MVC :: Continuous File Not Found Error In 3 - Favicon

Jan 13, 2011

On a MVC 3 application I keep having the following error: System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): File does not exist.

at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.GetFileInfo(String virtualPathWithPathInfo, String physicalPath, HttpResponse response)
at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpContext context, String overrideVirtualPath)

I checked the error detail and the file is Favicon.ico with path: /favicon.ico PATH_TRANSLATED C:UsersMiguelProjectsCMSCodeSitefavicon.ico

On the global.asax.cs I have the following:


In fact on my view I am calling the Favicon.ico, and it is showing, but using:


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Web Forms :: Get File Not Found Error For Favicon.ico?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm doing a tutorial for error logging. It seems to be pretty basic. Everything works the way it should but I get an error I did not expect in my error log. The error says file not found for favicon.ico. From what I've read this is a file for the icon that would appear in the address bar, to the left of the url. I don't understand why I'm getting this error. I have no code that does this or references this file. It happens when I run the app in chrome and in firefox. Does the browser automatically look for this file to display to the left of the url? Is it automatically looking for this file as part of it's normal routine when loading a page?

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Error Saying That The XML File Can't Be Found?

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MVC :: File Not Found 404 Error On IIS 6?

Jan 5, 2011

OK, I was having some deployment issues on IIS 5.1, but at one point (right before the machine died) I was able to serve the files. I'm not certain what is lacking in my current case, but now I'm trying to deploy on IIS 6, and cannot get anything but "404 not found" errors. It's driving me nuts.

Just to be sure the site is working, because it isn't in the web root (virtual directory), I dumped a Web Forms website in there, and it worked just fine. I've tried setting up a wildcard in IIS by going to the properties of the site, and in the area under the file extension mappings, I clicked Insert to create a wildcard, assigning it to the aspnet_isapi.dll file. No dice. And yes, I remembered to uncheck the "Verify file exists" checkbox. Since this is IIS 6, I also made sure I had the Default.aspx page, with the code:


So all should be good. But it's not. I've combed over at least 6 websites and related links on getting MVC 2 to work on IIS 6, but nothing has worked so far. I cannot purchase the url rewritier mentioned in Steve Sanderson's blog, nor can I use the free version, since my application isn't the only web site running on this server. I can't use extensions for the pages, either. This is a crude hack I really don't want to deploy in a production application.

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File Not Found Error When Try To Go To Website?

Mar 3, 2011

I have uploaded my website on ftp's httpdocs folder when i go to Default.aspx page it gives me File not found error, I had use publish website options and my project contains Default.aspx page as start page.All published project files are uploaded and still i am getting File not Found error.

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Mar 3, 2011

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All published project files are uploaded and still i am getting File not Found error.

when i try to type files in internet explorers address bar.

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Sep 7, 2010

I come from a VB environment. I'm looking at 2 different file extensions. If one doesn't exist look at the next. I was hoping to use the try/catch function. I can get it to find the first extension but not the second. Here is my the try/catch part of code:

string website = xAll;
catch (FileNotFoundException)
string website1 = xAll1;

The error dialog that pops up shows Connection Error in the title and a yellow exclamation point with File Not Found! I thought the FileNotFoundException would work(?).

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Jul 17, 2010

strFilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
strFilePath = Directory.GetParent(strFilePath).ToString();
strFilePath = Directory.GetParent(strFilePath).ToString();
strFilePath = strFilePath + "\ACH" + "/ACHFile.txt";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strFilePath);

if i browse for a text file and displays it in the text box and trying to save it as the name provided above i am getting the error as Directory Not Found Exception.

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Jun 30, 2010

I have a web application and I'm using routing. When I publish it with the Only files needed to run this application selected it gives me an error when I'm loading any of the page "HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found."

but if I choose publish All files it works fine.

Do you know how to resolve this issue?

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Feb 16, 2010

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but i am unable to open it.the error is "the file could not be found" but if i replace


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I can run normal HTML pages, but no .aspx files. If I call the aspx page directly I get a 404 - file not found - error message. This only happens with .aspx files.

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Nov 17, 2010

I bought a website a few years ago, hosted with WebHost4Life,. Since their migration their has been nothing but problems with my site, however, I am stuck because I don't have the knowledge to move it, have tried with no success. Anyway, recently I have been getting parser error messages, Webhost fixed them, and then it starts over again. It takes them weeks to get around to it and since its my livelihood, I can't afford for the site to be down for 5 days then running for one day. I've tried to contact the guy that built the site to no avail, he won't answer my emails.

why these parser errors keep happening. This is a recent thing from the past 2 months, never had this before. What can I do to stop it. it looks like the knowledge here is unreal, I'm in awe everytime I read your answers. BTW, heres my lastest parser error:

Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls. Source Error:


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Mvc - Does The Favicon.ico Also Look For A Controller

Jan 7, 2011

i get an error: "The controller for path '/favicon.ico' was not found or does not implement IController"

then i thought: how does the framework know for which files it has to instantiate a controller, because the same thing is true for script, css and other files (never thought of that, but now the favicon is complaining, i was wondering....

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C# - Favicon Not Working In Any Browser?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to get a favicon to appear on my webpage. Disclaimer: I have never done this before, but it does seem rather simple.

I have a ico image in a folder called pics that is part of my project. I am trying to do this inside my master page.

<link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="~/pics/REDIcon.ico"/>

That is correct, right? Is there anything else I should check?


my code now looks like:

<link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="pics/REDIcon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>

This however is still not working properly.

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WC3 Validation With Viewstate - Favicon - VS2010

Dec 14, 2010

I've been though this once before, but somehow can't get these two items to run correctly (VS2010 - Server 2008 R2 - .NET4.0) WC3 Validation I have entered (in Web.config)


and the favicon is displayed in the browser tab when run locally, but not when published.

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C# - Using URL Routing For Web Forms And StopRoutingHandler For Favicon

Mar 23, 2010

I have a website where I need to add a Favicon.ico. The site is written using ASP.NET 3.5 Web Forms with Routing. The issue is that the Favicon link always returns a page not found error. This is because the Routing does not know where the link for Favicon.ico should go to so it returns the Not Found page.

I have tried to add a StopRoutingHandler for the the favicon but none of them seem to work. Below are the ones I have tried so far:

routes.Add(new Route("MasterPages/{favicon}.ico", new StopRoutingHandler()));
routes.Add(new Route("{favicon}.ico", new StopRoutingHandler()));
routes.Add(new Route("favicon.ico", new StopRoutingHandler()));
routes.Add(new Route("favicon.ico/{*pathInfo}", new StopRoutingHandler()));

Does anyone know what I should be using? My favicon.ico links I have tried look like this:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

And they are inside of my <html><head> tags.

Also, as one final note, I am not using MVC because if I was I could use this:

routes.IgnoreRoute("{*favicon}", new {favicon=@"(.*/)?favicon.ico(/.*)?"});

Unfortunately, IgnoreRoute does not work for Routing Web Forms though because it is not an MVC application.

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C# - Continuous Deployment With Website?

May 19, 2010

I have a website in C#/ASP.NET that is currently in development. When we are in production, I would like to do releases frequently over the course of the day, as we fix bugs and add features (like this: [URL]. If you upload a new version of the site or even change a single file, it kicks out the users that are currently logged in and makes them start over any forms and such. Is there a secret to being able to do deployments without interfering with users for .NET sites?

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MVC :: Error - The Resource Cannot Be Found

Apr 24, 2010

i've got a problem with routing. My route looks like this:


but if there is a directory with the same name (in my case: "Articles") in my root directory, routing doesn't work and causes the error: "The resource cannot be found."

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MVC :: The Resource No Found Error In .net ?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm using mvc 2 applications and while clicking on the link,it shows the error as "HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly."The site was deployed in my localhost (IIS 6) web server.For example the link

http://localhost/news/details/My_First_News_title shows the above error but the link

http://localhost/news/index works fine in the browser.And also we added wildcard in IIS configuration and unchecked the "verify file exists options in IIS.

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MVC :: Selectlist Could Not Be Found Error?

Dec 24, 2010

i have wrote the following code inside a model class, but there was an error that indicates that the select list could not be found:-

public SelectList Countries {
set; }

so which "using system" i should add????

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Web Forms :: Favicon Doesn't Work Online

Jan 12, 2010

I have a problem, when i´m working offline, my favicon appears, but when i put my web site online in a iis server, doesnt appear

i have this:


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