MVC :: Using DataAnnotations To Verify Integer?

Sep 30, 2010

I am using Entity Framework with partial classes added on so I can use DataAnnotation attributes. Does anyone know how to add a data annotatin which will verify that a field is a whole number (or a DataType of int or long)? I'm surprised there is no [DataType(DataType.Integer)] attribute. I tried to create a custom attribute, but it doesn't work because the value it receives is always null:


Obviously I'm missing the point, but I don't know enough to know what I'm missing.

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: DataAnnotations Does Not Work

Jan 18, 2011

I'm building an MVC 2 application with a MySQL database behind it. I've imported the model by adding an ADO.NET Entety Datamodel. Now I want to use DataAnnotations to validate the user input. So I have added the line



However, It just doesn't do anything. The Model.IsValid() returns true no matter how long a string I submit.

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MVC :: Validating ICollection Using DataAnnotations?

Sep 1, 2010

What's the best way to validate ICollection

ie. sample class:


what's the best way to ensure that at least ONE BlogCategory is selected (if on the edit page BlogCategory is a list of checkboxes)

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MVC :: Can DataAnnotations Persist Through Serialization

May 24, 2010

I am using business objects that are accessed via webservices. These objects can be loaded via the webservice and serialized to my mvc app. The mvc app can get a web reference to the objects and they can be utilized in the mvc app. However, the business objects are where the classes are defined, and where the annotations are applied.

The mvc validation seems to have no idea that there are System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations attributes applied to this business object class.

1) Are DataAnnotations lost when objects are serialized / deserialized?

2) If in mvc I use a view model approach, and have nested objects (which themselves have public properties - decorated with DataAnnotations) can/will the mvc validation system traverse the entire object model, the model being used for my view? (so it can see DataAnnotations attributes of the nested object)?

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DataAnnotations On A DateTime Property?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a DateTime property in my model and I would like to validate it using DataAnnotations.In my view I want to get that DateTime as a number of days (e.g. "3"), instead of a DateTime (e.g. "7/14/2010"). If user enters "3" in the view, then DataAnnotation finds it invalid -and that is the issue.What are my options in this scenario?

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MVC :: DataAnnotations Enforcing A Value Is True?

Apr 27, 2010

Using data annotations for MVC, I can enforce range, regular expressions, required, stringlength, etc.. However, I have boolean property "SignedDocument" that I want to enforce its set to true? Is this possible in data annotation?Example:


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Disable DataAnnotations Validation On DefaultModelBinder?

Mar 16, 2010

I want DefaultModelBinder not to perform any validation based on DataAnnotations metadata. I'm already using DataAnnotations with DynamicData for the admin area of my site, and I need a different set of validation rules for the MVC based front-end. I'm decorating my classes with the MetadataType attribute. If I could have different MetadataType classes for the same model but used on different scenarios that would be great.If not I'm fine with just disabling the validation on the DefaultModelBinder, either by setting some property or by creating a specialized version of it.

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Mvc DataAnnotations How To Make Field No Editable In 3.5

May 20, 2010

I have a few field in my entity that i wish to be non-editable. Looking in the docs it seems like "EditableAttribute" would do the trick. However this is only 4.0Just wondering if there are other attributes that would have the desire effect. So be clear, i have a field called "DateRegistered" i wish to display this as string not text field using "Html.EditorFor"

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MVC :: DataAnnotations Error Message Localization?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a problem with server-side validation in xVal. I'm using the RequiredAttribute from DataAnnotations.

I would like to change error message from:

The field is required.


Polje je obvezno.

My current solution is this: [Required(ErrorMessage = "Polje je obvezno.")]

But I was wondering if it's possible just to write [Required] and to override error message in one place? (like there is a localization file for client-side validation in xVal)

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Adding CSS Class To Field From DataAnnotations MVC 3?

Feb 2, 2011

Is it possible to add a CSS class from DataAnnotations (metadata) when I use Html.EditorForModel() - without a custom template...

Something like this [DataType(CssClass = "DateTime")]

public class TestInput
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Name is required.")]
public string Name { get; set; }
[Required, StringLength(500)]
public string Description { get; set; }
[DataType(CssClass = "DateTime")]
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
[HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)]
public int Id { get; set; }

Here is a link to what I am referring to: [URL]

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MVC :: DataAnnotations Validation Suppose To Validate Like This?

Jan 30, 2011

I got a Category model and it looks like this


My problem is that when i do a tryupdatemodel it validate the ParentCategory aswell, is it really suppose to do that? How could i avoid this, I tried [Bind(Excluede = "ParentCategory)] in the ActionResult but with no luck. I have looked all over the place with no luck everybody just got the Id problem.

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MVC :: Custom Validation Against Repository With Dataannotations

Jan 11, 2010

I'm having problems with getting my custom dataannotations to work, I'm trying to add a validation-attribute that validates that the UsergroupName for a Customer (CustomerID) is unique.


the IsValid should return false if the "count >0". How do I fix this one so it works. GetUsergroups() returns IQueryable<Usergroup>.

View 8 Replies

MVC :: 2 RC On 3.5 SP1 - Client Side Validation From DataAnnotations?

Jan 19, 2010

I have tried everything to get client-side validation to work in MVC2 RC, but have been completely unsuccessful. Server-side validation works just fine, but client-side never fires. I have grabbed


from the futures source, since it wasn't included in RC. Unfortunately, that's the only script that people agree is necessary for everything to work. Besides that, nobody seems to know which other specific js scripts are needed. The candidates are (jquery-1.3.2.js, jquery.validate.js, MicrosoftMvcAjax.js, MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js). I've tried every permutation of these and other scripts to no avail.

Html.EnableClientValidation() has been included before BeginForm, and the JSON validation data appears to be correctly written into the source of the page. But, again, client-side validation never fires.

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MVC :: Html.ValidationMessageFor() Required Even If Using DataAnnotations?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm using DataAnnotations in my viewmodel class:


In my view I enabled client-side validation.


So, is this the way it's supposed to work? Shouldn't enabling client-side validation highlight non-validating elements by default, without an needing to create an associated Html.ValidationMessageFor(), if it has a DataAnnotation validation attribute?

View 10 Replies

MVC3 Deriving From DataAnnotations Attributes?

Jan 28, 2011

I have this working perfectly

[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "ValidationError_Required", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Resources))]
public string Title { get; set; }
public class LRequiredAttribute : System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute

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Generate DataAnnotations With Fluent API And ObjectContext?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm building an application using MVC 3 and Entity Framework 4. I've created my Entity Data Model and generated a database from it. Now I know the validation attributes such as [Required] or [StringLength(5)] can be used on the model properties to provide validation both clientside and serverside.

I would like to know if these attributes can also be generated dynamically instead of having to add them to the model explicitly? I saw that in EF 4.1 RC you can make use of the Fluent API to further configure your model in the OnModelCreating method by using the DbModelBuilder class. As shown here I'm working with a framework however that still uses ObjectContext instead of DbContext so I would like to know if the above solution can be used in combination with ObjectContext?

As a final note, since I've been trying to figure out how to generate and use data annotations it seems using view models would increase the complexity of validation. From what I read here it seems that just passing the models directly to the view would remove the need to add annotations to the models as well as the view models. However that means that you can no longer use strongly typed views when you do joins on the models and pass those to the view directly?

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MVC :: DataAnnotations And Model MetaData Caching?

Nov 1, 2010

My case:I am developing an application that will run for multiple clients, each client has the ability to customize field displays and error messages.My issue:I created some custom attributes which inherit from DisplayNameAttribute, RequiredAttribute etc... and in them I am pulling out the resource needed.However it is only executed the once, so if my context changes it will be pulling the incorrectly cached value instead of pulling the new value need.Has anybody attempted to try something like this with the data annotations? Or any advice such as just don't use them for this scenario?

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MVC :: Using DataAnnotations To Validate Creation Of A New Admin User?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm using DataAnnotations to validate creation of a new Admin user. However on EDIT page I want to have password and confirm password fields blank. This way i know that password has not changed. However whenever I EDIT a user I get ModelState.IsValid = false because password and confirm password are blank even though I set these in my controller. how would i fix this so that on EDIT screen I can omit "Required" validation?



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DataAnnotations Automatic Handling Of Int Is Causing A Roadblock?

Jun 2, 2010

Summary: DataAnnotation's automatic handling of an "int?" is making me rethink using them at all.Maybe I'm missing something and an easy fix but I can't get DataAnnotations to cooperate. I have a public property with my own custom validation attribute:

[MustBeNumeric(ErrorMessage = "Must be a number")]
public int? Weight { get; set; }

The point of the custom validation attribute is do a quick check to see if the input is numeric and display an appropriate error message. The problem is that when DataAnnotations tries to bind a string to the int? is automatically doesn't validate and displays a "The value 'asdf' is not valid for Weight."For the life of me I can't get DataAnnotations to stop handling that so I can take care of it in my custom attribute.This seems like it would be a popular scenario (to validate that the input in numeric) and I'm guessing there's an easy solution but I didn't find it anywhere.

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C# - MVC3 System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations And Association?

Feb 16, 2011

This part of code works fine

[Association(Storage = "profile", ThisKey = "UserId", OtherKey = "UserId")]
public Profile User {
get { return this.profile.Entity; }
set { this.profile.Entity = value; }

but if i add in this class System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations then, Association could not be found.

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MVC :: Using DataAnnotations As Well As Server-side Validation Logic?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm using DataAnnotations as well as server-side validation logic.

Is there a way to show DataAnnotation's client-side validation errors in the ValidationSummary, as it shows when returning from server validation?

I know I can use ValidateMessage and ValidateMessageFor next to elements, but the spacial design of the form I'm working with doesn't allow for anything other than highlighting the HTML element, however, I would still like to have a message saying what's wrong.

If I place ValidateFor's alongside ValidationSummary in order to mimic a ValidationSummary during client-side validation, they both appear when returning from a failed server side validation.

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MVC :: Can't Modify Auto-generated Files With Dataannotations

Feb 21, 2011

Split off from Start new questions in a new thread.

Hey thanks a lot!!!

The following link worked fine

However, I am Having one other problem. There are four solutions in my project. All my controllers and Views are declared in the Presentation solution. There are auto-generated class files in the solution named DomainModel. So, my views inherits these auto-generated files from the DomainModel solution. The problem is that I can't modify these auto-generated files by using Data Annotations in there. Hence, cannot accomplish my validation. I tried by creating partial classes but no result. By creating a class file in my Presentation solution and then binding it with the view the validation works fine. But my views are binded with the class files (auto-generated) from the DomainModel.

Can you/anyone help me work it out so, that validation works with those classes without modifying it.

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MVC :: Custom ErrorMessage For DataAnnotations.DataTypeAttribute Not Works?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm not able to set errorMessage for DataType attribute.

Here is sample code :

[DataType(DataType.Currency, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a number")]

But in the ValidationSummary it is displayed:

The value 'sdf' is not valid for StartPrice. Other attributes like Required, StringLength or Range work fine.

I had to remove validationSummary and display messages with <%= Html.ValidationMessageFor() %> nearby input fileds but it is not the solution.

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C# - Adding DataAnnotations To Auto Generated DBML Class?

Feb 17, 2010

i'm worried about doing this since my changes will be overwritten when the dbml file is auto generated again (as they often are).

i'm thinking of doing a partial class and writing out the same properties to annotate them, but worried that it will complain about duplicates, and the reason i can't even experiment brings me to the second part of my questions...

... that, the expandable arrow on my dbml file listing is missing, right clicking and selecting "View Code" just displays an empty partial class as below...

Partial Class FPDataContext
End Class

I'm using VS2010 RC and am just developing an MVC 2.0 app where i want to be able to use the UI Annotations such as [UIHint("RelativeDateTime")]


here is my VB version edit as an example...

Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
<MetadataType(GetType(CommentMetaData))> _
Partial Public Class Comment
End Class
Public Class CommentMetaData
<UIHint("PostedSince")> _
Public Property DateAdded() As DateTime
End Class

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Maxlength Attribute Of A Text Box From The DataAnnotations StringLength In MVC2?

Mar 5, 2010

I am working on an MVC2 application and want to set the maxlength attributes of the text inputs.

I have already defined the stringlength attribute on the Model object using data annotations and it is validating the length of entered strings correctly.

I do not want to repeat the same setting in my views by setting the max length attribute manually when the model already has the information. Is there any way to do this?

Code snippets below:

From the Model:

[Required, StringLength(50)]
public string Address1 { get; set; }

From the View:

<%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.Address1) %>
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Address1, new { @class = "text long" })%>
<%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Address1) %>

What I want to avoid doing is:

<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Address1, new { @class = "text long", maxlength="50" })%>

Is there any way to do this?

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