MVC :: AJAX Not Provided The Option To Refresh Multiple Div. How To Achieve This

Jan 13, 2010

In my MVC view (page) having one link button while clicking the button I need to refresh the data in two div. I have converted my link button to AjaxLink button ie

AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId =
"div1" })%>

It's providing option to give one div to refresh but I want to refresh the data in two div. Do I able to achieve this through AJAX.

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AJAX :: How To Do Automatically Refresh A Multiple Textbox

Nov 24, 2010

I am beginer for Ajax.In my project i have two main sites1.Customer site2.Admin site.In Admin site i have one Multiple textbox. I am binding all registered user names in multiple textbox from sql database.Using customer site registered user has logged means in admin site Multiple textbox should be showed the online user in different color.As the content is constantly changing in the database, I would like some sort of automatic refresh after a period of time.Does anyone know how i can multiple textbox every 1 minute?

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MVC :: Achieve A Reusable Area In Multiple Views (navigation Menu)?

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Aug 7, 2010

How can I achieve hover effect for the ajaxtoolkit combobox. I just need an outline for the entire combo i.e. outline for combo-textbox and combo-button when hovering over the combobox otherwise it should return to the normal outline color.

I could only get the hovering effect for combo-textbox alone and that too an outline creates at outer of the existing combo-textbox outline.

BTW: how can I attach an image from my desktop?

I tried the CSS style as below


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AJAX :: Alternative To Postbacktriggers Or A Method To Achieve Result?

Feb 1, 2011

i have just found that i cant create postback triggers on the fly (i had a function that runs onclick that creates buttons and postback triggers)

so i need an alternative or a method to achieve this

what happens is onclick of a button, updatepanel1 is updateded and depending on what button you click in panel1 more buttons are added, these buttons that are added also have an oncllick event that should update a wysiwyg in panel2 with content

heres my code below, if anyone has any ideas or knows of other methods to get this to work it would be great


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Web Forms :: Check Box Inside Dropdownlist Box For Multiple Option Checking

Aug 11, 2010

i have a datbase:a

table :a

values :










what i have is a dropdownlist1,chekbox1 and objectdatasource1 for getting the select query

what i need is checkbox values should fetch the values of table a and displayed inside in
dropdownlist1 and values are checked dynamically and the checked values should be shown in

if any body knows the full code reply the code or mail me

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Web Forms :: Can't Select Dropdown List Option If There Is Only One Option Returned

Jun 29, 2010

I have a dynamic dropdown that is populated from sql. The user is supposed to select an option from the dropdown, then click a search button on the form to return some results based on that selection. It works fine if the dropdown gets populated with more than one record. However, if only one record is returned, that one record can't be selected. Whether you select it or just leave it alone since it's the only one, when you click the form button (search button), no results are returned b/c the dropdown selection must not be actually selected.

I've included the relevant code below. First the DDL, then the datasource, and finally the C# code in the if (!Page.IsPostBack)


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Ajax Calendar Extender UI Option In UpdatePanel

Jan 11, 2010

I have calendar extender in asp panel which is in updatepanel. These asp panels are switched through two radio buttons.First time calendar displays well, but if we switch to other panel and come back to same, the format changes.I have analysed that CalendarExtender renders class="bgcolor_weekend" properly on page load first time, but when some action is done (check box switched to show one panel and hide another) while being in updatepanel, it simply does not enderlass="bgcolor_weekend" on weekend column.

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Security :: Password Did Not Match That For The Login Provided

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looking on my servers application logs i noticed a contiuous for days now attempts to login to my sql serverReason: Password did not match that for the login provided.

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C# - Can Replace A Vendor-provided Method Used By A Page

Jun 25, 2010

Our internal HR application is developed by the vendor, but I've been given a requirement to change the behaviour of a certain piece of functionality without their assistance (which I don't want to do, but am investigating...). The functionality in question is an .ashx page which does a number of database lookups, and is called via javascript functions on a web page. We want to add one further database lookup.

We have control over the javascript code, so that's not a problem, but the code for the .ashx page is held in a compiled assembly. I've found where it is, and looked into it using .Net Reflector. Reimplementing the methods involved wouldn't be difficult, if it were technically feasible.

Can I create a new assembly, paste the source taken using Reflector into it, make my modifications, add the DLL to the application, and then set up a new .ashx to refer to it?

The bits I'm worried about not being possible are:

The code refers to some vendor classes held in other assemblies; can I just add references to those assemblies in Visual Studio to allow it to compile, and then when it's compiled and put on the server it'll all work?

Will I have trouble getting the web application to accept the new DLL, given that generally this application is not something we make changes to ourselves?


Some clarification: I'm not actually planning to replace the vendor's DLL with one of my own, that does sound like going a bit too far. Instead, I would make a new DLL with just the one function in it I need (based on stuff taken from the existing DLL using Reflector). I'd need that code to reference other utility vendor code so that it can get at classes needed to access the framework. I'd make a brand new .ashx page to serve up the code in the new DLL.

Luckily after all this I'm off the hook, because my customer agrees that things aren't desperate enough for us to attempt all this!

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How To Select Master Pages That Are Provided By A VirtualPathProvider

Oct 15, 2010

We got a lot of intranet websites that share the same design. Therefore we've put the master pages, stylesheet, images and javascripts in a shared assembly.

The content is loaded by using:

HostingEnvironment.RegisterVirtualPathProvider(new VirtualFilesProvider());
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new WebFormViewEngineWithOurVirtualPathProvider());

The problem is that Visual Studio cannot find the images or masterpage and therefore gives us a lot of warnings + that we cannot select the masterpage when creating new view pages.

Note: Everything works fine when running the websites.

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AJAX :: Show Smart Tag Disabled - No Add Extender Option

Feb 18, 2010

I am running vs2010, added the ajax toolkit. I can get form control to drag onto forms and run (ie the editor) but cannot get calender extender to work. I manually added it to the code. set the target id. No calender when ran. But the smarttag will appear on the textbox with the only option of remove extender. Why are the smart tags not working. The show smart tag option is disabled on the right click context menu of the textbox.

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AJAX :: CaneldarExtender (Date) Format Globalization Option

Mar 14, 2011

I'm having the following issue with the CalendarExtender Format property when used with Globalization.The ASP.NET application default local is en-CA with a date format of yyyy/MM/dd (as specified by the business). The application also support the fr-CA local and I have included the ToolkitScriptManager with the EnableScriptGlobalization="true" EnableScriptLocalization="true".When using the control in the default en-CA context, everything works as expected. When using the control under the fr-CA context, the control renders properly in French but the returned date format is yyyy-MM-dd and not the specified yyyy/MM/dd. This
results in a validation and parsing failures.

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MVC :: AJAX Option - Onsuccess - Cant Load Jquery Dialog?

Jan 22, 2011

I am not sure this is the right place to ask. I cant load jquery.dialog after success using ajax option..

my dialog box is below function createsuccess(context)


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AJAX :: Control Toolkit 3.5 - Missing Add Extender Option In VWD2008

Dec 23, 2010

I'm using VWD2008, I just downloaded AJAX Control Toolkit 3.5 and installed it following the steps in the official site but can't find "Add Extender" option. I also have another problem that I cant fine the "EnableHistory" property in scriptmanager control properties.

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AJAX :: HTML Editor Inside Grid As Editing Option

Jul 11, 2010

Is there anyway i can place a HTML Editor inside the gridview“s edit template? I tried this on the top:

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor"
TagPrefix="cc1" %>

And my template field for the text (which was suppose to be with HTML):


I tried to place the HTML Editor inside the Gridview and it didnt work.

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Apr 19, 2010

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Jquery - Iterate Through JSON Object List Provided By Webservice?

Nov 24, 2010

I have an ASP.NET webservice method that returns a generics list (List'<'Construct>) serialized as JSON, using code such as this:

[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class TestService : System.Web.Services.WebService {
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string GetOccupationListJSON(int SOCLevel)
Construct NewConstructList = new ConstructList();
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(ConstructList.GetType());
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();


I assumed (from looking elsewhere) that accessing the JSON data through the index would provide me with access to the underlying object at that index, so that I can then work with it to access its properties.
However, when i=0 and I do var Construct = data[i]; I get the character at the i position of the data array ([), and in the next iteration I get the second character ({). So clearly I am accessing the elements of a string array rather than the JSON data object.How do I make sure that the data returned by the webservice gets into proper JSON format, so that I can iterate through the object elements within it?

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Membership - How To Check If Password Answer Matches What Is Provided By A User

Jan 30, 2011

I simply want to know how to manually check if the value a user has provided for the answer to their security question matches their current answer on record. I want to use the build in support of the ASP.Net membership and membershipuser objects.

I see that via the passwordrecovery control that the actual answer can be returned. However I am currently not using this control and it would take a good bit to integrate it as it does not meet our user's requirements.

In a worst case scenario, getting the actual answer (like the passwordrecovery control does) and manually checking it in our application would be acceptable.

A best case scenario is some sort of API where I can pass in the user name and the answer to their security question that was provided and simply get an indication of whether answer was correct or not.

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WCF / ASMX :: Pass Some Values To Price Method Of Provided Webservice

Jan 4, 2011

I want to pass some values to price method of provided webservice, but the parameter schema is like this:


how I must send the price parameter value? in array or as a class?

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Web Forms :: Write Some Html Base On The Input Provided By The User?

Sep 15, 2010

i have to inplement a taglib(java) kind of functionality in application.I need to send parameters from the aspx file eg(<cc:displayhtmld="id1" runat="server" customparam="123"/>) and i need to write some Html base on the input provided by the user can somebody please help as to how i can do this.

View 6 Replies - User Closes The Window Using Default Icon Provided In Fancybox?

Apr 18, 2010

I am using jquery.fancybox-1.2.1.js of fancy box in applicationQ1: In the base page i have datagrid and on combobox. on slection of combobox the datagrid is populated.From the datagrid I open the fancybox when user click on Edit link. I open new page likeIn EditProjectTask.aspx i have the controls in edible mode. Now if user closes the window using default icon provided in fancybox.then if user select some other option from combox the url changes into EditProjectTask?Task= 86Q2: #
From the # datagrid I open the fancybox when user click on Edit link. I open new page likeIn EditProjectTask.aspx i have the controls in edible mode. Now when user updates the the content I want to close the fancybox and also refresh the parent window. I have achieved this using
After update i #But it reloads all the page.Can I use some Ajax call.

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AJAX :: Combobox And Enter Key / Want The User To Be Able Type Use Arrow Key To Select Option?

Aug 26, 2010

I have added a combobox to my page. Listview is updated based on selection from combobox. It is working great except it does not fire when Enter is pressed. User has to click on option from dropdown or has to press tab key to have Listview to populate. I want the user to be able type use arrow key to select option and then press the enter key for event to fire.

Using .net 3.5 and c#

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