MVC :: Does Client-side Validation Using Data Annotations Work With Lists

Jan 27, 2010

In my view data class I have a List.


I have all the properties of the class Person as required using Data Annotations.


In the View I loop the List like this:


Generated HTML:



Does not work at all.

Other things I've tried:

Tried using these HTML Helper methods instead:


Generated output:



Interestingly, when I trigger a validation on the first textbox, it fires simultaneously for all of the textboxes. The rest of the textboxes do not trigger validation at all.

Looking at the generated id and names for the textboxes and their corresponding error text span element, they areall identical.

Anyone figure out how to use Client Validation with Data Annotations with a List in the view data,
supporting Model Binding?

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Mvc2 Data Annotations Validation (Client Side Works, Server Side Doesnt?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm using an entity model with metadata annotations. My controller method looks like this...

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
return RedirectToAction("Index");

If I enable client side validation in the view I'll get the error per the Attributes from the metadata class. If I take clientside validation out, error gets thrown from saving to the DB rather than return the view with an Error Summary.

This is the top portion of my view....

<% using (Html.BeginForm())
<%: Html.ValidationSummary(true) %>

I've tried running without debugging (ctrl + f5) in debug and release mode as well as setting breakpoints and Debugging (f5) but it just seems weird to get Client side validation without server side validation. What am I missing here?

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MVC :: How To Really Get Jquery Client Side Validation To Work

Feb 15, 2011

Using MVC 3 RTM and MvcContrib/FluentHtml version, I can't get the jQuery client side validation to work. Server side validation works fine, and returns showing the correct validation summary, etc. But the form post always tries to hit the server-side post controller action when it should have stopped on the client side to display the validation error.

I tried replacing the MvcContrib ModelViewPage with the default Mvc ViewPage and it still didn't work.

Here's my code:

Web.config has:


Site.Master page has:


View page inherits from MvcContrib's ModelViewPage:Here's the view page:


Here's the controller post action:


Here's the entity object with the Required field:


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MVC :: Can't Get Cross Field Validation To Work One Client Side

Jun 15, 2010

I have studied Phil Haack's post [URL]about custom validation, however, I can not get this to work for my case. I need something like the "PropertiesMustMatch" validator in a default MVC2 project generated by Visual Studio.

None of my custom javascript gets called. I am registering the custom adapter in Application_Start using DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.RegisterAdapter(....). In the DataAnnotationsModelValidator derived class, GetClientValidationRuls is never even called.

What is going on here? Maybe this type of validation where your validation attribute has to be applied to a class, not a propety, does not yet work with the RTM release of Visual Studio 2010.

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Client Side Validation / When Build The Code, And Clicks On Image Button, These Validators Do Not Work?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a text box in which I want only digits (either decimal or whole numbers). I have applied Required Field Validator and Regular Expression Validator on it.I have an Image Button, by clicking on which, I want this validation to be performed. But when I build the code, and clicks on Image Button, these validators do not work and I am redirected to the server side method of Image Button and after completing the execution of server side method, control comes to these validators and client side validation executes.I am fed up by finding solutions on Google and unable to find any solution.Please tell me of anyone of you know the solution that why server side code is running first and client side validation is executing after server side code execution.

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Javascript - Client Side Validation And Server Side Validation In Java Script And Respectively ?

Sep 6, 2010

want to know that can we validate a control which is out side a form element in side validation)and outside a form element in html(client side validation) let's take a closer look

<input type="text" name="first name"/>

can we apply clien side validation on above text box by java script ?in

<form runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Validator Client-side Validation Cannot Work?

Jan 13, 2010

I've been trying to get a custom validator component working that ensures at least one checkbox from a checkboxlist has been checked. I've been used some code I found on but the client-side validation didn't work. I've been attempting to modify it to get the client-side javascript validation to work with no luck. Basically, I compile the below code into a DLL and add it to my bin folder.


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How To By-pass Client-side Validation To Verify Server-side Validation

Mar 1, 2011

I'm interested in identifying a means to verify the server-side validation is performing as expected, but need to bypass the client-side validation being done using ASP.NET validation controls. To test this, I've tried using the form Poster add-on to Firefox that allowed me to get/modify the page contents and post it, but the .NET framework interpreted the submission as harmful and threw an application error ("A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client").I've created a WinForm that includes a WebBrowser control and I'm able to manipulate the contents of the web page and invoke the button click, but am interested in seeing how to allow a postback with invalid input values. I don't want to assume the server-side validation works (even though I do check if Page.IsValid on the server on postback).This submits the web form in the WebBrowseer control and the expected client-side validation fires:
This is how I've manipulated some of the page contents (this just prevents submission):
mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc = extendedWebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument as mshtml.IHTMLDocument2;
string html = doc.body.innerHTML;
html.Replace("Page_ValidationActive = false", "Page_ValidationActive = true");
doc.body.innerHTML = html.ToString();

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Web Forms :: Unable To Get Any Validation Controls To Work With Checkbox Lists?

Jun 14, 2010

I can't seem to be able to get any validation controls to work with checkbox lists. I tried adding a custom validator but just get an error message. Are there any work around because I would like to add custom validation and required validators?

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Returning Complex Types (multiple Lists) To Client Side Using Jquery.ajax?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm designing a page which makes an ajax call (via jQuery.ajax) to a page method on the server side.On the server side, I have two classes: Agent and Channel.

In the page method, I'd like to return a List<Agent> and a List<Channel> to the client side. How can I return two lists to client side? should wrap them up in one class like:


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Web Forms :: Give A Client Side Validation All The Function Work,but In Confirm Password Its Not Hide Wen Give A Correct Password?

Jun 16, 2010

I have create a masterpage and add content page include user (firsname,lastname,password,new password,confirm new password adn etc..)detail update field. i try to give a client side validation all the function work,but in confirm password its not hide wen give a correct password.. anybody give correct solution..code are below..


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Forms Data Controls :: Client Side Validation For DetailsView W/o Validation Controls?

Feb 24, 2011

Is it possible to do client side validation on a detailsview (insert or edit) without using validation controls? I.E. somehow capture the onClientClick event of the autogenerated Insert/Update link buttons to call my javascript function?

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JavaScript - Client Side Validation Causes Wrong Data To Be Displayed

Apr 5, 2011

I have a form that contains multiple and different input controls .. and I have two types of validation:

This type insures that the user input doesn't violate my application's constraints (required, max length, regExp).. and this is done on the client side using the ASP.NET Validation Controls .. and it's enforced by a server side validation.

This type works on a deeper level, like the database. it check if the entry is duplicate and any other check that can't be done on the UI level.

I use the ValidationSummary control to display the first type's errors, and a label for the second's type errors. I tried to test it with the JavaScript disabled and it worked fine, then I turned the JS back on and *Here comes the problem: *

I first try to raise an error on the db layer (by entering a name that already exists) and the error is displayed on the label and everything is good .. now I try to remove the name from the textbox and press the submit so I could raise a required field validator error the expected output is "This field is required" only but what I see is "the name already exists" and "This field is required".

I think it's because when the ASP.NET RequiredValidator works, it doesn't make a postback, so the database layer will never be validated and won't even get the label cleared!

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MVC :: Register Client-side Validation For Custom Validation Attribute?

May 19, 2010

I am trying to create a custom password validation attribute which has these requirements

1. cannot be empty.

2. doesn't contain space or other special chracters, which I'll define later.

3. length is between 6 - 12


it works fine on the server-side but I'd like to make this work on the client side as well, so I created a PasswordAttributeAdapter class


and in global.asax I added


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C# - Show Only Client-side Validation With Client And Server Validators?

Dec 12, 2010

If I have something like the following:

<asp:TextBox id="test" runat="sever"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ControlToValidate="test"
<asp:Label runat="server" id="lblStatus"></asp:Label>

if in the code behind, I set the label to "You must enter a value if the textbox is empty" to validate it on the server side and this is fine, but if javascript is enabled, I don't want to show the client side validation and the server side label together. Is this something where I would just have to disable the client-side validators if javascript was enabled?

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MVC :: Data Annotation Validator REQUIRED On Client Side Not Work

Jun 6, 2010

Something is wrong in ASP.NET MVC 2 on client side validation. If I have form for create records in database and all fields are required, validation is triggered only then when I write something in field and delete it. If I go to field, stay this field empty and press Tab key validation isn't triggered.

Here somebody else write about the same problem: [URL]

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Validation: Gathering Information From Client-side Validation?

Jan 18, 2011

I'd like to implement ajax message box that will gather information from validators on a page when client-side validation fires. Like: I have left some text fields blank then press submit button and appropriate RequiredFieldValidators show messages. I would like my message box shows those messages too. I am looking for appropriate way to hook on validators JS event or something.

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Bypass Data Annotations Validation On MVC 2?

Aug 4, 2010

I would like to know if it's possible to bypass the validation of one property which is using Data Annotations. Since I use the model across multiple pages, there's a check I need in some, but not in others, so I would like it to be ignored.

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MVC 2: Make The Ajax.Form To Fire The Client Side Validation With Data Annotation?

Mar 7, 2010

Here is the code I have so far:


When I click submit, It does the validation on the server side, I kinda like it to validate on the Client instead of taking a trip to the server right away.

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MVC :: How To Use Of Validation With Data Annotations In Model Classes

Dec 12, 2010

I make use of validation with data annotations in my model classes. How do I make sure this annotations are not violated when I validate data in my business layer, before sending it to the DAL? I guess I don't want to define the validation rules in two places (model classes and in my BLL-classes)?

View 6 Replies

MVC :: Defining Validation Rules With Data Annotations?

Sep 24, 2010

Defined RegisterModel class - with some validation rules for creating new users, and this works fine.

Then I get this class, strip few properties and wanted to reuse it as UserInfo_Form_Model, for editing user properites.

No changes, just deleted few items, renamed and reused in strongly typed View for editing.

And result of validation is: -

[DisplayName("Name")] works fine, showing correct

[StringLength(20, ErrorMessage = "xxxx...")] - not working, no message showed when suppose to be one

[Required(ErrorMessage = "xxxx.")] - not working, not showing messages when delete required values?

but (ModelState.IsValid) is false when I checked it in controller (it had to be because required value is missing)?

Is it this only partially correct and how this can be?

Well this is a bit frustrating because it cant be simpler than this and I cant make this simple code reuse.

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Data Annotations For Validation At Least One Required Field?

Apr 26, 2010

If I have a search object with a list of fields, can I, using the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace, set it up to validate that at least one of the fields in the search is not null or empty? i.e All the fields are optional but at least one should always be entered.

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JQuery Validation With Data Annotations In MVC2?

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to make some sense of this validation stuff in MVC2. I followed various walkthroughs, all them for betas/rcs... and I cant' get anythign to happen. Note: THIS JQUERY - NOT THE MS AJAX STUFF!I have referenced MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js which i got got the mvc2 futures lib.

My model is:


The form bit of my ViewPage<User>:


As far as I can see the only additional thing that is being rendered is this:


Which is interesting/annoying for a few reasons. Firstly all of my annotations appear to have been ignored.Secondly FormId isn't even marked as required, and as this rendered text was taken from a page loaded with a null Model (add mode) the FormId field isn't in the form. Finally, this doesn't even result in any actual validation occuring (on the client side). All the server side validation is working fine.See I am using PasswordFor instead of EditorFor. Because someone at MS testing dropped the ball there. Yes EditorFor renders a password field, but it behaves differently to PasswordFor.. the value of the Password field is sent to the client (set in the value
attribute of the field). Fail.

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MVC :: Data Annotations Or Service Layer Validation?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm creating a Asp.Net MVC application and I need help on whether I should chose Data Annotations or Service Layer Validation (e.g. if(Model.Name.Trim().Length == 0)?

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MVC :: How To Get Validation Summary For Client Side Validation

Jan 21, 2010

I use the oob client side validation from mvc 2 RC. The input field validation errors are working fine. But the validation summary is missing. How to get the validation summary on client side validation?

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