MVC :: Implement A Cascading Dropdownlist Inside A Partial View

Oct 8, 2010

i'm trying to implement a cascading dropdownlist inside a partial view.

this is the code:


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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Implement Cascading DropDownList Inside GridView Control

Nov 15, 2011

I want to implement Cascading dropdownlist in ASP.Net GridView

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Data Controls :: Implement Cascading DropDownList Inside Repeater Control?

May 7, 2015

I have two dropdownlists inside a repeater. And based on the value I pick in the first dropdownlist the second needs to get populated (both need to be populated from the DB via stored proc). I am adding the code I have so far but it's not complete

<asp:Repeater ID="rpt" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rpt_ItemDataBound">


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MVC :: Cascading Action For Multiple Partial View In One View?

Nov 1, 2010

I would like to create one view for my CRUD actions. The view contains 3 basic DIV updatetargets ("search form", "search result listing" and "action" (would be create,detail,edit,delete). Basic flow would be: "Search" updates the "Search Result Listing", click on CRUD actions in listing would show partial view in "action".

how do I call to refresh the "Listing" after I do any add/update/delete without having user click search again?



Result Listing:


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How To Implement Cascading Static Dropdownlist

Jul 6, 2010

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Web Forms :: Implement Cascading DropDownList In GridView Control

May 10, 2012

I have two comboboxes say DDL 1 : Artist , DDL 2: Albums and a Gridview containing ( album name, artist name, no.of tracks, year, etc), What I want to achieve is: when an option(artist1) in DDL1 is chosed, then the albums related to DDL1 needs to display in DDL 2  and also it must update the appropriate values in the gridview( artistname, albums(album name -no of songs, year)etc...(language: server ).

I looked at your article regarding cascading dropdownlists and was really useful but in my case I want to use two drop down lists and a grid view.

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Data Controls :: Implement Cascading DropDownList In Edit Row Of GridView

Jun 16, 2015

I have question how can make cascading dropdownlist in gridview edit mode

the first dropdown is for departments and second is for classes

the primary table to be updated is employees table

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Data Controls :: Implement Dependent Cascading DropDownList In GridView TemplateField

Dec 23, 2013

How do I fill ProductNameID on selection of ProductCategoryID dropdown by passing

ProductCategoryID .SelectedValue...

aspx Code

<asp:GridView ID="gridPosition" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowFooter="True" OnRowDataBound="gridPosition_onRowDataBound"
DataKeyNames="SaleDetailID" OnRowEditing="gridPosition_RowEditing"
OnRowCancelingEdit="gridPosition_RowCancelingEdit" OnRowUpdating="gridPosition_RowUpdating"
OnRowDeleting="gridPosition_RowDeleting" ShowHeaderWhenEmpty="True" CssClass="manage-admin"
Width="500px" GridLines="None">

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: Use A Cascading Dropdownlist Inside A Formview

Jun 5, 2010

let me know if some body tried to use a cascading dropdownlist inside a formview to be used in update and insert templates.known that my tables are like this:

SecID SecTitle
Category: [code]...

I need to create a formview to insert and update all my news but I need a cascading Dropdownlist to select a section and generate the related categories Note that I need to display the Sectoin and the Category Titles

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JQuery :: Cascading Dropdownlist Using Web Service Inside UserControl?

Jan 4, 2011

I am using jQuery to do a cascading dropdown list (State, City). In order to pull the information from the database I have a web service that I reference. The code all works like a champ when I use the JavaScript on the ASPX page for proof of concept, but when I place the JavaScript in the userControl and then put the userControl on the ASPX page, it breaks.

The next foreseeable thing that will potentially complicate things further is that the userControl will be inside of an updatePanel

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How To Return Partial View From Inside The HtmlHelper

Feb 10, 2011

I have the following code:

public static PartialViewResult DateTime(this HtmlHelper helper)
return System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

and now I want to return a Partial view from inside the DateTime method. But helper instance does not have any method for partial view.

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MVC :: Loading Partial Views Inside Containing View?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a Controller set up for a certain View. This View contains 2 partial Views (ascx files). Each partial View has a Controller method that yields its DataModel. The containing View doesn't currently display any data, but just serves as a container for the 2 partial Views.

Here's the problem: The Index action of the containing View runs, but the Controller methods for the partial Views don't, so I get a null exception when the Model tries to render out the data that should be available. I'm using MVC 1.0, which is something of a bummer, since it seems that the next version is supposed to have something other than "RenderPartial" that will assist with this very issue. However, since I'm stuck for the moment with 1.0, can anyone give some advice on getting the Controller methods to run for the partial Views?

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MVC :: Ajax File Upload Inside A Partial View?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a partial view FileUpload which contains a file control.
<span>*</span>Select the file: [code]...

This partial view is added in view Document which have few textboxes to get detials of document. I need to upload the files and add file details to database using jquery also need to retain the values in the textboxes (which is to be saved in another "Save" click) after the upload function is called

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MVC :: Display Error Message Inside UserControl (Partial View) After Postback?

Oct 18, 2010

In an MVC view, I have 3 partial views. And 3 Partial Views are having "submit" button.

I would like to display error / success message after click on Submit button based on some server side business logic.

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Capture DropDownList Index Change Event Inside Of Grid View?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to capture the SelectedIndexChanged event for a drop down list I have put inside of a gridview control. It posts back fine, but does not go into my SelectedIndexChanged event handler. Here is my code


it is still not going into my myddl_SelectedIndexChanged() eventhandler.

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Data Controls :: Clear Cascading DropDownList Selection When Parent DropDownList Is Changed

Jan 8, 2013

I am having two dropdownlist in my project,one dropdownlist for empid, another dropdownlist for month, if the user select the empid, the values are retrieved in the textbox.

In the second dropdownlist, if the user select the month in the dropdownlist it will display the leave details, its all working fine, if the user again select the first dropdownlist that means empid, I want to show the second dropdownlist as select month, how can do this.....

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Web Forms :: Populate Multiple Cascading DropDownList On Selection On Main DropDownList

Aug 12, 2012

i have 3 drop down list in my page


this is  ddlzone1 code

protected void DDLzone1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
DDLstore1.Items.Add(new ListItem("select center", ""));
DDLstore1.AppendDataBoundItems = true;
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("selectcenter", _cn);


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C# - Populating Dropdownlist Using MVC2 Based On Another Dropdownlist (Cascading)

Sep 18, 2010

I am making an application that deals with vehicles. I need two DropDownLists:

Makes: All Vehicle Makes
Models: Models that belong to the selected value of the Make DropDownList

How is this done in MVC2? My Idea: Do I use an ajax call when my first list is selected and then pull back the Models to bind to the Model DDL? How would model binding come into play that way? UPDATE I posted what I ended up doing as an answer. It is super simple and works great. You can use a get too if you feel so inclined, but you have to specify that you want to like so... return Json(citiesList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

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How To Implement Partial Views

Jul 14, 2010

i m working in and i want to implement partial views. i want to load .ascx page without refreshing the current page and not even url changed. can i implement it in

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MVC :: Load View And Partial View (Master / Detail) With Default Parameter?

Sep 8, 2010

Members view (index) that lists members that users can select to show a partial view in the same view with details for the selected memberUses jquery (Ajax.ActionLink) to call a partial view method in the members controller to then load the members detail sectionWorks fine up to here....but I'd like to load the partial view with "member" details for a default or random member on initial load -- ie not through the Actionlink selectionHow do I invoke the partial view method on the initial load?

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MVC :: How To Pass The Value In Main View To Partial View When Using Html.RenderAction

Jan 27, 2011

Let's say there is a textbox and a dropdownlist in mainview page, these two values are used by three partial views as well. when I use Html.RenderAction to post action to those three partial views, how to pass these two values to those partial views and in those views how to get these two values as a part of a object to send to database.

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MVC :: How To Display Error In View When There's An Exception While Rendering A Partial View

Feb 16, 2011

I need to display an error message in the view when there's an error in rendering the partial view in that View.

How can i handle the exception while rendering partial view and display the error message in the view?

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MVC :: Partial View Not Sending View Model To ActionResult Method?

Dec 29, 2010

've created a Search partial view and it works, except for my view model. What i mean is, the partial view sends a string to my ActionResult Method, but only a string, that is not related to the view model that the partial view is built in. If i tell my ActionResult method to receive the view model in which the partial view is built in, it always tells me that i have null values. Here's my code This is my partial view:


Now here is my Model in my MoviesSearch view model:


Now the actual MoviesSearchViewModel


Inside my Search controller i have this


And then i have this:

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MVC :: Filtering Data In Partial View Based On Datepicker On View?

Mar 6, 2011

I have added a jquery datepicker on my MVC view. This view has a partial view. I need to filter my partial view based on the datepicker's selected date. I need to show buttons on partial view based on the date.

I have added partial view like this:

div id="dvGames" class="cornerdate1"> % Html.RenderPartial("Partial3"); %>

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MVC :: Putting Partial View Values On A Parent View / Page?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a partial view that is rendered on a view. That partial view has textboxes in it. The user can enter values into them.

I need to put all the values from the textboxes in my partial view into an array, and then give the view (the parent page rendering that partial view) access to that array.

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