MVC :: FormExtensions Make Wrong Paths When Adding Area To Site
Mar 12, 2010
We have a large mvc2 project and just added an area to it. Now some of the paths in our forms are messed up. We are using Strongly Typed actionlinks and formextensions. Please look at the following demo: [URL] The form on this page is incorrectly submitting to the area. I think it's related to routing or just the way that area's are figured out when it's not specified.
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Jun 3, 2010
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Now i have a user control inside userControl Folder. I have to use a external js file. So i use it this way
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../Script/slider.js"></script>
My understanding is that since both are under root so i have used a single .. Now what happens is that when this usercontrol is used inside DepartMentManagement it checks for script folder inside CustomerManagement as .. refers to one hierarchy above and script file is not found.Even using a ~ doesnot work.
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Aug 1, 2010
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Apr 21, 2010
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new {area = "Blog",controller = "Blog", action = "Index" }
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The view 'Index' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched:
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Mar 14, 2011
I'm trying to add a vertical line to an area chart like the following...
<asp:Chart id="chtTriage" Width="545" BackColor="#f2f2f2" runat="server">
<asp:Series Name="srs" ChartType="Area" Color="LightGray">
<asp:DataPoint XValue="0" YValues="1000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="5" YValues="2500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="10" YValues="6000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="15" YValues="4000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="20" YValues="2500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="25" YValues="2000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="30" YValues="1500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="35" YValues="1200" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="40" YValues="1000" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="45" YValues="500" />
<asp:DataPoint XValue="50" YValues="0" />
<asp:ChartArea Name="chaTriage" BackColor="#f2f2f2">
<AxisY Title="Number of Dogs" Interval="1000" IntervalType="Number" IsMarginVisible="false">
<LabelStyle Font="Aerial, 8.25pt" />
<MajorGrid Enabled="false" />
<AxisX Title="Triage Points" Interval="10" IntervalType="Number" IsStartedFromZero="true" Minimum="0" IsMarginVisible="false">
<LabelStyle Font="Aerial, 8.25pt" />
<MajorGrid Enabled="false" />
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Apr 28, 2010
I know that to use link a view found in one view to one in another, i need to use;
But what if i want to link FROM an area to a view in the root of the site? This view is in the views folder found in the root, NOT in any area.
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Jul 7, 2010
So far I use [URL] to get the longitude and lattitude of some address.
function load()
if (GBrowserIsCompatible())
map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('"mapHolderID');
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lattitude,longitude), 15);
var point=new GLatLng(lattitudelongitude);
map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point);
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But I ended up in /Home/Index and not in the area. Does this make sense?
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Feb 6, 2010
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Feb 9, 2010
I think this may be to simple of a question for these forums, but I guess I'll risk a little tarnish on my armor. In my web application, some of the pages I create don't have enough content to fill up the whole page. So it extends to the bottom (or beyond) of the browser window.
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Nov 18, 2010
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How can i call the embedded portable area view from another web project
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Jan 31, 2011
I have precompiled and encrypted my webconfig. What else could I do to make my site secure.
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Jun 24, 2010
Apologies for the terribly newb question. We're currently implementing Google Web Optimizer in our ASP.NET Web Application and some of the code is supposed to go in very specific places on certain pages. For example, for the "Control Page" Google has some Javascript that sits outside of the <html> tags.
I know I probably don't need to place the code exactly where Google recommends, but we've been getting some goofy results lately, and I really wanted to make it as watertight as possible to ensure it's not just bad implementation. We have a lot of files in our project that reference the site.master, but only one needs to have some Javascript placed outside the <html> tag. This, in theory, seems simple enough, my question is this: Do I need to put a ContentPlaceHolder in every file that references the site.master? (Even the tens that aren't passing any code to the site.master?) That's not something I feel like doing for many different reasons (altering tens of files). If that's the case, and I do need to add empty ContectPlaceHolders to every page, is there some other way around things without having to piece together a unique file just to put some Javascript outside of the <html> tag?
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May 28, 2010
Is it OK to use css optimizers to before to make site live. When we can't to any other server side compression techniques (gzip, combining, sass, less etc)I want to make CSS file short and readable. How to use these tools without loosing css functionality. what options we should use and what not.
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Apr 9, 2010
I have followed scott's gu tutorial here I uploaded the whole database to my site. Before doing what Scott's says I had one username stored in the membership. How can I create an additional user now that the table is in the web host? I can see that there's aspnet_Membership, aspnet_Applications, etc..etc
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Mar 15, 2010
What options do I have for adding a blog to an existing ASP.NET Web Forms web site. Ideally it should be able to transition to MVS as and when my site does.
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