C# - How To Return Json From Action Method With Array Property
Mar 14, 2011
I am trying to return some data as json from an action method.
I have an employee object that looks like this:
public class Employee
public int EmployeeID {get; set;}
public string FirstName {get; set;}
public string LastName {get; set;}
//Other irrelevant properties
Then I have a view model as follows
public Class EmployeeViewModel
public Employee Supervisor{get; set;}
public List<EmployeeViewModel> Employees
I need to return a json object that looks exactly like this:
{id: 1, name: John, children: [
{id: 1, name: Joe, children: []},
{id: 1, name: Rob, children: []}
For now I only need to go to the second level as above, returning and supervisor and their staff members beneath them.
How would I go about returning this in my action method(I have the viewModel object hydrated already I just need to return it as json). My problem so far has been that the children property does not get populated.
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function TestStringArray() {
var stringArray = new Array();
stringArray[0] = "item1";
Forgetting my controller actually needs to return a Json result (I have a break on the return View() line), the values parameter is null. When I pass in a single string (change the type from List<String> to String in the controller, pass in a single string value from the View), it works fine. Looking at Fiddler, the array is passing the multiple values.I did some research and people are suggesting JSON.Stringify ion the JSON2 library, the JSON.NEt library, etc... Do I really need extra libraries? Microsoft didn't think of this scenario for out of the box? I assume the problem is any kind of complex type.
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$(document).ready(function() {
$('[id$=btn_Update]').click(function() {
var reten = $('[id$=txt_Reten]').val();
var i=0;
var selectValues = "";
var ProdID = new Array();
$("#lst_ProdId option").each(function() {
selectValues = selectValues + $(this).text() + ",";
ProdID[i] = $(this).text();
for(var j=0; j < ProdID.length;j++)
// alert(ProdID[j]);
var params = "{'ProdID':'" + ProdID + "','RetenP':'" + reten + "'}";
type: "POST",
url: "/ProductPricing/Products/RetenPeriod.aspx/UpdateRetenPeriod",
data: params,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
datatype: "json",
success: function(result) {
error:function(e) {
// if(errorThrown != null)
// alert(textStatus+ ":"+errorThrown);
// else
// alert("fail");
return false;
return false;
This is my webmethod in code behind:
public static bool UpdateRetenPeriod(string[] ProdID,string RetenP)
for (int i = 0; i < ProdID.Length; i++)
return true;
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product.Name = "Apple";
product.Expiry = new DateTime(2008, 12, 28);
product.Price = 3.99M;
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I'd do it like this:
public class AccessToken
public string access_token {get;set;}
public DateTime expires { get; set; }
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public List<AccessToken> tokens { get; set; }
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"ColumnIndex": index
convert it to a string
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var json = $.toJSON(peform);
is not working as expect. is it need to add any js file to reference ? or mistake in syntax?
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$("#Save").click(function () {
var title = $("#recipetitle").val();
var category = $("#category").val();
var preptime = $("#prepTime").val();
var preptimeperiod = $("#lstPrepTime").val();
var cooktime = $("#cookTime").val();
var cooktimeperiod = $("#lstCookTime").val();
var rating = $("#rating").val();
var method = $("#method").val();
var jsontext = '{ "RecipeTitle": "' + title + '",';
jsontext += '"CategoryID":' + category + ',';
jsontext += '"PrepTime":' + preptime + ',';
jsontext += '"PrepTimePeriod":"' + preptimeperiod + '",';
jsontext += '"CookTime":' + cooktime + ',';
jsontext += '"CookTimePeriod":"' + cooktimeperiod + '",';
jsontext += '"Rating":' + rating + ',';
jsontext += '"Method":"' + method + '",';....................
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Apr 27, 2016
my JSON is as follows :
{ "Data":[ { "id":"1", "Name":"Sachin" }, { "id":"2", "Name":"Rahul" },
{ "id":"3", "Name":"Sovrav" } ]}
Now i want to filter out only array from that JSON and store them in a variable like this :
[ { "id":"1", "Name":"Sachin" }, { "id":"2", "Name":"Rahul" },
{ "id":"3", "Name":"Sovrav" } ]
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Oct 13, 2010
wrote an MVC 2 action which shows json data in the browser when i browse to the URL in my Dev environment.
When i upload it to production and i browse to the same url, i get;
04 - File or directory not found.The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.I have decorated the action with httpget and the url is in the format;
[URL]is the same format in my Dev Environment too..
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Dec 1, 2010
I have 2 classes that are used to mirror the data from an ajax call. One (Customer) contains a property which is name, and the other is an array of Products.
Public Class Customer
Private _Name as String
Private _Products as Product()
Public Property Name() As String
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Nov 1, 2010
I am trying to send json data from view to controller action. But the issue is the data is not populating in the action parameter List<Score>.
View Model:
public class Score
public int QuestionId { get; set; }
public int PrevAnswerId { get; set; }
public int CurrAnswerId { get; set; }
public string CurrAnswerName { get; set; }
Json Data look like:
{QuestionId:1, PrevAnswerId:3, CurrAnswerId:3, CurrAnswerName:'Known to Broker'},
{QuestionId:2, PrevAnswerId:7, CurrAnswerId:7, CurrAnswerName:'Completed'},
{QuestionId:3, PrevAnswerId:10, CurrAnswerId:10, CurrAnswerName:'Report'}
On window load, I will construct the Json object using "eval()" function and do some operation in the data before its save. On Save Click, I will call the action through the ajax call.
url: url,
type: "GET",
dataType: 'json',
data: {score: ScoreJson},
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function () {
error: function () {
} });
public ActionResult SaveScore(List<Score> score)
// do something...
But here score comming as collection of 3 elements with zero(for interger property)/null(for string property) values. When I checked in the request I found the data in "parama" property like.
"Score%5b0%5d%5bQuestionId%5d=1 &Score%5b0%5d%5bPrevAnswerId%5d=3 &Score%5b0%5d%5bCurrAnswerId%5d=3 &Score%5b0%5d%5bCurrAnswerName%5d=Known+to+broker&
Score%5b1%5d%5bQuestionId%5d=2 &Score%5b1%5d%5bPrevAnswerId%5d=7 &Score%5b1%5d%5bCurrAnswerId%5d=7 &Score%5b1%5d%5bCurrAnswerName%5d=Completed&
Score%5b2%5d%5bQuestionId%5d=3 &Score%5b2%5d%5bPrevAnswerId%5d=10 &Score%5b2%5d%5bCurrAnswerId%5d=10 &Score%5b2%5d%5bCurrAnswerName%5d=Travelers+Report&".
But I am not sure why it is not getting populated in the score list. One full day I spent for this issue but till now I didnt find the solution for this issue.
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a controller that uploads a file. I would like to return a json result with bool success (if successfully uploaded otherwise false) and message (this could be error message that occured OR link to a file OR link to an image, depending on what was uploaded).What's the best way to approach thisI have this
public class UploadedFile
public bool Success { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
then In my controller I would set Success to true/or/false and Message to <a href OR <img am i on the right track?How would i then parse this in the view so that when image it will show an image, if link show a link, if error simply alert error.
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