately, or does it return some sort of pointer that retieves the actual column data on demand? ie. If there are 50 columns in my table and I only use a single p.UnitsInStock in my actual code, then am I retrieving 50 times more data than I expected?
I am creating entries in a contract table using linq to sql.
One column needs to conditionally be assigned an application number from a range of values.
I'd like to simply increment the max existing value, however it is a multi-user application and I'm concerned about multiple contracts receiving the same app number if they happen too close together.
Is there a way to either force the entire thing to use the same transaction, or to execute both during the same submit?
I am accepting query/queries from user (our support team) in a text box where user can enter only one query or multiple queries. I need to display result of all queries entered in the textbox. If it is SELECT statement then result of that statement in grid which is done. If UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE then total number of rows affected which is also done but if only one UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statement is entered in the textbox.
If user enters 2 UPDATE statements and then a SELECT statement then how can I get number of rows affected for individual UPDATE statements just like SQL Server Qury Analyzer displays messages in its result pane.
(6 row(s) affected) -- first UPDATE statement
(4 row(s) affected) -- second UPDATE statement
(16 row(s) affected) -- for SELECT statement (grid will also be displayed along with these messages).
I tried almost everything, SqlDataSource (returns count of first statement only), SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery and DataAdapter.Fill (returns count of last statement only).
Is there a way to cap the number of records returned when an .Include() method is called on an ObjectQuery<>? Basically, if one of my entities is in a one-to-many relationship, such as a Band entity to a list of Fan entities (where a band can have any number of fans), how can I limit the number of fans returned?
In the example: var band = ctx.Bands.Include("Fans").SingleOrDefault(b => b.BandId == someBandId);
If I use the Include, it will return all fans. How can I query that Fans navigation property to return only a subset or max?