MVC :: Upload File To Server Or Database

Sep 15, 2010

I'd like to know how to allow user to upload file to the server in mvc 2 application. I haven't seen a very clear tutorial for this, at least not on this website. There is a movie database tutorial but that is simply a list of movies not actual files. What is the simplest method for uploading files, be they images or movies?

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document.getElementById("fileUpload").value = "C:myImage.jpg";

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I can upload image file too


But I want two function become one. When I press <Submit>, it's insert data and upload image file.

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I'm having a bit of an issue uploading files to a database. I'll post snippets of my code below.

The table i'm uploading to has the following structure:


I can upload the file using my MVC application without any errors, however in the database the file stores in CoverFileContent as "0x0000000000000000......". All the other information relating to the file, e.g. MimeType, FileName, CoverID, etc uploads correctly. I took a wild guess that this wasn't correct so I downloaded the file (created a .net MVC file downloader). It seemed to download as the correct type of file, however I when I tried to open it, it told me I could not open it. I'll post some snippets of my code so people can see what I'm doing.





I have inserted breakpoints to debug the code, however coming from more of a business background I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for. It seems that the array is being populated with 00000000s so I'm thinking this is a problem regarding the intake of the file.

[URL] This is the tutorial I was originally following, which I got to work perfectly. However when I rewrote it to suit my own needs (using, etc) this problem seemed to occur.

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Mar 2, 2011

I want to upload a file to the server, and save its name into database. how do i write action for that after post the record.

Here is the get action:


] [code]....

I try to upload the file and then save the record to the database, but it doesn't work.

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Jan 7, 2011

I am trying to put together a file upload page for my website users. I know the basics to do this, however,I need to incorporate a database in the process.asically, I would like users to be able to upload their files into a single folder. At the same time, when they upload a file, a record needs to be made in my SQL Server 2005 database that links that specific user with that specific file. However, I do notwant the files inserted into the database; just an "association" record.I also need to know how to display, to a user, all the files in the folder that they have linked to their ID and how to allow that user to download those file(s)

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