MVC :: Site.master Image Paths Change?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a problem with my paths.hen I look at the default page that has my logo on the site.master the image (on site.master) shows fine in my browser:http://localhost:50033/Img/Logos/ahn_logo.pngAs soon as I click on a link like "About Us" the view gets returned but the image path is now:http://localhost:50033/Home.aspx/Img/Logos/ahn_logo.pngand it does not show.Why does the path of the master page image change ?

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Localization :: Change Image Paths Programmatically?

Sep 16, 2010

I am working on a localization project, some of the localized text are in graphics, some of the example graphics paths:


My web forms use <asp:image> controls and <img> tags (runat = sever) to point to graphics in /en/images. I need to a function to loop through all image control and point them to different paths based on the locale set at runt time. Which event should I override and how do I write it?

All my web pages inherit from a base page, I don't know if that makes differences.

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Web Forms :: Relative Paths With Master Pages?

Sep 28, 2010

How do I deal with master pages and relative paths especially when dealing with sub-folders?

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MVC :: FormExtensions Make Wrong Paths When Adding Area To Site

Mar 12, 2010

We have a large mvc2 project and just added an area to it. Now some of the paths in our forms are messed up. We are using Strongly Typed actionlinks and formextensions. Please look at the following demo: [URL] The form on this page is incorrectly submitting to the area. I think it's related to routing or just the way that area's are figured out when it's not specified.

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Web Forms :: Script / Images Paths In Master Page?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a few css files, javascript files and images referenced in my master page. When I do a "View Source" of the pages that use this master page, I can see that the css files are showing correct paths but javascripts and images don't. I tried using "~" in path but nothing worked so I used relative paths.

If I have a path for css file as "../../css/blah.css" and a page that is in sub-folder uses this master page, it correctly shows the path as "../../../css/blah.css". But the images and javascript paths continue to show the original path (hence broken images, javascript errors, ...).

A javascript source listed as src="../../scripts/blah.js" continues to show as "../../scripts/blah.js" instead of "../../../scripts/blah.js". Same thing with images. I did try "~/scripts/blah.js" and "~/images/blah.gif" but still can't find it.

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Change ImageButton Image In A Master Page?

May 3, 2010

I would like to change the image on animageButton as this is clicked by the user.

when the master page is loaded it shows the btnHome.ImageUrl = "~/images/home.jpg";

But when the user clicks on the btnHome, its ImageUrl should change to btnHome.ImageUrl = "~/images/homeSelected.jpg";

The imageButton should change from a selected image to nonselected.

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Web Forms :: Change Image Source On Master Page?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a web site with a navigation bar on the left side that uses image buttons to select the page you want to see. Each button has 3 possible images - the normal image when the page is not selected, the mouseover image when the the mouse is over the button, and the selected image when the button has been clicked and the page selected. Formerly each web page had its own navigation bar but I have moved the common content into a master page.

The problem I have is how to make the button image of the selected page to be the "selected" image rather than the "normal" image. Basically I need to change the imagebutton source to the "selected" image when a button is clicked and reset it to the normal image when a different button is clicked.

Currently the Javascript looks like this:

var loaded = new Array();
function F_loadRollover(image,imageName) {
if (image && image.src &&
(null == image.out || typeof(image.out) == typeof(void(0)))) {
s = image.src;


How can I tweak the Javascript so that the src of the clicked image is "content1_selected" instead of "content1_normal" and then reset it when another button is clicked. This seems like it would be a common need when moving a navigation bar to a master page to eliminate redundant code.

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Web Forms :: Automatically Change Image In Master Page Header?

Mar 20, 2014

in a webpage how to change images one after another using css.

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HTML Img - ASP Image And Relative Paths

Mar 4, 2011

What is the correct way to reference an image in ASP.NET for live deployment on IIS? The following works in dev and production:

<asp:ImageButton ID="ibnEdit" runat="server" OnClick="ibnEdit_Click" ImageUrl="~/App_Themes/Default/images/one.png" Visible="false" ToolTip="Edit" />

The following doesn't work in either: (why not?)

<img src="~/App_Themes/Default/images/two.gif" />

The following works in dev but not in production:

<img src="../App_Themes/Default/images/two.gif" />

View 2 Replies - .NET Theming Programatically : Image Paths?

Mar 14, 2011

We have a multilingual site, or culture-sensitive, and some of the static content now needs to be targeted; for this I'm using themes as it seems the easiest way to achieve what I want, but I can't for the life of me get the images to pick up.I'm setting the theme in code-behind, and thought at first that maybe this was the issue, but on checking up it looks like I'm doing the right thing (setting on Pre-Init).

I expect to be able to reference images using relative paths where App_Themes/ThemeName/ is automatically resolved, such as:

<asp:Image runat="server" ImageUrl="imagesimage.jpg"/>

For whatever reason, however, the image isn't being pulled through at all.This is the code we have in place for setting the theme (the only really relevant part, I'm sure, being the Theme = CurrentSite.CultureName, which is applied successfully):

Private Sub SetTheme()
Dim themesPath = Server.MapPath("~/App_Themes")
If Directory.Exists(themesPath) Then[code]...

In the above code, CurrentSite.CultureName would be a language culture name (for example, en-gb, or nn-no) that does have an existing corresponding theme folder containing all required resources.Pages do have EnableTheming set to True. Also, I have tried removing the theme-setting code and applying the theme in the page using Theme="en-gb" to no avail.

Is there anything immediately evident as to why the URLs aren't resolved?

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Web Forms :: Image Paths When Using Routing

Jan 24, 2013

I have implement url routing on my website project in vs 2010 and IIS 7.

But after implemented I have facing issue where images and css some times load and some not.

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Dynamically Change Image From Admin Panel Which Is Shown In Master Page?

Jul 3, 2010

i want to show dynamically change image from admin panel which is shown in master page, but i can't decide how to do it ?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Image Paths And Load Balancing?

Aug 9, 2010

I've been assigned a task to get a site ready for migration over to a load balanced architecture. It will have 4 active servers and 2 static, where the active ones will contain the main site, with the static ones containing images, text files etc..My question is, what is the best way to deal with the image paths in this situation?e.g. one one server the image will be something like : 'serverONE/images/image.jpg' but this need the ability to change to 'serverTWO/images/image.jpg'

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C# - Pass A Variable From Site.Master.cs To Site.Master

Mar 29, 2011

I'm new to C# web development. I'm trying to reference a param from Site.Master.cs in Site.Master, so that in Site.Master page, I can do:

if (someParam == true) {

some HTML code


The param someParam is the one I want to pass from Site.Master.cs.

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Visual Studio :: Web Site / Web Application Templates Seem Changed - Default.aspx Only With Site.master

Oct 21, 2010

Using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I was used to creating a web app anytime and I would get a default page for starters and be happy. But today I find that when I pick either the ASP.NET Web Site or ASP.NET Web Application templates I get site.master and a bunch of site admin files that I don't want. Alternately when I select the empty versions of those templates, I get almost nothing at all. An almost empty web.config page and no Default.aspx page. There is nothing magical about having a default.aspx page in place, but it is an indicator of a change when I can only get a virtually completely empty website or a website with a bunch of bells and whistles I don't want.

Also, for some reason, when I create a new app or website as just noted, in the Solution Explorer I get aspx.designer.cs files showing as well as web.config files for both debug and release. Somehow some settings and templates must have changed, or am I missing something here? How can I get my settings/templates to go back to the way they were?

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MVC :: Create A Dynamic Field In The Master Page (site.Master)

Oct 10, 2010

I'm starting with ASP.NET MVC (1.0). I have a problem to resolve. I have developed a web applicaton (an application of articles like e-commerce) with a head (logo and menu). I have defined the head (logo and menu) in the Master page (site.master). Now, I must display the number of articles in the head in a field (like the number of articles in the virtual basket in the e-commerce). I can read the number of articles in the data base (in the controller), but i can't integrate it in the master page.

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Web Forms :: Master Page (site.Master) File That Now Contains Nothing But Hex Code, Mainly 0's And 1'...

Feb 3, 2011

My computer system froze on me, the mouse froze, cntrl-alt-del, did nothing, so I reset it. Did a disk check, and now everything seems fine except for my master Page html code which I was in the middle of editing when it happened. The VB code-behind file is still ok, the designer file still shows ok with all of the controls in it, but I can't get into desgn or source view. It just opens and gives a whole page of hesixecimal code such as as:

00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

It just gives me a whole page full of numbers like this. I haven't backed up for a few weeks and so I hope I can get this back.

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C# - How To Clear The Image Cache After Editing An Image On Site

Dec 21, 2010

I'm using an outside page to update an image in my system. When I'm redirected back to the page I've worked in, I still see the old picture. I don't see my changes until I press ctrl+f5.

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Why Did MVC Team Choose "../../Content/Site.css" Rather Than "~/Content/Site.css" In Site.Master Page

Dec 14, 2010

<link href="../../Content/Site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

The above code shows an external css inclusion tag declared in Site.Master template.

My question: why did the MVC team choose that way rather than using "~/Content/Site.css" ?

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Web Forms :: Change Background Image When Page Change?

May 29, 2010

I have usercontrol, I have develop menu there like this


This user control i put several pages. When i goto that perticular page i want change background image of menu item which related to that page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Image Url Of An Image Button In Gridview

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to change the image url of an image button in my gridview. I cannot seem to be able to do this in the code behind. Is there a way I can do this through the image buttons controls?

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C# - How To Change The Image Url Of An Image Based On #var=test Variable

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to change an image's imageurl on an aspx c# page based on a variable from #var=1` (or 2, or 3, or 4)

I know nothing about javascript unfortunately which is what I've been told I need. Can anyone point me at a novice based script I can try to learn via implementation?

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Controlling Site From Master Page?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a web app that contains 1 master page and a bunch of content pages. One of the content pages is "SysLogin.aspx", which is called from a menu option from the Master Page. When the page is called, the user logs in. However, there is a "Login" button. In the code behind of the Login_Click() event, the the user successfully logs in, they are supposed to be redirected to a "Default.aspx" page and the Main Menu is enabled. Problem is, the app hangs on the redirect statement and it goes to the Catch portion of the Try Catch construct. For some reason, when I examine the exception, it only says "Unable to evaluate expression". Below is my code. My question, other than what I've stated is...should your application be controlled using code in the Master Page or in child pages. My code from the "SysLogin.aspx" is below. It hangs on the highlighted line of code.

Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
If txtLoginID.Text.Length > 0 Then
If txtPassword.Text.Length > 0 Then
If dbIO.ValidateUser(txtLoginID.Text, txtPassword.Text) Then
Session("LoggedIn") = txtLoginID.Text
Session("loggedInOk") = "Y"
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Master.errMsg = dbIO.DisplayError("btnLogin_Click()", "SysLogin", ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub

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MVC :: How To Handle Forms In Site.Master

Dec 3, 2010

I have a partial view thats being rendered in my Site.Master file, and it contains a form - im able to submit values and itll throw it to the controller just fine..the problem is when validation fails and i need to go back to the form to display errors

How can i have a form that uses a viewmodel inside Site.Master and still be able to throw it back and post validation errors?


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Adding A ContentPlaceHolder To Site.master?

Jun 24, 2010

Apologies for the terribly newb question. We're currently implementing Google Web Optimizer in our ASP.NET Web Application and some of the code is supposed to go in very specific places on certain pages. For example, for the "Control Page" Google has some Javascript that sits outside of the <html> tags.

I know I probably don't need to place the code exactly where Google recommends, but we've been getting some goofy results lately, and I really wanted to make it as watertight as possible to ensure it's not just bad implementation. We have a lot of files in our project that reference the site.master, but only one needs to have some Javascript placed outside the <html> tag. This, in theory, seems simple enough, my question is this: Do I need to put a ContentPlaceHolder in every file that references the site.master? (Even the tens that aren't passing any code to the site.master?) That's not something I feel like doing for many different reasons (altering tens of files). If that's the case, and I do need to add empty ContectPlaceHolders to every page, is there some other way around things without having to piece together a unique file just to put some Javascript outside of the <html> tag?

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