MVC :: How To Modify Generated Membership Functionality

Mar 25, 2010

I am using ASP.NET MVC2 (and I am new to MVC).

I created a new MVC2 project and use the SqlMembershipProvider and Forms Authentication but am not using Roles (yet). Each user has additional information associated with them (e.g. Company) which is stored in a different table than the aspnet_* membership tables.

I store an additional small piece of information in the authentication cookie (e.g. CompanyId), and create a custom identity object during the AuthenticateRequest event and this custom identity object exposes the CompanyId as a property. Thus, CompanyId is available in controller actions that has been decorated with [Authorize].

When creating a new user, I now want to create this additional user information (e.g. Company) and associate it with the user. I realize there are many different ways to do this but since I am fresh to MVC I am soliciting advice about the best way to do this - I want to do it in the best "ASP.NET MVC way".

One option would be to change the AccountController's Register action and after a successful call to MembershipService.CreateUser(), do the work to create the additional info in the database. Doing it this way does not require any modification to IMembershipService etc.

Another option would be to modify the IMembershipService interface (add a "company" or "companyName" parameter to the CreateUser() method), then modify AccountMembershipService's implementation of CreateUser() and do the work to create the additional info in the database there.

And yet another option would be to leave IMembershipService alone and instead create my own IMyMembershipService and MyAccountMembershipService and use those.

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MVC :: Can't Modify Auto-generated Files With Dataannotations

Feb 21, 2011

Split off from Start new questions in a new thread.

Hey thanks a lot!!!

The following link worked fine

However, I am Having one other problem. There are four solutions in my project. All my controllers and Views are declared in the Presentation solution. There are auto-generated class files in the solution named DomainModel. So, my views inherits these auto-generated files from the DomainModel solution. The problem is that I can't modify these auto-generated files by using Data Annotations in there. Hence, cannot accomplish my validation. I tried by creating partial classes but no result. By creating a class file in my Presentation solution and then binding it with the view the validation works fine. But my views are binded with the class files (auto-generated) from the DomainModel.

Can you/anyone help me work it out so, that validation works with those classes without modifying it.

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list1. ...;

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<asp:Literal ID="Literal2" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="Literal2Resource1"></asp:Literal>

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<a runat=server id="bylchau" href="./pothole_locator_map.aspx?lang=en-gb&lat=53.153977&lng=-3.533306">Bylchau</a>

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Dim quicklink As HtmlAnchor = DirectCast(Form.FindControl("bylchau"), HtmlAnchor) quicklink.HRef = quicklink.HRef + "boo"

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Is there a way to use the FindControl method to locate all textboxes on a page and clear their textfields probably using a loop of some sorts?

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