MVC :: Setting Up Repository Without LINQ?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm used to working directly with SQL and do NOT want to use Linq.

Pretty much I always create a class like the one below and have all the functions/methods necessary to perform a task.

How would I set up a repository without using LINQ??

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Sql;


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Architecture :: MVC Linq To Sql Repository And Search

Apr 15, 2010

I need some guidance for an application I am working on. I have searched the web and the forum and found parts that answer my questions but I want to do this correctly. My solution uses LINQ to SQL to model the db and I have a repository that is querying my db everytime a controller needs to get some data for the view. I am initially anticipating a maximum of only about a few hundreds hits per day (if that). The website is a directory, with listings and requires a search functionality.

1. What options should I consider to avoid having my repository query the db everytime

2. The site contains a 'search' option, how can I implement this against my repository?

I guess I'm really looking for someone to point me in the right direction. So far I've looked at 'caching' the LINQ to SQL model and Lucene.NET but both seem overkill or am I missing the point?

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LINQ To SQL Repository - Caching Data?

May 12, 2010

I have built my first MVC solution and used the repository pattern for retrieving/inserting/updating my database.

I am now in the process of refactoring and I've noticed that a lot of (in fact all) the methods within my repository are hitting the database everytime. This seems overkill and what I'd ideally like is to do is 'cache' the main data object e.g. 'GetAllAdverts' from the database and to then query against this cached object for things like 'FindAdvert(id), AddAdvert(), DeleteAdvert() etc..'

I'd also need to consider updating/deleting/adding records to this cache object and the database.

What is the best apporoach for something like this?

My knowledge of this type of things is minimal and really looking for advice/guidance/tutorial to point me in the right direction.

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MVC2 LINQ - Repository Pattern, Where Should The Pagination Code Go

Nov 2, 2010

I'm working on adding an HtmlHelper for pagination, but I am unsure where the proper and/or most beneficial place to put certain parts of the pagination code from a performance and maintainability standpoint.

I am unsure if the Skip(), Take() and Count() portions of Linq to SQL data manipulation should live within the repository or the controller.

I am also unsure if their order and where they are used affects performance in any way.

If they live within the repository from my understanding this is how it would work:

1. I would pass the pageIndex and pageSize as arguments to the repository's method that grabs the data from the database.
2. Then grab the full data set from the database.
3. Then store the count of TotalItems of that full data set in a variable.
4. Then apply the Skip() and Take() so the data set retains only the page I need.
5. Display the partial data set as a single page in the view.

If they live in the controller from my understanding this is how it would work:

1. I would grab the full data set from the repository and store it into a variable inside of the controller.
2. Then get the count of TotalItems for the full data set.
3. Then apply the Skip() and Take() so the data set retains only the page I need.
4. Display the partial data set as a single page in the view.

Inside the controller (I realize I will incorrectly get the page count here and not TotalItems):


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DataSource Controls :: Data Access Repository NO LINQ?

May 18, 2010

I am new to MVC and this really probably should not be posted here but in a different forum topic. The reason I am posting here though is I am not sure if there is something about MVC that would prevent me from doing what I am looking to do.So here it goes.Maybe I am the only one out there that thinks this way but I don't care for and don't fully understand LINQ. I Like building my stored procedures passing my data to a datareader etc... and displaying what I need.

Now that being said I am wanting to learn how to make a true Data Repository and build from there but everything I find online especially here all gives me examples and instructions on how to do so using LINQ.Does anyone know of a site that will teach me how to do this without using LINQ or any form of ORM just allow me to write my stored procs how they need to be and build my classes for data access how they need to be.I may be wrong in this but it seems to me this would be the more light weight way of doing it.Anyhow as stated above the additional question to this would be is there any reason this would not work for MVC and actually any reason it is extremely (or at least for me) hard to find any documentation on this anywhere online?

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C# - Linq To Sql - Setting The Design And MVP

Feb 18, 2010

I'm experimenting with LinqToSql and the MVP pattern and having trouble setting on a good design. I'm using 3.5 (not MVC) Here is a example

public interface IMyBusinessCardView
string Field1 { get; set; }
string Field2 { get; set; }
string Field15 { get; set; }
public class MyBusinessCardPresenter
private IMyBusinessCardView _view;
private MyBusinessCard _myCard;
public void ViewClickedSave()
public void LoadView()

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DataSource Controls :: Setting Where Parameters Within Linq Markup

Oct 19, 2010

I've got a Linq datasource hitched up to a Formview control for clients to edit some data. I'm having trouble setting the where parameters withing the control so it show the right set of data. Here's the markup:


Upon running right now, it's completely ignoring the where parameters. What am I missing here?

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DataSource Controls :: Setting Field To Nulls Not Working - LINQ With Listview

Jan 6, 2011

I have a Listview with a LinqDataSource. I am allocating a resoure called Bladder Scanners to clinicians on the day selected. The field in the database, 'Allocated_Bladder_Scanner_Id', allows nulls. The 'nullable' property of the field in the dbml is set to allow nulls.In the edit template, I have an unbound dropdownlist (drpBladderScannerDropdown) with an 'empty string' item added to cater for nulls, and
AppendDataBoundItems="true".In order to show only bladder scanners which have not yet been allocated on the selected day, I am databinding the dropdownlist to a dictionary of unallocated bladder scanners in the ItemDataBound event. I then add the currently selected bladder scanner as a listitem and set it as the selected item. So far, so good, all works well. However, if the clinician has a bladder scanner currently allocated, and then the user elects to not allocate the clinician a bladder scanner on that day by selecting 'Nothing' from the dropdownlist, the LinqDataSource fails to update the field. It does not throw an exception, it just doesn't set the field to nulls. In ItemUpdating I have the following code:


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Architecture :: Should The Unit Of Work Point To The Service Layer Or The Repository And Then The Repository Point To The Service Layer

Jan 26, 2011

Just wondering, in an ASP.NET MVC3 environnement with entity framework. Should the Unit of Work point to the service layer or the repository (and then the repository point to the service layer) ?

Ive saw two example:

* One where the unit of work and repository both have an instance to the service layer..

Link: Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable

Doesn't use a service layer but its obvious that one could be use in that case.

* Second where the unit of work have an instance to the repository which have an instance to the service layer..


What would be better ?

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MVC - BLL And DAL To Repository Design?

Feb 8, 2011

We are moving from ASP.NET Web Forms to MVC 2.0. In most of our projects we have a typical setup to communicate with a database.

Common (objects/entities like 'SiteMenu' and 'Users')

Business Logic Layer (with calls to de Data Access Layer)

Data Access Layer

The DAL has a DatabaseHelper with common database operation, an OdbcHelper with database specific operations (eg MySQL) and a StoredProcedure class with all the stored procedures.

How is this design translated into a repository design? We want to use our own database helpers instead of NHibernate etc.

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MVC :: Using More Than One Repository In The Same Controller?

Nov 21, 2010

I have 2 repository that I'm trying to use in the same controller and cant find out how

This is what I'm tried :


for the first one it was working(VortRepository but I cant add the second )

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ADO.NET :: Trying To Create A Data Repository And Using L2S For The ORM?

Feb 7, 2011

i am trying to create a data repository and i am using L2S for the ORM.

I have created a stored procedure called sp7DayAnalysisByStock which accepts a string parameter and returns a recordset of data rows. iThe result is a set of PriceList objects which is already available in the dbml.

What i now want to is create a data repository class with the signature below;

public IQueryable<PriceLists> Get7DayStockAnalysis(string stockname)

it seems what is being returned is ISingleResult..How can i return EITHER IQueryable<PriceLists> or any IList?

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MVC :: How Should Use The Service/repository Pattern

Dec 8, 2010

i'm new to MVC, and I'm trying to understand the service/repository pattern and how to best implement it.

I've followed the MVC Music store tutorial, and it suggests that the public partial class ShoppingCart implements an AddToCart method looking like this:


Now if I would like to use the service/repository pattern in a correct way, should I just replace the row "storeDB.AddToCarts(cartItem)" with something like cartService.AddToCarts(cartItem) and then just save the added row by calling cartService.Save() instead of shopDB.Save()? The methods AddToCart(...) and Save() in cartService then calls the repository that does the actual saving.

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Single Repository Or Multiple Repositories?

May 1, 2010

In a typical business application, a session is started and persisted across several pages. It is commited only when the transaction is complete. A good example of this is a tax preparation application. Once the session is started, it is persisted through session, cookies, or both. Nothing is written to file, or database, until the entire profile is complete and the refund/return is calculated. In such an ennvironment, is makes a great deal of sense to work with the structure imposed by domain driven design, and using a single repository to simple commit the session. However, there are times when this doesn't translate correctly, even when domain driven design is used.

An example of this is my forum project. While the entities themselves are good targets for domain driven design, I am not sure about the repositories. The basic structure is that a Category has many Forums, a Forum has many Threads, and a Thread has many posts. There are other things in there, but that's enough to describe what I want to get across. If a user has navigated to /Thread/Edit/42, and they have rights to edit it, all I am concerned about is fetching that record and displaying it. On postback, all I want is to be able to save it..................

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Can The Repository Pattern Work Well With Webforms

Mar 8, 2011

I've been using MVC for the last year and unfortunately I am stuck adding features to an existing web forms site. The site makes heavy use of inline SQL and it is kind of all over the place. Using an ORM is not going to happen either and wouldn't address the problem of keeping queries all in one place.

Can the Repository Pattern and Service layers also work well with classic web forms?

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Trying To Create A Repository Class For Each Table

Dec 17, 2010

I am trying to create a repository class for each table. For example I have TableA, TableB and TableC. TableB and TableC has Foreign key to TableA. I created an interface for TableA, TableB and TableC with SaveData() and ListData(). I have MVC form which inserts the data into these tables. When implementing these interface methods do I have to create a seperate class for each interface? Please let me if I am doing right.


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Splitting Out Membership And Using The Repository Pattern

Feb 15, 2010

I am building an application using mvc, DI, IoC, TDD as a bit of a learning exercise.

For my data access I am using the repository pattern. Now I am looking at membership and how this can work with the repository pattern. I am currently using a Linq to Sql repository but don't want to be tied to SQL Server for membership.

Secondly, I am looking to split out membership into a number of services:

AuthenticationService - identify the user
AuthorizationService - what can they do
PersonalizationService - profile

The personalization service will be what really defines a "customer" in my application and each customer will have a unique id/username that ties back to the AuthenticationService - thus, allowing me to use the default ASP.NET Membership provider, roll my own or use something like Open ID.

Is this a good approach? I don't want to reinvent the wheel but would rather these important parts of my application follow the same patterns as the rest.

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C# - Class Encapsulation With Repository Pattern?

Oct 18, 2010

I am sort of using a repository pattern to extract information from a database. I have two classes, report and reportRepository.

The trouble I have is that since reportReposity has to fill in all the details for the report object, all the members in the report have to be publicly accessible.

Is there a way so that I can ensure that only the repository class can access some of the methods of the report class and only it can set some of the properties that other classes cannot, sort of like what friend does in c++. Or is there a completely different way of handling this situation?

I am using C# in ASP.NET 2.0

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MVC :: Custom Validation Against Repository With Dataannotations

Jan 11, 2010

I'm having problems with getting my custom dataannotations to work, I'm trying to add a validation-attribute that validates that the UsergroupName for a Customer (CustomerID) is unique.


the IsValid should return false if the "count >0". How do I fix this one so it works. GetUsergroups() returns IQueryable<Usergroup>.

View 8 Replies

Proper Way To Build A Data Repository In .NET MVC

Jun 15, 2010

I'm working on using the Repository methodology in my App and I have a very fundamental question.When I build my Model, I have a Data.dbml file and then I'm putting my Repositories in the same folder with it.... IE:


Is it better to build the folder structure like that above, or is it ok to simply put my Interface in with the UserRepository.cs?

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What .Net Namespace Contains Entity For Use In A Generic Repository

Apr 8, 2010

I have a question that I'm ashamed to ask, but I'm going to have a go at it anyway. I am creating a generic repository in mvc. I came across an example on this website which I find to be exactly what I was looking for, but there is one problem. It references an object - Entity - and I don't know what namespace it is in. I typically create my repositories and use Entity Framework but I decided to use a generic repository because I am using the same code in multiple projects over and over again.

Here is the code:

public interface IRepository
void Save(ENTITY entity)
where ENTITY : Entity;
void Delete<ENTITY>(ENTITY entity)
where ENTITY : Entity;


what namespace Entity is in? As you can tell, a constraint is placed on the code so that it must be an Entity type. I know that there is an Entity in System.Data.Entity, but that isn't what I need. I have had instances before where I was looking for some namespace that took me forever to find, but I have searched and I'm unable to find the appropriate namespace to cast my generic items correctly. I could cast it as a class and be done with it, but it is bugging me that I can't find Entity anywhere.

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MVC :: Access Control Repository For All The Applications?

Dec 15, 2010

We have many applications. All the applications are having there one access control. I am planning to build a central access control repository. All the application should refer this repository for access (We can say it one point contact). What are the things needs to be taken into consideration and what the approach that we need to follow?

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Sync Production Sub Folders With A Git Repository?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm using and WebDeploy to publish the latest bits of my website. The production site has a couple folders that I would like to keep in sync, though.

Since it's an site, I would rather not have my entire repository on the server when I can get by with just the views and dll. Additionally, I would rather not add the extra clutter of additional class projects & files to my production server file system.

How do I keep the folders in production in sync with the master branch in git? An automated solution would be optimal.

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Should The Unit Of Work By Used By The Service Layer Or The Repository

Jan 26, 2011

In an ASP.NET MVC3 environnement with entity framework. Should the Unit of Work point to the service layer or the repository (and then the repository point to the service layer) ?

Ive saw two example:

* One where the unit of work and repository both have an instance to the service layer..

Link: Entity Framework 4 CTP 4 / CTP 5 Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Testable

Doesn't use a service layer but its obvious that one could be use in that case.

* Second where the unit of work have an instance to the repository which have an instance to the service layer..


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MVC Dummy Repository Once Working Than Make Database?

Nov 29, 2010

I am working on a project. Completed conceptual model of Database is done in EntityFrameWork. Database is not created yet. Should I make a dummy Records with dummy repository and go on development without creating database and once all done than just created the DB and turn dummy repositories to live? . Is it right decision or should I start making database to work with it from the start?

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