MVC :: Routing Error On Default Route In Virtual Directory?

Feb 17, 2010

I have an application that I run in several places (demo, production, local, etc.) that all use different virtual directories for the placement of the MVC application.

I use StructureMap in this application, so I am overriding the ControllerFactory to use StructureMap to build controllers (when the passed controller instance is not null).

My problem is that the controller instance being passed to the controller factory IS null, which is fine if said route didn't exist, but it does... specifically, it should be my DEFAULT ROOT route.

Basically if I host the app at [URL], everything works fine except when I have a '/' on the end of the URL (meaning,[URL]... the latter works fine, while the former gives me the error). It looks like when that slash is there, the routing engine is deciding that it should be looking for a controller named MvcController, which doesn't exist, and which then passes the null controller instance to the ControllerFactory, resulting in the following error:

The controller for path '/Mvc/' could not be found or it does not implement IController.
My Default route is the standard default route. Removing all other routes has no effect. My default controller is HomeController.

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MVC Routing Not Working In Virtual Directory

Jul 21, 2010

I have an mvc 2 app (using .net 4.0) that isn't routing correctly when hosted in a virtual directory. I have the following simple routing rule:

"Default", // Route name
"{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "accounts" } // Parameter defaults

I'm trying to resolve [URL]. Where "accounts" is a virtual directory. If I put the app in the root of an IIS website it routes fine for [URL], but if I put the app in a virtual directory I get 404 errors. I've debugged and it is executing global.asax and configuring routing when in the vdir. Is there something special I need to do for routing in a virtual directory? FYI. I'm using a vdir because the root has wordpress in it. one more thing is that if I specify a default action in parameter defaults, it will execute the default action/controller, but it never matches anything else.

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URL Routing Not Working When Set As Virtual Directory Under IIS.But Works In VS IDE

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If i call now [URL] i get the Site without CSS and the links are [URL]. I used the default and almost empty default "Internet Application". So the routing is default and all links are created with @Html.ActionLink. i tried so many things but i cant get it working. In my local environment i can affect that with IIS settings but (off course) i do not have access on the IIS settings of my host.

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The code:

if (request.RawUrl.Equals("/default.aspx"))
newUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}",
request.RawUrl.Remove(request.RawUrl.LastIndexOf("/default.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
context.Response.Status = "301 moved permanently";
context.Response.AddHeader("Location", newUrl);

seems to go into an infinite loop when the application is under a virtual directory. the request.RawUrl property always returns "/default.aspx" even after a 301 redirect causing the infinite loop.

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This Error Can Be Caused By A Virtual Directory Not Being Configured As An Application In IIS

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101 It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.


it need registry i think so, Now i did't get this error exactly

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Jan 28, 2010

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new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id="" }

"Home_MyAction" works (no id here). But with

new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id="" }

"Home_MyAction_" doesn't work (404 error).

Why is it so?

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Virtual Directory Root Vs Default Web Site Root

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VS 2010 - Browser Not Routing To Default Error Page

Jun 13, 2012

I defined a default error page in the ASP.Net Web Site Administration tool. The page exists in root directory. I also confirmed that it pointed to my frmErrorPage.aspx by looking in my Web.config file

<customErrors defaultRedirect="~/frmErrorPage.aspx" />

Running my site locally from within visual studio, I tried to surf to a non existent page. This threw an error as it is suppose to, but did not pull up my custom error page. I get

Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. ...

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Do you know how to resolve this issue?

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Installation :: Development To Web Movement: Directory Listing Denied - This Virtual Directory Does Not Allow Contents To Be Listed

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This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. Confused and flustered, I tried to go to [URL], but I wound up with some error that won't tell me the problem. Instead it tells me to change the my web.config to read <customErrors mode="Off"/>.

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Feb 13, 2010

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Where To Use Route-name Of Routing In Mvc

May 19, 2010

i'm new to routing in aspnet mvc.. i have following code:


when i enter "localhost/school" in addressbar, it is giving 404 error instead it should route to my "schoolIndex" action

i have given route-name as "School" where it is used ?

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Parser Error: Could Not Load Type "x" From Appdomain From Within Virtual Directory In IIS7

Aug 4, 2010

I have a parent web application, called Parent, and a second web application called Child. Child is a virtual directory in IIS7 under Parent which is an application in IIS. Child is not a child directory of parent in the file system, only in IIS as a virtual directory. On application loading (Application_Start in global.asax) in the parent web application i tell it to load the child web dlls from childs bin folder using Assembly.LoadFrom() loading it into the app domain of Parent. Then when i try to visit /Child/Default.aspx I get an error saying: Parser Error Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'Child._Default'. Now the Child.dll (the web dll containing childs code behind etc) is in the app domain of the parent application and i can successfully reflect it and its members from code behind in the Parent page Default.aspx.

Furthermore on the Child/Default.aspx if i change the Inherits="Child._Default" to Inherits="System.Web.UI.Page" and then in <% %> tags on the page enumerate the dlls in the app domain i can see Child.dll and reflect its members and invoke functions. One thing that works is changing CodeBehind to CodeFile in the page directive. Then the page parses correctly. However this only works when the websites are in uncompiled, non published form.

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MVC :: MVC Routing Options A Single Route?

Jul 30, 2010

I am building a forum based application and was wondering if I had to create a different route for each of the following scenarios: View Forums, View Topics, View Posts, Reply to Topic etc... Is there a single route that I can customize to catch all of these for the folllowing urls?{forumID}{forumID}/{topicID}


Is there a custom route I can make to catch all of these instead of making a different route for each one?

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Web Forms :: Wrong Route Gets Selected In URL Routing?

Feb 18, 2011

I am building an application in Asp.Net 4.0 (Web Forms). I have used the feature of Routing introduced in this version of Asp.Net (4.0).

I have a few routes declared in my global.asax file. My problem is as long as the number of parameters (placeholders) declared in the route are different the right route is selected. But the moment the number of parameters (placeholders) declared in the route are same there is a clash and the Routing engine selects the wrong route. The only way I found was to use a Constant with one of the clashing routes to distinguish between the two. But I am sure there is a way out of it; I also tried using Regular Expression but still it selects the wrong route.


The last two routes have the same number of parameters so I tried to separate the second last route by adding a regular expression, but in vain.

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Mvc Routing - Ignore Route With Extension In The Middle Of URL

Sep 6, 2010

i How can make the routing engine ignore routes with an extension of the type /pathtofile/filename.aspx/morepaths

I know this is hardly a real scenario but I need to know for another similar issue for an autogenerated url

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.net MVC Routing - Preventing A Route To An XML File With A Constraint?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm attempting to find a way to preventing a user from accessing a specific xml file. I've tried doing...

route "SiteMap",
new { },
new { isLocal = new LocalHostRouteConstraint() });

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Get The Virtual Url When Using Routing With Webforms?

Jan 25, 2011

How do I get the virtual url and not the webforms page name that the url is mapped to when using System.Web.Routing with webforms.

I want the url "/confirm/5" and not "Confirm.aspx".

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Web Forms :: Session - URL Routing To Route User To His Profile Page

Jan 12, 2011

I am using URL Routing to route user to his profile page, which is a child page. Now the problem is that all the images, javascripts references are distorted when i user the url to reach that page whether logged in or not logged in (both the cases). But after reaching this page when i login from this page thru my modal popup login control, all the references seem to work fine. It is to be noted that i am still in that same page which i reached after url routing. So upon logging from here the whole page works and displays fine.

How come the references are automatically adjusted when i am logging in from this page and are not referenced when i log in from other page and route here or when i am logged out?

Global.asax code:

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.Add("UseridRoute", new Route
new CustomRouteHandler("~/UserProfile.aspx")

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Web Forms :: URL Routing - Route To Aspx Page To Handle Processing?

Aug 20, 2010

I am able to route my urls to an existing page. Here is how our scenario is currently working:

On Default.aspx, we have several links that link to pdf files on the server. The filenames of these files change dynamically which is why we need the url routing. When the user clicks on of the urls, the link is routed to the getFile.aspx page that has logic in it to determine which file to open.

Is there a way to have the getFile.aspx page to open in the same window as the default.aspx page?

Otherwise, I need for the getFile.aspx page to close after the intended processing is complete, and I've not been able to close it without getting the close window dialog box. I figure if it opens in the same browser window, I can redirect back to the default.aspx page when processing is finished.

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Way To Register Default Route

May 7, 2010

I am using C#/3.5 and stuck.

PHP Code:
Route myroute1 = new Route("{controller}/{action}/{slug}", new MyRouteHandler());
Route myroute2 = new Route("{controller}/{action}", new MyRouteHandler());
Route myroute3 = new Route("{controller}", new MyRouteHandler());

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