MVC :: AsyncController Gripes / Working Pattern For Converting A GET-POST-GET Pattern To Asny?
Feb 23, 2010
Does anyone have a working pattern for converting a GET-POST-GET pattern to asny?
I'm encountering the following issues:
1. You cannot mix Sync and Async action methods SubmitForm(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), SubmitFormCompleted() ... (because the resolver gets all confused ... it doesn't use the HTTP verb to decide who to target. BTW: I think that's poor design, or a bug)
2. Renaming the get method name to something else eg: SubmitFormConfirmation(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), SubmitFormCompleted() would be very awkward if it works ... because you have to doctor the <form markup to specify an action name.
3. You cannot give them all async names SubmitFormAsync(), SubmitFormAsync(bool? confirm), submitFormCompleted(), because the call just keeps malfunctioning. It sometime even behaves as if you are requesting a delete of something.
Can someone give an insight from an actually working sample.
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PersonalizationService - profile
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