MVC :: Code Not Working In Razor Output

Nov 26, 2010

This same code working fine with MVC 2 but not working in MVC 3 razor. Once page is loaded not loading menu from HTMLHelper called within Razor like below.

Hardcoded menu for testing which is not outputting on the page.


Below is Razor cshtml code.

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Aug 21, 2010

Is it possible to somehow output some content based upon some conditional check in Razor? If not, I hope this possibility will be added in the future. What I want to do is the following:


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MVC :: Razor And String.Format Not Working?

Mar 3, 2011

I am trying the following:


Where @Resource.Info is "{0} - {1}".

But I always get <p>0</p> - <p>1</p>.

I tried a few more options like using @<text>, @Html.Raw but I always end up with an exception or the same result.

Basically I have a localized resource, @Resource.Info, and I need to insert in the phrase some htm code.

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Razor Syntax / WebMatrix Not Working - C#

Mar 17, 2011

In Windows Forms I can create a class file called 'Authentication.cs' with the following code:

public class Authentication
public string Name;
internal bool Authenticate()
bool i = false;
if (Name == "Jason")
i = true;
return i;

In WebMatrix, I can insert a new Class file, called 'Authentication.cs', and insert the above code. And in my default.cshtml file, I do this:.........................

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MVC :: C# Code In Razor View - Right Statement?

Feb 27, 2011

I have this C# code in a Razor view:

@(Html.CheckBoxFor<RazorSamplesWeb.Models.SamplesModel>(i => i.IsActive))

I tried translating it to this:

@Code Html.CheckBoxFor(Of RazorSamplesWeb.Models.SamplesModel)(Function(i) i.IsActive)End Code

But it's complaining. Why, and what is the right statement?

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MVC :: Client Validation Not Working For Invalid Data The First Time In 3 With Razor

Mar 2, 2011

I've run across with client-side validation. Firstly I'm assuming that everything is set up properly because client validation is working fine other than this specific scenario. The scenario is that if I have a field with a validation attribute on it then I can clear th field value and client validation won't flag it as an error even though the validation should fail. If, however, I type in something that is invalid then from then on it works correctly. It seems like client validation is missing the clearing of the field if it has not yet generated a validation error. Here's a simple model to demo the issue:


Now assume that I have this as my model instance: new SimpleModel() { Id = 1, Name = "One1", EventTime = DateTime.Now } The model is valid. Now I drop in an edit form generated by the Add View dialog. Again I'm assuming client validation is properly set up because it works except for the very specific scenario given earlier.........................

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MVC :: Unable To Add Working Form Inside A Section Of Razor View

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In one of my view, I have a postback form


Now, As you can see, I have added this form inside MainBar section. Whenever I try to click on PostReply button, nothing happens.

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How To Use If Statements With Razor And Inline Code Blocks

Jan 22, 2011

I'm updating my old .aspx views with the new Razore view engine. I have a bunch of places where I have code like this:

<span class="vote-up<%= puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up ? "-selected" : "" %>">Vote Up</span>

Ideally I'd like to do this:

<span class="vote-up@{puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up ? "-selected" : ""}">Vote Up</span>

However there's two problems here:

vote-up@{puzzle.UserVote .... is not treating the @ symbol as a start of a code block @puzzle.UserVote == VoteType.Up looks at the first part @puzzle.UserVote as if it's supposed to render the value of the variable.

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WebMatrix :: Razor Syntax - Separate Code From Markup

Aug 28, 2010

While it has gnerally been advocated to separate code from mark up and all that, with the razor syntax and webmatrix all that is not valid anymore, I think. WebMatrix encourages code and mark up in the same page! So what is the best practice as far as code and mark up is concerned.

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Visual Studio :: See The Razor Code In A Design View?

Feb 5, 2011

I have a Razor coded view with extension .cshtml. I would like to see it in a design view, so I could put some controls from a tool box.

I am using Visual Studio Express.

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DataSource Controls :: Output Parameter Not Working To Sqldatasource?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to get the uniqueidentifier value from a insert SP and retreive that using a sqldatasource and pass that value to store files in the relevent folder.

the SQL stored procedure

@Site nchar(10),
@Description nvarchar(MAX),
@Application nvarchar(MAX),
@Coordinator nchar(50),
@ProjectNumber nchar(50),
@Manager nchar(50),
@DateRequested date,
@DateRequired date,
@Issues nvarchar(MAX),........

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Web Forms :: Not Getting Expected Output From Code

Jun 5, 2010

I have <asp: listbox control in the page and I have binded it with sql table below data

1 India
3 China
4 Japan
5 Australia

Selected values 2 or 3, I am inserting in to the tblworld and after inserting when I come back for editing then showing as selected values, here user can changed the selected values. When user selected or deselect the list box checking with the below code as


I am not getting expected output from the above code, get the proper output?

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OnClick Run SQL Code Output To Specific DIV

Mar 9, 2011

Basically when a user clicks a button I have a javascript code that runs that displays the hidden DIV, my question is how do I make it so when the users click it executes the SQL code (which is already written to select the data) and then it displays it in the DIV that I want. Would the only way to do this be add a label to the DIV and then use LabelName.Text to populate it or can this be accomplished some other way? I am using Visual Studio 2008 and coding in c#.

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C# Code - Capture The Webpage Output

Nov 17, 2010

i cannot remember the proper code, how to capture the output of a page in the page_load event and possible store it to file c#,

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MVC :: Writing To View Output Stream From Code?

Sep 19, 2010

how does the code within the <% .... %> brackets write to the output stream of a view?

Where view code that looked like the following would write the HTML for a <table> to the output html of the view.

ToViewOutput( "<table>" ) ;
ToViewOutput( "<tr>" ) ;
ToViewOutput("<td>row1. cell 1.</td>") ;
ToViewOutput("<td>row1. cell 2.</td>") ;
oViewOutput("</tr>") ;
ToViewOutput("</table>") ;

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Web Forms :: How To Get Output In Code Behind Just Like A Html Dorp Down

Mar 3, 2011

in code behind file

Dropdownlist Dr=new Dropdownlist()"RITU"

how to get output in code behind just like a html dorp down

string Drop="<select id="Dr"> </Select>";

and how to add this output using web Services-Jquery in a web page

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Output In Panel Code Behind

Dec 16, 2010

A Panel contain with


how to get all id in this format


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Code To Output A Specific HTTP Header E.g. X-adexpert-id?

Sep 10, 2010

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Configuration :: Application Is Working Fine In Local Environment But Not Working After Push Code In Live

Aug 19, 2010

My application is working fine in local environment but not working after push code in live. My locale environment and hosting environment both are having same configuration. Same app working fine 2 month before but in different domain but same hosting server.

how to check the both config / any possible to run debug mode in hosting server please let me know. below code used in all page for checking user session status but when I click on any link page redirect to login.aspx I think session got timeout. I don't know why session got time frequently, but this issue not happening in local environment (desktop).


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Web Forms :: Code Write File 2.0 Is Working In Firefox But IE Not Working

Aug 28, 2010

If Not IsDBNull(ext) Then
ext = LCase(ext)
End If
Select Case ext
'Case ".htm", ".html"
' type = "text/HTML"
'Case ".txt"
' type = "text/plain"
'Case ".doc", ".rtf"
' type = "Application/msword"
'Case ".csv", ".xls"
' type = "Application/x-msexcel"........................

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DataSource Controls :: Finding Code To Loop Through The Reader And Output The Details On Individual Lines Of The Page

Jan 14, 2010

I'm currently trying to build a html table from the results of a sql data reader. As my table has multiple records, I want the code to loop through the reader and output the details on individual lines of the page. In ASP I have done this in the past using something like


but as I am using data readers I'm not sure what the equivalent is.

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Written Code To Access Public Variable Of Asp Onclick Event On Button But Its Not Giving Desired Output?

Feb 10, 2010

i have written following code to access public variable of onclick event on button but its not giving me desired output.. please check it:

<asp:Button runat="server" CssClass="txtdisplay" ID="Button1"
Text="Browse all jobs in area"
OnClientClick="return navigateURL('index.aspx?c=<%=cityid %>')" />

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Web Forms :: Browser Output Doesn't Look Like Web Developer Output Using Nested Master Pages And Css Stylesheets

Apr 18, 2010

First off, suggest better ways if you want rather than patch up this code. I am just starting this project and it is first time I have tried to code a web site so anything you suggest is very much welcomed. I have spent the last 2 and 1/2 days trying to find workable answers to this but none I have found and tried seem to fit. If needed I can email screens shots or code. I am trying to construct a website that will have the same main theme throughout as far as the header, navbars sitemap, and footer go. Naturally the content will vary from page to page. I want to use a single master page and css stylesheet for this main theme and I will change the content format as needed per page because each page may vary somewhat.

However, about 15 of the pages will all use the same format for their content and this format will differ from the rest of the site but the format of the main theme will stay the same. So I am trying to create a nested master page to use to format the just the content area for all these pages while retaining the main theme for the header, etc.. I believe I should use a separate css file with the nested master page to handle the formatting of the content areas for these 15 pages. I have code that looks like it works when viewed in web developer but design view but does not work when viewd through a browser (IE, Chrome, Firefox). So far I have the following done in web developer.

If it helps the code and screen shots follow. Master Page called "Parent.master". For all theme throughout site Nested Master Page called "Lab.master". For the 15 like pages Primary stylesheet file for main theme called "StylesheetNew.css" For site theme Secondary stylesheet file to syle the 15 like formatted pages. It is called Labmaster.css Labs.apsx file to use as first of the 15 like pages.
Finally screens shots from web developer and browser. Sorry try as I might I could not capture screenshots and put them into this post. The problem is that web developer shows all the area (many lines high) with gray background and with the XXX text that I want to allocate for content in the 15 pages. Yet all the browser show is one line of text o a white background followed by the footer. It looks like the LabStyleSheet works in Web Developer but not in a browser.

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="Parent.master.vb" Inherits="MasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<head id="ParentHeader" runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder runat="server" id="headerPlaceHolder" />
<link href="~/StyleSheetNew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="wrapper" >
<div id="Header" >
<table class="hdrtbl1" >
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<img id="logo" alt="Logo" src="../Images/logo.png" style="width: 136px; height: 87px" />
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Moving The Javascript Code To Design View Is Not Working. Only Code-behind Attributes.Add ("onclick" Works. Puzzled

Jul 15, 2010

I wanted to disable a button after it is clicked and at the same time fire the post back event to generate a report. My first set of code did not work because soon after the button is disabled the page won't submit/post back. here's the first set of code which was not implemented. the onclientclick calls a javascript function which has these lines


since it was not posting back,i tried the following on page_load code behind

btnGenerateReport.Attributes.Add("onclick", "this.disabled=true;" + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnGenerateReport, ""))

that worked well. but I tried to copy the javascript that got generated and pasted directly on design view


its not working from client side alone after I disable the code behind attributes.add
but when I check the view source the 2 pages are the samewhy am I not able to move the code from code-behind to design view?

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