MVC :: Shouldn't UrlHelper.Action Return MvcHtmlString?

Jan 17, 2011

When I write this


which makes things quite tedious. Wouldn't it be easier if UrlHelper.Action returned MvcHtmlString?

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Similar Messages:

C# - How To Return Two Different Views From The Same Action In .NET MVC

Jan 13, 2011

I have two views which will both use the same Controller method:


//The actual method is about 40 lines of code. Truncated for readability.
public ActionResult Index()
object i = new List<WebServiceMethod>(); [code].....

The second view is a quick'n'dirty conversion to JSON so that I can do magical AJAX tricks with the data:

// AjaxGetServiceData.aspx

// Convert web service response object into JSON for AJAX.
var jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();


I'd created a duplicate of the Index() method and called it AjaxGetServiceData(), but that defeats the purpose of MVC.

Resolution:I didn't ask my question very well, as evidenced by a 5-10 minute discussion I just had with a coworker about this very topic. He kept asking me the same question that many users on this page asked me: "How does the controller know which view to return?" I responded, "That's what I'm trying to figure out." I was trying to get the method to return a different view (or Json output) when AJAX was the requester. A string argument in the method was my solution.

This is what I ended up using to get my desired effect:

public ActionResult Index(string isJSON = "no")

/// ...All the code from before...[code]....

Then, when I want the JSON version, in my AJAX request I specify the URL as /MyController/Index/?isJSON=yes When I want my pretty table view, I just use /MyController/

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Perform Action After Return In Function

Feb 24, 2011

Without giving away specifics: basically, I have a bunch of users adding content to my site. What happens now is ajax sends the text to a web service which does its thing, sends the info to the DB, Sends the user an e-mail, and then returns a response to the browser to do something.

What I would like to do is change that order. I want to return a response to the browser so the user is not waiting on the e-mail to send before they get their response. Basically, I'm trying to gain every milisecond I can to quicken the response, and there's no reason for the user to wait for the server to send their e-mail before it tells them that everything worked ok. If the info went to the DB, that's all the user needs to know, they'll know the e-mail sent when it shows up in their inbox. I notice this is an issue on my local machine which has no SMTP server and can actually hang the page response up for a few extra seconds because it's throwing errors trying to send something with no SMTP server.

So, I know in my function when I say


it WORKS, but I want to send the e-mail after the return. Is there ANY way to get this to happen?

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To Return The Same Data For Every .Net MVC Action In A Particular Controller?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a controller with several actions that all return a set of data that's the same among them all. Instead of adding the data to the ViewBag in every single action, is there some pattern or attribute or something I can call or set to add the same data to the viewdata or viewbag for every action, or some other better way to perform the get the same data in every view without calling the method in every action?

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MVC :: Return A Double Value From Controller Action?

Jan 11, 2011

i am trying return a double value from controller action. when i alert(result) it works well but when i return a function it did not work. alert undefined value.

//this is action
public ActionResult GetPrice(int id)
double price = ProductList.Where(d => d.ID.Equals(id)).Single().Price;
return Json(price, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

when i click $('#btnAdd') i wanna get price

$(document).ready(function () {
$('#btnAdd').click(function () {
//var itemPrice = GetPrice();
alert(GetPrice()); // this return undefşned value........

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Jquery - Return Error From MVC Action?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using ASP.NET MVC for developing a web site. I am using jquery for AJAX functionality. In the action methods, I want to return some error to signal that the input is not correct or that the action could not be performed. In such error cases, I expect the jquery ajax error handler to be called and I can take appropriate action in there. I have not found a way how to do this. Following is my action method.In error cases, what should I be sending from an Action in order to get the jquery error handler triggered?

public ActionResult AddToFavourites(int entityId, string entityType)
if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())


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C# - How To Return Json From Action Method With Array Property

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to return some data as json from an action method.

I have an employee object that looks like this:

public class Employee
public int EmployeeID {get; set;}
public string FirstName {get; set;}
public string LastName {get; set;}
//Other irrelevant properties

Then I have a view model as follows

public Class EmployeeViewModel
public Employee Supervisor{get; set;}
public List<EmployeeViewModel> Employees

I need to return a json object that looks exactly like this:

{id: 1, name: John, children: [
{id: 1, name: Joe, children: []},
{id: 1, name: Rob, children: []}

For now I only need to go to the second level as above, returning and supervisor and their staff members beneath them.

How would I go about returning this in my action method(I have the viewModel object hydrated already I just need to return it as json). My problem so far has been that the children property does not get populated.

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Jquery - Return An Error In An Ajax Scenario From MVC Action?

May 14, 2010

I am using ASP.NET MVC with jquery. I have the following MVC Action that returns a partial page on Success. On Application Error, I am not sure what to send it for correctly handling it at the client side.

public ActionResult LoadFilterSet(int filterSetId)
BreadCrumbManager bcManager = this.ResetBreadCrumbManager(this.BreadCrumbManagerID);
GeneralHelper.LoadBreadCrumbManager(bcManager, filterSetId);
ViewData["BreadCrumbManager"] = bcManager;
return View("LoadFilterSet");
catch (Exception ex)
return Content("");

Following is my jquery ajax call. Notice that I am checking for the data length to make sure there are no errors. Please suggest me a better way of doing this.

type: "GET",
dataType: "html",
async: true,
data: ({ filterSetId: selectedId }),
url: link,
contentType: "text/html; charset=utf-8",
success: function(data, textStatus) {
if (data.length > 0) {
// Clear the local filters first.
$('td.selected-filters table.filters-display').append(data);

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MVC :: Return Text Stream Of HTML From Controller Action?

Nov 6, 2010

How does a controller action return an HTML stream as the View? ( in place of the name of the View file )

I want to return a simple "error detected" or "action completed" page to the browser. And I dont want to clutter up my project with yet another view. The return string being "<html><body><h1>Error. Customer xxxx is not found</h1></body></html>"

( thinking about it, better to have a general purpose view in a folder named "Common". Then pass the message text in ViewData. Still curious to know how to return an html stream. )

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Ajax - How To Return An Error From A File Download Action Without Leaving The Current Page

Jul 12, 2010

I am calling a file download action from javascript:

$ {
window.location.href = 'MyController/MyFileDownloadAction';

The controller returns a file:


This action has a pretty high likelyhood of throwing an exception (or at least not being able to return the file).

Due to the nature of the application (which contains a lot of dynamic content), I can't really redirect to an error page in this situation. The current page needs to stay open somehow.

So I'm ideally looking for something like a javascript pop-up, but afaik this isn't going to be possible since I don't know any way to return a javacript instruction in a non-ajaxed controller call. If I display an error page I need to force it to open in a new window some how. Is there any possible solution to this problem?

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MVC :: UrlHelper Extension Methods For Areas (Best Practices)

Apr 20, 2010

In the previous version of our application we worked one we used MVC 1, so no area's. Following the ASP.NET MVC Best Practices by Kazi Manhur, I Created Extension methods of UrlHelper to generate your url from Route

Now with the new version, we are using MVC 2 and Areas. I was just wondering if one should implement it as before or have a new "best practice" regarding this emerged?

What I'm doing right now is:

1) Create a route in my area's route registration:


2) Creat an UrlHelper Extension method:


3) then just call it like this:


While typing this I started wondering what is the use of the ID you specify for the Area route..cant one just call the route using that?

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MVC :: Avoid Line Break For MvcHtmlString Returned From DisplayFor Label Extension?

Jun 21, 2010

i use the Html.LabelFor method for displaying the property names and Html.DisplayFor for the property values of my model.

Unfortunately i cannot use the following format:

Title: value...
Description: value...

since the LabelFor method inserts a line break, so the result returned is like:


: value...


: value

How could i get rid of the extra line break?

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MVC UrlHelper.RouteUrl To Provide The Full Path On The Server?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm currently doing something in OrchardCMS we're using URLRewrite so that if a user comes to the site from or from, they get the page. One of the problems is that it's throwing the urls in the menu because it's using urlHelper.RouteUrl which uses the wrong context and then produces a url like rather than Is there either a way to tell urlHelper.RouteUrl to start from a different page than the current one, or to get the function to return the full path?

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Unit Test An UrlHelper Custom Helper Method?

Mar 10, 2011

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3 and NUnit. I am trying to write a unit to test one of my helper methods. Here it is:

public static class UrlHelperAssetExtensions
private static readonly string yuiBuildPath = "";
public static string YuiResetFontsGridsStylesheet(this UrlHelper helper)
return helper.Content(yuiBuildPath + "reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css");

Here is my unit test:

public void YuiResetFontsGridsStylesheet_should_return_stylesheet()
// Arrange
RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext();
UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper(requestContext);
// Act
string actual = urlHelper.YuiResetFontsGridsStylesheet();
// Assert
string expected = yuiBuildPath + "reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css";
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

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Web Forms :: Back Button - Action To Return Back To 2 Pages Before On Single Click?

Oct 15, 2010


I have created a back button on my asp page. However, I would like this back button a a sinlge click to return the user to the page 2 pages before. I have tried to enter the history.back(2) but with no luck it does not work.

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MVC :: Method Not Found: 'System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString System.Web.Mvc.Html.LinkExtensions.RouteLink(Syst...

Jan 27, 2010

I have a project that it had been developed under MVC1 and after aa few months ago I upgraded it in MVC2.

Everything was well, uppon the day I needed to format my computer.

And what can goes wrong with a format? I don't know

I have installed the MVC2, I build the project, no error displayed, but from the time I've uploaded the project in the production server

I am getting this error.

Method not found: 'System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString System.Web.Mvc.Html.LinkExtensions.RouteLink(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper, System.String, System.Object)'.

I can't understand what caused the problem.

Certainly I assumed that is have to do with MVC1 and I referenced it, but with no luck

Theese are the methods that the problem is came from


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Web Forms :: Page Reloads On Button Click When It Shouldn't

Apr 8, 2010

Im currently experincing some difficulties with a button refreshing the page even when there is no code in the button. Ill try and explain the best i can the situation but if anyone needs any further clarifaction then please ask, im not 100% sure which part of the forum to post this in so i hope this is the right one. Im making what is effectively an online file repoistory, and have the folders set up in the database as one table where each folder has a parent value. If the parent is a root it as a value of 0 otherwise it has the parent folders id. The root is created automattically for a user and they can not do anything with it other than add new folders or upload a file to it. When a user is using the application they start of viewing the contents of the root folder and can see all the files uploaded on the root in a grid view which populates itself using the "data source" smart tag. It knows which folder it should be looking at via a hidden value which is the folders id. The folder gird view is again populated via the smart tag option and again based on the folder currently being viewed folder id. The user can click on a button in the gird view to open one of the child folders via the row_command event handler. This changes the hidden value to the id of the child folder and the grid views change to reflect that it is now looking into that folder. This all works fine. The problem is click on a button to say add a new button, even when i removed the code from the button it still refreshs the page and goes back to viewing the root folder. Im self taught so dont really understand what goes on behind the scences to well but im guessing theres some reason to why it happening. If anybody could explain why this behaviour happens and any possible solutions to this problem.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate Random Number Using But It Shouldn't Be Duplicated

Feb 6, 2011

Recently, I am working on the website where I am generating random number and storing it in database as the primary key. So, this key would be foreign key for many table, now how would I generate the random number and check if random number does not have duplication? Is there any function to check if number is not duplicate?

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Web Forms :: AsyncFileUpload Shouldn't Be Used For User Submitting Comments?

Dec 2, 2010

Sometimes someone may go to a website and after viewing the site want to make a comment about something on the site.

I tried to use the AsyncFileUpload control but that is best suited for uploading files.

Now I created a textbox for users to enter comments but the question is:

If I put a submit button on the form how do I recieve the users comment after the user enters their comment and clicks the Submit button?

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Optimization - Why Should Or Shouldn't Store A Dataset - Datatable As A Session Variable In Page

Feb 25, 2010

I am working on a web application that is consuming a Dataset returned by a web service. As the application is running I store that Dataset as a session variable to be used over and over again as the user navigates to the different pages that will edit the tables within the dataset. The idea was the user will only have to wait for the data once when the application loads then the application would use the session variable until the user saves the changes they made, when that happens it would pass the edited tables to the service to update the database. Is there problems with this design and the storage of the Dataset and Datatables as a session variable?

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Security :: Authenticating User - Textbox Shouldn't Display Current Windows Login Name

Jun 3, 2010

I am using Login control and validationg the user against SQL datasource. below is the code:

Sub Login1_Authenticate(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.AuthenticateEventArgs)
Handles Login1.Authenticate
e.Authenticated = IsValidUser()If IsValidUser() =
Here is IsValidUser
Private Function IsValidUser() As Boolean
Dim sql As String = String.Empty
Dim RecCount As Integer = 0
sql = "Select count(*) from UserLogins where UserName='" & clsDB.RemoveQuote(Me.Login1.UserName.Trim) & "'"
sql = sql & " AND UserPass='" & Me.Login1.Password.Trim & "'"
RecCount = clsDB.ExeScalar(sql)
'If Invalid ==> 0 means no record is being returned by Query
If RecCount = 0 Then
IsValidUser = False
'MessageBox.Show("Invalid User Name/Password.", "Invalid", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
Exit Function
End If
If RecCount = 1 Then
IsValidUser = True
Exit Function
End If
'Error handler
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function

Here comes the problem validation code is working fine and it validates the user and redirects the user to the "Order.aspx" page

For example: I type
Login Name: Nashy
Password: 1234

Order.aspx page has a textbox which supposed to display the current user login name and i am usiong the following code for that


when i test it on my local PC it shows the current user like this DOMAIN ashyMastrew.. what i want that the textbox should disply "nashy" not my current windows login name. and when i deploy it to the server and access it from other pc textbox does not show anything.

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Web Forms :: Construct A Regular Expression For The Password Textbox Which Shouldn't Accept Special Characters

Sep 16, 2010

I need to construct a regular expression for the password textbox which shouldn't accept special characters($,@,!,etc).Even whitespaces,tabs. I tried the below this accepts special characters.

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegEx" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Password"
ErrorMessage="Password must be atleast 8 characters and include a number,alphabets upper case and lower case.
"ToolTip="Password format is not correct"

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MVC :: Why Synchronous Action Wasn't Executed Until Asynchronous Action Completed

Nov 29, 2010

I'm implement Comet in MVC, I used timer to keep Async request in server, Async request will complete when timer elapsed 1 minute and response to client (to avoid 404 error) and then reconnect to Async Controller. I also wanna execute some Synchronous action during Async request was holding, but the problem is: When an Async action was executed and hold by using timer, the Sync Action wasn't called until Async action (comet long-live request) completed. I did test with firefox 3.6 many times, but the result is the same, so strange, Do you know why ? I have a sub some questions : To implement comet, using timer (response after some minutes elapsed) or thread (response after several time sleeping thread) to hold async request, which is better?

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MVC :: Redirect Action Not Working In Jqgrid Action Results Method

Mar 23, 2011

I am desiging a master and details page from a search page..user can search for something and I need to display the result in jqgrid if the result has more than 1 row or record.. if the result is just one record then i have to directly send then to details page by skiping grid page... I do have an action method for results page and one more action method for Jqgrid data..i am trying to check the row count for the database result and trying to redirect to details action results..but its not working at all..and showing an empty jqgrid..


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Test That A Controller Action Simply Returns A Link To Another Action?

Apr 29, 2010

Lets say I have a simple controller for ASP.NET MVC I want to test. I want to test that a controller action (Foo, in this case) simply returns a link to another action (Bar, in this case).How would you test TestController.Foo? (either the first or second link)

My implementation has the same link twice. One passes the url throw ViewData[]. This seems more testable to me, as I can check the ViewData collection returned from Foo(). Even this way though, I don't know how to validate the url itself without making dependencies on routing.The controller:

public class TestController : Controller
public ActionResult Foo()[code].....

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