C# - Inserting The Dynamic Row Of Data Into The Database?
Feb 17, 2011
I have already created add/delete rows.. if i click on addRows new rows will be added and when i click DeleteRows the row will be deleted..BUT my question is when new rows are added n the entered data in new rows need to inserted into DAtabase...
there are two tables in database. one is 'books' with 4 columns pkid,title,price,writer(int) and other is 'persons' with columns pkid, name,value(int). one asp.net page is there with text boxes named title,price,writer and a submit button. i want that on filling that writer txtbox with some name which is available in 'persons' table and clicking that submit button it will store integer 'value' in 'books' writer column.
i need to insert 160 parameters to my database table through Stored procedure. is there any good and best way of inserting values into Table rather than crating 160 parameters on stored procedure and assigning values to the parameters in the c# code? please help me to achieve my need.Note : I have 160 columns in my table . Also what is the way to avoid creating 160 params in the stored procedure.i have all the 160 values in 160 properties of class file.
I am doing a project which requires me to input survey response to database, which means i have to insert data into the table after survey has been attempted.Is there any solutions that i can use to do it in 3 tier architecture?
im looking to insert an array of information into a database table
essentially what id like to do is something like this:
objCmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO pluINFO VALUES *", objConn) For j = 0 To 265 objCmd.Parameters.Add( info(j) ) Next
this code gives me a syntax error for the insert statement
is there anyway i can set the insert statement that would allow me to add each element of the array(looping through rather than hardcoding several hundred entries) into the table?
I have a textbox which the user writes a word into. They then press a button to add that word to a list which is stored in the database.
What is the code to do add their word to the database? Do I need code on the main aspx file or only on the code behind?
What I tried doing up until this point is that once the button is pressed, in the codebehind the following happens:
I get errors telling me that the column name Program is invalid (I have a table named Program with one column named ProgramName)
I looked at a bunch of tutorials but nothing is straight forward and simple, it keeps confusing me. I need the simple step by step instruction to do this. I'm using a SQL database and coding in VB
i am working on window application with local (service based database ) database. but while i am inserting with this than no data insert into nor showing any error . but when connect with external sql server its working well.
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("insert student (Id,Name,mobile,city) values (@Id,@Name,@mobile,@city)", con)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Id", 126262); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", "manebde"); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mobile", 33333); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@city", "ss"); con.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("data saved"); }
On BtnClick, I am inserting all data from my RADGRID into my SQL database. But it was just inserting 'zeros' for all records. what i am missing in the code. My code is below.
I've the user creation form where a user will be created by entering username. Below that is checkboxlist for UserGroup which is binded with the dataset with the all the usergroup. Hence up on entering the username and checkbox selected(as the user can belong to multiple UserGroups).At database end, there are basically 3 tables-
So when i click create new user, the UserId along with GroupID(whichever checked) is saved into UserToGroup table.Im relative to this kind of process and hence facing setbacks. Can somebody help in end to end process. From front to DB SP.
i am trying to display a pop up message box on inserting the data into the database. The code i am using is as follows..
The problem is even on inserting the data and the data getting inserted into the database, the pop up mwindow does not get displayed. On debugging, it shows the value of i as 0.
i am having problem to insert data in database from data list view...I want that when i click on download hyperlink, the file that has been downloaded and all its other related information must get save in the database
Below I am providing my code. ..when i use the below code..all the files that are show in data list view get stored in the database along with the one that i have clicked...i am biniding data to data list view of other database/table and i want to store the file info that i have downloaded into another database/table..CODE IS...
public void DataList1_ItemBound(Object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
{ if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) [code]....
I need to check for duplicate records before inserting them into the SQL database.Thus I have the following codes:
For count = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count If (GridView1.Rows(count).DataItem("Student Name").Equals(dtDataTable.Rows(count).Item("Student ID"))) Then lblMsg.Text = "Records Existed" End If
but there are error message. "Object variable or With block variable not set."
In short, I have 3 text box fields on an .aspx page named as follows:-
TextBoxIncident TextBoxDate TextBoxDescription
in addition a sql datasource is on the page which is connected to the incident table with an insert query which allows the data entered into the fields to be inserted into the database...
The Textboxincident and textboxdescription fields allow the user to enter data into them...
the TextBoxDate field is a read only and the code behind file enables the text box to show the current date and time the code im using is shown below...
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim TextBoxDate As TextBox TextBoxDate = FormView1.FindControl("TextBoxDate") TextBoxDate.Text = DateTime.Now End Sub
When run in browser the textboxdate field shows the current date and time...and Once the textbox incident and text box description fields have been filled in and the submit button is clicked, the fields should be bound to MS SQL table called Incident. This did work before, however it as suddenly stopped working and now displays the following message to me:-
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime. The statement has been terminated.
My problem is this "I have all the tools, VS 2005, 2008, 2010. I have every book, I have SQL server 2005 and 2008" I have all the tools, but I do not know what tool or technology to use when starting out learning all this. I juat do not know what book teaches what I need to do for something like below.
Here is my question:
I created an .ASPX webform that is to "Submit" to a SQL 2005 database. I gave this form to my DBA, and he has made up a Data Model. Now I have to figure out how to write the ASP.NET code so it will submit to the DB. My first issue is not knowing this:
1. "How do I loop through my CheckBox List", and then insert the values checked into a "Database Table" (Each Checkbox value MUST be a seperate row in the table, the DBA does not want a seperate column for each checkbox value)
2. The database is using stored procedures
3. My third issue is this: "I do not know "where" to put the "code". If you do resond to this,
Summary: I just need shown the code on how to "loop through" the CheckBox List on my form, and insert those values into a database table as seperate rows.
I've a few pages content on a database with a large content.
Should i use a database to store it or try another solution to avoid many connections to database from users? I've thought and XML document but i want to avoid problems with html tags.
About performance, is there better using an database or other solution?