MVC :: Inserting Radiobutton Value In To Database?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a table memberprofile which has firstname. lastname, gender and physicalstatus. I have written repository class for memberprofile like this.

public void SaveMemberProfile(MemberProfile memberProfile)


now if i click the submit button firstname, lastname, gender ARE getting inserte in to the table. only radiobutton value is not inserting it is showing null value.

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: Radiobutton Set Selected Value From Database?

May 24, 2010

I would like to know how to connect radiobutton to the database. I use linq. To set the value from database to a text box is easy. I did like this.

<%= Html.TextBox("Headline", Model.Item.Headline,
new { size="35", maxlenght="50"

But I would like to know how to do for radiobuttonlist. This are my radiobuttons..

<%= Html.RadioButton("company_ad", 0,
new { id =
"p_ad" })%>
<%= Html.RadioButton("company_ad",
1, new { id =
"c_ad" })%>

How can I connect to the datbase like I did with the textbox above.

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Web Forms :: Save RadioButton Checked Value Into Database

Sep 24, 2012

I have 4 radiobutton in my page


I want if users checked RbtW it insert to database "West"

If checked RbtE it insert to database "East"
If checked RbtN it insert to database "North"
If checked RbtS it insert to database "Soutا"

How i can do it?

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DataSource Controls :: Recording Radiobutton Options In Database?

Nov 23, 2010

I need assistance on how to bind Radiobutton to database, so that whatever selection made in Radiobutton will appear in the database

I want to produce an online quiz, that will have the following fuctionality

1. it contain database with , ID, Questions, Option A, B,C, and D, Student Answer.

2.After forming the griedview in connection with the database, i form additonal colum to include Radiobutton where students are to choose the correct option.

3. I was able to configure the gridview which successfully show all the above document but the problem now is how to bind the selected option by students to the database so that i can know wether they choose the right answer or not. i wat the student answer appear in the colum named student answer in the database.

i shall be very grateful , if u can just give simple example that i can perform which shall be able to show the click on radiobutton in database not autopostback in textbox.

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Data Controls :: How To Save (insert) RadioButton Value To Database

May 7, 2015

I have created USERNAME,EMALE,PASSWORD,GENDER,(MALE,FEMALE,OTHERS as radiobutton) and COUNTRY(contry list as dropdownlist)USERNAME,EMALE,PASSWORD is geting inserted but radiobutton value is not .I dont know how to insert the radiobutton vale into databse and what will be the datatype i should choose.I am using using

-Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client; framework 4.5 -C#

I am adding my code till what i have progressed.

<td class="auto-style2">GENDER</td>
<td class="auto-style8">
<asp:RadioButton ID="MALE" runat="server" GroupName="gender" Text="MALE" />
<asp:RadioButton ID="FEMALE" runat="server" GroupName="gender" Text="FEMALE" />
<asp:RadioButton ID="OTHERS" runat="server" GroupName="gender" Text="OTHERS" />

[Code] ....

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Data Controls :: Set RadioButton Selected Item True Using Value From Database

May 7, 2015

I have House_info table with Storetype column and I have radiobuttonlist in my page below is code

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RBLType" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
<asp:ListItem Value="Galary"><span style="color:#676767">Galary</span></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="Product"><span style="color:Red">Product</span></asp:ListItem>

Now I want if in Storetype column in database was="Product" then radiobutton item with text="Product" selected=true  and if in store type column was="Galary" radiobutton item with text="Galary" selected="true"

How I can do it?

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Data Controls :: How To Bind RadioButton Inside GridView From Database Using Eval

Apr 24, 2014

I want to bind radio button with sql query in gridview

I want to make on off radio button according to sql query output in gridview 

How to make runtime radion button on off in girdview

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Inserting Picture Into Database

May 28, 2010

I am inserting a picture into a database, using the following code.

strFileType = Path.GetExtension(filImage.PostedFile.FileName).ToLower();
switch (strFileType)
case ".gif":
strMimeType = "image/gif";
case ".jpg":
case ".jpeg":
case ".jpe":
strMimeType = "image/jpeg";
case ".png":
strMimeType = "image/png";
//Store the content length
int iDocLength = filImage.PostedFile.ContentLength;
byte[] bDocBuffer = new byte[iDocLength];
//Get stream object
Stream streamImage;
streamImage = filImage.PostedFile.InputStream;
streamImage.Read(bDocBuffer, 0, iDocLength);
cmPerson.CommandText = "INSERT INTO photos VALUES(@referenceid, @image, @imgtype)";
cmPatient.Parameters.AddWithValue("@referenceid", iPersonID.ToString("000000"));
cmPerson.Parameters.AddWithValue("@image", bDocBuffer);
cmPerson.Parameters.AddWithValue("@imgtype", strMimeType);

If in case that the user, did not browser for a picture, then, I have to use the nopho.jpg that is stored in the images/folder of my web app. How am I be able to do this?

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Inserting A Record Into Database?

Oct 10, 2010






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ADO.NET :: Inserting Time To Sql Database

Feb 9, 2011

my sql db configured with getdate()

i need insert time manually when i ll need.

created texbox and when i inputing date and time manually in right format its ok.

but i need set default date and value for textbox current date and time.

at the same time when i will need to input time manually i can be.

here is my vb code row for inserting time to sql db

cust.HaberTarih = saat.Text

how can i set text box default value to current date and time. and can change time part when i will need.

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Validating Two Ddl's Before Inserting Into Database?

Feb 8, 2011

I have two ddl'a which i insert into a database inform of a grid. Now i will like to make sure the two data i am inserting is not already on the databse and if it exist i want a message to show. I dont have anything right now. I just need ideas on how to go about it.

View 9 Replies

Access :: Inserting Into Database In C# Class?

Apr 9, 2010

During an adaption of a book based example application, to use an access database instead of sql server - I have come up with the final issue: It will not insert into the database! I suspect it might be to do with the OrderID, I do have it set to autonumber,but I am not too sure. This is the class that does the inserts, by adding customer information to customer table, order information to order table and ordeitems information to the orderitems table. When submitting this information on the webpage, there is the custom error that an error has occurred in your order due to this code page code behind

bool success = OrderDB.WriteOrder(order);

Session["cart"] = null;

Session["order"] = null;

if (success)


View 9 Replies

ADO.NET :: Inserting Listbox Values To Database?

Dec 7, 2010

i have problem with adding list values(radio button list box ) to the code seems to be correct.but when i clicked submit i got this error message. "Invalid column name 'Age'.all the filed names shown as to solve this problem ?


and i also have another problem with a table.i'm able to insert and retrieve the data.but in sql interface all the coloums are empty.where all the data being stored.why i couldnt able to view the data?

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Inserting A Row In Gridview But Reflecting In Database?

Sep 28, 2010

I am having a task that, i need to insert a row in gridview but it should not effect in to database immideately. I am having a submit button in the form, whenever i click that submit button all the data in the form should be inserted into the database in their respective tables.

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C# - Inserting The Dynamic Row Of Data Into The Database?

Feb 17, 2011

I have already created add/delete rows.. if i click on addRows new rows will be added and when i click DeleteRows the row will be deleted..BUT my question is when new rows are added n the entered data in new rows need to inserted into DAtabase...

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ADO.NET :: Inserting Part Of Record To Database

Aug 4, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2.0, C#, SQL Server 2005. I have a gridview which has 10 records. I want to only insert few records(for example: 3 records) to the database. How to insert only part of the whole data to the database.

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MVC :: SQL Exception When Inserting New Record In Database

Dec 26, 2010

i got the following error when i tried to inser a recrord from my MVC web application , although the insert will work fine when i tried to inser the record manually from the databse explorer, and i checked all the FK relationship they sound valid:-

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Articles_Users". The conflict occurred in database "84A669DA0E532BEFAFBE7BE38367071F_IONALNETWORKWEBAPPLICATIONPROFESSIONALNETWORKWEBAPPLICATIONAPP_DATAPROFESSIONALNETWORKDB.MDF", table
"dbo.Users", column 'User_ID'.The statement has been terminated.

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Inserting Embeded Code In Database?

Jun 2, 2010

in my application i am trying to insert the embeded (video) into database, but it is giving error like this.i am using storeprocedure for inserting. Server Error in '/embeded' Application. A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (txtEmbed="

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (txtEmbed="

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Inserting A Name Into A MySql Database Via Web Application?

Feb 19, 2011

I am having a problem in inserting characters such as a name into a mySql database via an application.

If I inserted numbers, the app adds the numbers into the database and I can see them, but the case with names, the name column in the database shows no values (keeps on showing null values) along with the numbers added.

command2 = New MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO customer(Customer_id, Customer_name) VALUES (@Customer_id, @Customer_name)", Connection) // Connection String
command2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Customer_id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = TextBox1.Text() //assign values
command2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Customer_name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox2.Text() //assign values

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Web Forms :: Inserting Data To Database?

Jun 30, 2010

bjdtrw["companyname"] = name1;
bjdtrw["address1"] = ad1;
bjdtrw["address2"] = ad2;


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SQL Server :: Inserting Amount In Database Using C# .net?

Jul 25, 2010

for ex. my amount is $ 1,234,343.00

and i want to insert the numbers ONLY in my database (1234343) how to that in c# .net???

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How To Auto Increment Field Value After Inserting To Database

Dec 6, 2010

i'm working on my first project on using c#.

I'm adding a couble of fields to database but i need the primary key of the master table to add it to sub table.

The database contains 2 tables :

Question Table :questionID(primary key and identity) , questionInText

Answer table : answerID , answer1,answer2 , questionID

code used to insert to db :


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MVC Perform Secured Action - Inserting Row Into Database

Jan 24, 2010

I have an MVC app that uses [Authorize] to protect the private bits. When I select the SignOut() URL it signs me out but if I hit the back button on my browser the it goes to the secure page and even lets me use the form. The action takes place and then it shows that I'm signed out. The problem is that it performs the secured action (inserting a row into my database). Then I can use the back button again and do it all over. Am I missing something important? It seems like it could be a really big security issue.

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DataSource Controls :: Accent When Inserting In Database?

Apr 19, 2010

When I m trying with my code to insert a name like "Cédric" the field in the Database is empty.Here is my code for the insert function :


Here is the code that call this function :


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Databases :: Inserting The Record In Tp Oracle Database Using Vb?

Mar 22, 2010

i am inserting a record into oracle database using,there is a password field by using md5 i am generating it and taking tht value as string(ex: "16D78A6B10D631C8C86397C35A3CCD57") now my requirement is i should insert it into database(oracle) & in database that field is "RAW" how to do this?and the error msg is
Type of value has a mismatch with column typeCouldn't store in Col_Pass Column. Expected type is Byte[].

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