MVC :: Sending Data To MasterPage?

Dec 1, 2010

My navigation links on the master pages includes a link called "Search (X)" that links to a search page. I want to fill the X with the current number of new transactions. This requires that I access a repository etcWhat do you feel the best solution is? I may need to include other 'dynamic' data on the master page in the future as well, but it will not all be related to each other.

- A MasterViewModel
- Use RenderAction() methods and call functions in appropriate controllers
- TempData or ViewData (probably with extensions)
- HtmlHelper extensions
- Something Else?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Control In Nested MasterPage From Parent MasterPage?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a MasterPage (MasterPage.master) with 2 child MasterPages (specialMaster.master and standardMaster.master). From the MasterPage.master I need to get at some of the controls in one of the children, specialMaster.master, say for example to hide certain
content if a session variable is not null.

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Web Forms :: Access Hidden Field From One Masterpage To Another Masterpage?

May 3, 2010

I have 2 masterpages. (Default.master and User.master).I have a hidden field in Default.master then how can i get the hidden field value of Default.master file from there any way to access that hidden field like: Request.form("hidID") ?

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C# - Twitterizer 2.2 Sending / Stuck When It Gets To Sending The Tweet?

Jul 22, 2010

I am working on sending twitter updates from my website. I have the authorization down but I am stuck when it gets to sending the tweet here is my code behind:

protected void btnAuth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// add these to web.config or your preferred location
var consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"];
var consumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"];
//If User is not valid user
if (Request.QueryString["oauth_token"] == null)
//Step 1: Get Request Token
OAuthTokenResponse RequestToken = OAuthUtility.GetRequestToken(consumerKey,consumerSecret);
//Step 2: Redirect User to Requested Token
Response.Redirect(""+ RequestToken.Token);
//For Valid User
string Oauth_Token = Request.QueryString["oauth_token"].ToString();
var accessToken = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(consumerKey, consumerSecret, Oauth_Token, txtPIN.Text.Trim());
lblMessage.Text = "<b>Hello " + accessToken.ScreenName + ", Welcome to my Twitter App<b>";
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> Token: " + accessToken.Token;
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> TokenSecret: " + accessToken.TokenSecret;
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> UserId: " + accessToken.UserId;
lblMessage.Text += "<br/> VerificationString: " + accessToken.VerificationString;
protected void btnTweet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// add these to web.config or your preferred location
var consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"];
var consumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"];
OAuthTokens accessToken = new OAuthTokens();
accessToken.AccessToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
accessToken.AccessTokenSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
accessToken.ConsumerKey = consumerKey;
accessToken.ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret;
TwitterStatus TweetStatus = new TwitterStatus();
TweetStatus.Update(accessTokens, txtTweet.Text);

I dont know how to get the AccessToken & AccessTokenSecret.

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Forms Data Controls :: Use Links With DB Data And Link This Data To A Masterpage Side?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a webapp. use links with DB data and link this data to a masterpage side?

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Sending Data From Web App To A Vb6 App?

Oct 28, 2010

Sending data from web app TO a vb6 app...possible?

I need for a user to login to my web app and send some simple data to an existing VB6 legacy app that is installed on the user's machine. Is there anyway of doing this without rewriting the client app in .Net?

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Sending SMS And Getting Data By SMS

Feb 15, 2011

I have web site that users can register own self and sharing own personality info with my website,I wanna send one SMS to each user after fill all fields and the content of sms should be the fields info.In other side user could send sms and get own info on our DB by SMS.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview With Custom Button And Sending Data?

Nov 24, 2010

So my previous post I made a listview with filtering on dropdownlist from my search part.Now I want that the customer can click on a button from a listitem, and then redirect to another page with all the data from the selected item.

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Forms Data Controls :: Error When Sending Gridview Data To Spreadsheet / Index Was Out Of Range

Jun 29, 2010

I have used to code below successfully to export a gridview to an excel spreadsheet, however when i use it for a gridview with data from a different table i receive the following error:

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index

The thing is it works locally fine but when i upload to my shared server i receive the error above?

how to resolve/troubleshoot this?

aspx file:


code behind button click:


View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Masterpage Not Sizing To Dynamic Data?

May 26, 2010

I have a site with a masterpage containing a header and footer, I have a content page that is populated from a database and the data can change size. When I view my page with the dynamic data the page is not sizing to the data thus running into the footer.

Is there a method of sizing the content placeholder to the data? I have tried adding a third <asp:Content> item to the page but that does not help/work. My code is wrapped in <div> tags. Style sheet doesn't appear to have anything interfering.

View 3 Replies

IIS Isn't Sending Gzipped Data To IE?

Jan 24, 2011

Using Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3.6, Chrome 8 and IIS 7.5 on a Win7 x64 box.I'm serving up a file using an IHttpHandler (.NET 4).

According to Fiddler, my IIS request from IE8 says it accepts gzip, but it isn't returned:
(note that is actually
Accept: application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, application/xaml+xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
Accept-Language: en-US
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; MDDR; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MS-RTC LM 8; InfoPath.3)
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: LoginName=; ASP.NET_SessionId=d5qiw5nubkjd2r00gnebg3ar; .ASPXAUTH=BAEA blah blah

Header returned from IIS to IE:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Notice it's not gzipped.With Firefox, however, the request looks like this:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13

Chrome looks similar to Firefox. It asks for gzip and gzip is returned. I can see by the content size displayed in Fiddler that the body is, in fact, gzipped for Chrome and Firefox but not IE.

I have "Enable dynamic content compression" (as well as static content compression) set in IIS. My IHttpHandler isn't doing anything special with compression and it's not running different code for different browsers. I searched the source for my project and I don't see any mention of "gzip" at all so I don't see how I could be accidentally mucking with it.

How can I figure out why IIS isn't sending gzipped data to IE?

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Sending Data From Wordpress?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm working on a Press Release website that currently has an existing distribution platform built on ASP.NET - the site that I have built is utilizes Wordpress Multi-site and BuddyPress, and I need to share information between Wordpress & the existing ASP.NET CMS. The information that needs to be shared between both platforms is 1) Press release information (which is a custom post type in Wordpress) and 2) The login information. Is there a way to have ASP.NET get the information from the Wordpress MYSQL database? Or is the best way to write a plugin for wordpress that will send information to the ASP.NET each time a new press release is written, and each time a new user account is created. I can go either way - having ASP.NET grab the info, or Wordpress send the info out.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get DataPager And Friendly Url In Masterpage

Aug 12, 2010

I have a listview in a page and I use a DataPager to do the paging. Each time the user clicks a page's number, the page does a postback and it shows the next "x" items. My problem is that I rewrite the url with isapi rewrite and when the user is being redirected to the second, third etc page of items the friendly url is being replaced by the non-friendly url of the page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing A Gridview Name Through To The Masterpage?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a gridview on my page which i can export to excel. The download button is located on the masterpage and i set the visibility of the download button on the master page by using a property like below:masterpage


other page


this all works fine but now i need to somehow pass through the name of the gridview to export. So in my masterpage code behind i have this code which works if i put the button on the page but not if i have the button on the masterpage:


and the gvResults is on another page (not on the masterpage) so how do i pass through the gvResults from the page to the masterpage for downloading.

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Sending Form Data To Web Service

Oct 13, 2010

i have some web service in outsource server (not on the form server) and i need to send to this web service few text boxes fill by the user (text only - no files) i need to send the data + the number 1 + some guid string (that not changing - the same guid always) is anyone have an idea how im doing that? ( all the data need to be sending to asmx file.

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Web Forms :: Sending Data Between Iframes?

Feb 8, 2011

I've got a situation where there is a page with 3 iframes. The first frame contains a TreeView, the second a GridView which is dependent on the selected node of the Treeview in frame 1 and the third frame contains labels with information also dependent on the TreeView in the first frame.

My problem is, how do I pass information from the first frame to the others? Can I access information about the selected node in JavaScript, pass it to another frame and then do a postback with the info as an argument?

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Web Forms :: Sending Data From Usercontrol?

Jan 5, 2011

I have Dynamic User control that has 2 of them is btnOk and the other is my usercontrol I want to add some information and these information is send to an xml file.the problem is when I click on Ok button no data is sent to xml is my code:


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Sending Data From Script To .cs Page?

Sep 13, 2010

am getting values from .cs to script but i want to send data from script to .cs pagei have tried this,but it is not working.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("hfServerValue").val("From ClientSide!");


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Sending Data On A Page By E-mail?

Apr 19, 2010


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Sending VB Data To Another Page In Javascript?

May 28, 2010

I'm creating a search form using an asp:button control with the urlpostback set to a results page. The problem is, the asp:button uses Visual Basic and the search results from Google require Javascript.

Is there a way to take the data from an asp: textbox in VB and then send it to another page that uses Javascript and use the data?

View 3 Replies

Push - Sending Data Between Client With 4.0?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm transforming lotus note application to ASP.NET.In lotus note, we can pass the application(data) from staff to his/her manager for approval.The staff can also check status of his/her data whether the manager is opening it, approved it or not.This process can be done in real time. I mean on the staff screen he/she will see status is changing from data sent --> manager is opening --> manager accepted or manager rejected it.In the same time, if other staffs try to track this application(data) they will see the same screen with the first staff.ow, in, i'm thinking of sending data from staff to manager directly. I don't want manager's web browser need to do polling for every xx millisecond. I'm not quite too sure it can be done or not in because i'm not the WEB guy.After doing a research for a while, i found that comet may help me on that but it seems pretty hard. And I don't know it is suitable for my problem or not or someone may guide me a better idea on this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hyperlink In Repeater - Get Masterpage Property A Value

Jan 10, 2010

i have a a public property in my masterpage, I have a repeater on another page which has a hyperlink, when i click on it, i need to give the masterpage property a value based on the hyperlink clicked. How do i go about doing this, because at the moment the property is set to the last value in the repeater. I have something like this;


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find A Control In A FormView From A Masterpage

Jan 9, 2011

I have a Button on a Masterpage, when that button is clicked I want to find a control on a FormView that's not on the Masterpage.

I tried the followingcode:


and also:


The only thing that is found is the FormView but not the Labelcontrol.

How to do that?

code for FindControlRecursive =


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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView CrossPage Postback MasterPage

Oct 5, 2010

I've a DetailsView which I would like to pass an ID across to another page but cannot figure out how to do it!My ContenPlaceHolder is called MainContent, DetailsView is called DetailsView1This is what I have:


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Forms Data Controls :: Upload Advertisement In Masterpage By Admin?

Feb 16, 2011

how to upload advertisement in masterpage by admin?

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