Localization :: Display In Diffenrent Languages Without Changing The Culture Settings
Jul 14, 2010
I am working on an ASP.net web application, the application need to display text in English, Chinese and Japanese based on the parameters passed, however the culture settings such as currency symbol, time and number format should remain as en-US locale.
My understanding about ASP.Net localization is a package deal, am I wrong? If I am right, the only way to do this is to roll my own solution?
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Aug 17, 2010
I'm using the following msdn article to use different languages in my web application:
I'm following the instructions step by step in VS 2010, and it creates the resource files exactly how it's supposed to. However, when I run the program it just doesn't apply it. I don't see the different values from the resource file.
If I leave my resource file name as sample.aspx.resx, it works. But when I change it to sample.aspx.en-us.resx, it doesn't work. I'm supplying culture from the aspx page's Culter and UICulture properties. I'm being very careful in choosing the correct file name, as that could be the issue, but it just doesn't work. I also tried changing the culture in the backend code this way:
Sub InitializeCulture() [code]....
It still doesn't work.
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Jul 15, 2010
I'm trying to change the value of the language and culture values via a database entry and then appending the culture to the returned value. IE: "en" is in the database, I add "-CA" via VB code.When I hardcode the values, it does work no problem. However, appding the "-CA" makes it crash with the following error message:
Now, I'm retrieving the language value from a database and, since the information is used all over the web site, I cannot really change the data within the database.The following code is posted in the Default.aspx page, called by the master page.The function "siteSetLanguage" retrieves from the database the base language (EN/FR) and returns the value. Null values are checked for and if a null value is returned from the database, it defaults to EN.[Code]....
I do want to force UICulture to english as everything in the databases and external files are stored through the english canadian regional method. However, I've been trying to use .resx files using the above method, but to no avail.Needless to say, my language files don't seem to work no matter what I do.
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Jan 20, 2010
I am working on a multi-language web site. It is half English and half Portuguese. I have created forms that have portuguese values in it. These forms work perfectly on my desktop. I'm using Cassini as the development server. When I move them over to IIS, they are not loading properly. The text comes up all weird looking. I am declaring the culture in the page attribute: Culture="pt-BR"
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Oct 25, 2010
I am developing a multi language site that has 40 languages. The database is relatively small both data and table Count.I need to display the contents in 40 different languages.should I translate the content and store the translated data in the database (40 different times)?
should I translate the content at runtime using a translation service like google translate? or what?its the large number of languages thats scary.
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Oct 10, 2010
I have drop down list and text box controls contained in asp:table control.
when i change the language of my page.
then drop downlist and text box doesn't display.
the values of dropdownlist and text box are boud from database.
View 1 Replies
Nov 23, 2010
I need to change culture of the specific aspx page bases on the main user's culture.I am able to fetch the data that which culture main user have.But some how I am not able to set the same culture for that aspx page.I had written the below code for that.
But that is not working it sets the default culture of the browser.
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Dec 10, 2010
i designed an export to excel page that uses the following code
the data is displayed in grid view and the date format is displayed as M/d/yyyy
so i added the culture en-GB to page directive to display the date as d/M/yyyy
the date now displays correctly d/M/yyyy, and the utf-8 also display correctly in gridview.
however once i export to excel the utf-8 appears scrambled
when ever i remove the culture from page directives, names display correctly, however i face again the M/d/yyyy issue.
My question is: is there a way to display date as d/M/yyyy and at the same time reading correct utf-8
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Apr 7, 2010
how can to get culture info or just culture name from the datetime string e.g i have strings like: "16/02/2008" or "23/02/2008 " can i know the culture name from the above datetime strings?
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Jan 18, 2010
In asp.net multilingual website in english Uk and swedish, i have three rsources file
1. en-GB.resx
2. sv-SE.resx
3. Culture neutral file.
I have create one base class and all pages is inherited from that class. There i write following lines to set UICULTURE and culture
1. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name;
2. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name;
Question: Suppose my browser language is Swedish(sv-SE) then this code will run because it find CurrentUICulture and CurrentCulture values as sv-SE.
Now if suppose browser language is Swedish(sv) only, in that case values will be set as
CurrentUICulture = sv; and CurrentCulture = sv-SE
Now the problem is that user can able to view all text in Culture neutral resource file that i kept as english while all decimal saperators, currency and other will be appear in swedish.
It looks confusing to usr.
What would be right approach. I am thinking following solution.
1. i can create extra resource file for sv also.
2. I check value of CurrentUICulture in base class and if it is sv then replace it with sv-SE
Please correct me which one is right approach or Is there any other good way of doing?
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Mar 24, 2011
I have some classes which can't make assumptions about de used culture. These classes should always use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. However, I can't set the thread's current culture to CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, because other classes rely on <globalization culture="auto".
Is there a way to ensure some classes always use explicit culture method calls (like: Convert.ToDecimal(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) instead of assumed culture (like: Convert.ToDecimal(value)).Maybe my question it's not 100% clear: I'd like to detect all methods which have an overload which uses CultureInfo, but also one without the CultureInfo which uses the CurrentCulture.This includes implicit casts of numbers to string:
decimal value = 1.0;
string displayThis = string.Format("Costs: {0}", value);
The goal is to make sure some classes/methods don't assume anything about CultureInfo.
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a page with two textboxes (one for english and one for korean)..
I want users to be able to enter an english word or enter a korean word...
Now I can only enter english in both of them... Even if my keyboard language is switched to Korean.. I can not type in Korean in the Korean text box....
I thought I could simply change this using something like:
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Apr 7, 2010
i am creating a website in 4 languages. all the labels and buttons should chage as per the users choice. the language details should not be hard coded and it has to come from the databse for each language. Instead of doing it manually(depends upon the language selection fetch the data from the databse and show the labels etc) do we have any inbuild Techno ledge to achieve this in a faster way.
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Aug 18, 2010
How to maintain a web application in different languages.
For Examplel(English, Chinees,German...)
Need any Detailed Example.
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Dec 1, 2010
I am sending in a string in dd/MM/yyyy format, which is then being parsed into lv-LV culture as set per the web.config globalization setting.I am then comparing the date to DateTime.Now to see if it is in the past.The problem is, DateTime.Parse converts my string to dd.MM.yyyy format, but DateTime.Now has MM.dd.yyyy format, so the comparison always fails.Why would DateTime.Now be different to the output from DateTime.Parse, on the same thread culture?(Update) This is the code I am using:InputText contains input from a form in DD.MM.YYYY format
DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(InputText, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
// Check it's not in the past
this.IsValid = (date.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) > 0);
[DateTime.Now] in this context is in MM.DD.YYYY format using lv-LV cultureInfo
[date] is in DD.MM.YYYY format after the DateTime.Parse
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Nov 3, 2010
I have bunch pages and I need to validate data there. If culture for example "es-ES" I should use one validation logic, if culture "en-US" than another validation logic. For example I need validate phone number. Minimum length is 11 digits. For other culture 9 digits.
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Jul 15, 2010
I am working on a web forms application that needs to support multiple languages based on a user's preference. Here are some considerations to keep in mind about the needed solution:
I want to avoid using resource files to store the different text translations because I'd like the ability to change them without having to recompile and deploy the application.
Also the translations ideally need to be adminstratable.
It seems its a considerable amount of effort to add this support to an existing application.
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Sep 21, 2010
I want my web application to support multiple langauges like english,german,etc
Is there a way we can do this in visual studio or is ther any other way
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Jan 24, 2010
i do have more than one language being supported on my website and currently working with localization, which raises some question marks to me.
guess, i have the following line(s) of code for a button:
<asp:button id="btnSubmit" style="left: 245px; position: absolute; width:100px"
onclick="OnBtnSendClicked" runat="server" text="Submit" tabindex="5">
i do want to have 'text="Submit"' exchanged against something like
<%=GetGlobalResourceObject("Lokalisierung", "resSubmit")%>
as i am working with global resources. however this does not work as the button.text is filled with '<%=GetGlobalResourceObject("Lokalisierung", "resSubmit")%>' (without '').
note: 'Lokalisierung.resx' is my resource file already existing and perfectly working for other "things" here.
what is the correct syntax here?
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Nov 8, 2010
how non English language input works with asp.net textboxes.
1. Can a regular asp.net textarea or a textbox accept text from languages other than English?
2. If yes, then how does the user enter non English language text
3. Is there a way to detect what language the user has entered text and make UI changes accordingly. (Ex: Make a button visible if non English text is entered)
4. Can non English text be stored in a varchar column in a SQL Server database? If not, how do I store this text?
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Dec 29, 2010
i want to create a multi languages website with xml file
actually i saw the yaf use this method and i also want to use it in my website with some difrent
the xml file that use yaf look like this:
now i need to create a class that read the xml file and create some function that return the words like:
Language.Title() will return the Title word as string
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Nov 15, 2010
I have two web projecs that use or share some image and localization file (chinese and english).
I don't want to have a copy on each of the project.
Is it possible to share those images and localization file using Satellite Assembly?
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Jun 25, 2010
I have addded some different languages into database table column(NText), then im retrieving the data and display it on the Dropdownlist and Gridview but some of the languages(like Korea, Japan) displays as boxes.
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May 10, 2010
I am not sure where to put this question... but, we have a SQL Server 2005 -> .net 2.?? application that is suppose to be made available to multiple countries and in multiple languages..... can someone give me some direction on how a single datastore can be pulled out and displayed in multiple languages and then those data inputs from multiple languages can be stored in their native language?
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Mar 29, 2011
I am trying to create a button with text in 2 languages English and Bengali.
I hav created two resource files for each of them.In the English I have written 'Hello' as the value for the key and for the
bengali I copied the word from google.
But when I paste I only see squares in the value box of the resource file(not the actual fonts).
This is despite the fact that I have installed Bengali fonts on the machine.
What is the problem?
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