MVC :: MaxAllowedContentLength In MVC Area Not Working?

Jan 25, 2011

I added this to the web.config file in the views folder for an MVC 2 area.


It's not overriding the root web.config setting.What's the trick to get it to work with MVC 2?

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Set The MaxAllowedContentLength To 500MB While Running On IIS7?

Oct 26, 2010

I changed the maxAllowedContentLength to

<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="5024000000" />

In my web.config, but when running on IIS7 I get this error:

The 'maxAllowedContentLength' attribute is invalid. Not a valid unsigned integer

but when I run in the VS server it run normally without any errors.

How to config my website to allow upload files with 500MB size, without this problem on IIS7?

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AJAX :: Like To Close The ModalPopup By Click On The Area Surround Area Of The Pop Up Panel?

Feb 23, 2010

I used ModalPopup Control on this link, [URL]How should I write the code that to close pop up by click the area outside the pop up panel?I use AjaxControlToolkit-Framework3.5SP1

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MVC :: Consuming Mvc Portable Area / Call Embedded Portable Area View From Another Web Project?

Nov 18, 2010

I have created a simple mvc portable area project with a simple view displaying hello world.

In the portable areas project i added the view as embedded resource ,compiled to dll and added the reference

in the consuming web project.

How can i call the embedded portable area view from another web project

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MVC :: MVC 2 Area MapRoute?

May 12, 2010

My routes work in the Global.asax, but I created an Area called Dashboard and while it works with the default route, it doesn't when I implement the T4MVC route.

Here's my Dashboard Area Registration class:


If I view this in a browser with the above settings, any Html.ActionLinks render as empty strings, no routing at all.Here's the rendered HTML from the route.


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How To Set Authorization For Whole Area In MVC

Feb 23, 2010

I've an Admin area and I want only Admins to enter the area. I considered adding the Authorized attribute to every controller in the Admin area. Isn't there an elegant solution or is this feature not there in the framework itself?


I should to have mentioned this before. I'm using a custom AuthorizedAttribute derived from AuthorizeAttribute.

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MVC :: Routing, Paging And Area?

May 10, 2010

On a pager I use on my MVC site I create the page links as follows:


On a MVC 2 web site I have an area named CMS.For example, on "cms/article/list" the pager works fine.However, on my root views, for example in "article/index" the page 1 link become:[URL]On my Global.Asax I have the following:


I have been going around with this and I can't find a way to solve this problem.

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MVC :: MVC 3 - Routing To Area Produces 404?

Jan 18, 2011

Sure this is something obvious, but I can't see it.I have an area in my project, UserAdministration. Whenever I call anything in the area I get a 404 error.The AreaRegistration class contains:


The AdminController contains a method for Index.RouteDebug shows the route is to the correct controller (Admin) and action (Index).

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MVC :: How To Move AccountController To Area

Feb 6, 2011

I have moved AccountController to area named 'Backend', but when I adding [Authorize] attribute to any action and then come to this website, it redirects me to error page:


it should seek AccountControler in /Backend/Account/LogOn, not in /Account/LogOn

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MVC :: Make Default Area In 2?

Apr 21, 2010

I have the area Blog with controllers (Post and Blog) i want that when the user acess my site without one area, it should redirect him to the Blog area inthe blog controller and in the index action if i use:

new {area = "Blog",controller = "Blog", action = "Index" }

i got one error cause he search the view in the root folder:

The view 'Index' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched:


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Web Forms :: How To Validate Particular Area

Aug 26, 2010

I have a problem, that is in my page I am having a master page there are many derived pages are there. in the master page I kept login control and validation and signin done in the master page itself, also I am having a create user page, if I execute create user page, unable to login from this page. because create user text box validating as well in the same page if I click create user button its validating login. how to avoid this? a button & text box & validation should be respective area only.

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MVC :: Set Area As Default Route?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a site (ex. which I am using MVC. I have created areas for my site, where each area represents a state. What I would like to do is specify some place in the web.config to when I deploy, I set a value and then the default route when I go to would auto route to: or based on that value.

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Initialization Area In .NET That Only Runs Once?

Dec 6, 2010

I've got a piece of code that I want to run one time when my website is first loaded.It is basically a static initialization of another module.Is there some event I can hook into that runs when the site is first served to a client?It doesn't even need to be per session, just on first load to any client.

I'm using vs2010, .net 4.0, 4.0

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How Does A Website Trace Area Name

Jan 10, 2014

i have been visiting alot of websites , and they have my area name which i did not told him(ofcourse). So just curious whats the trick behind this if i want to implant that how does can i achieve that?

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MVC :: Getting The Area Name Before Controller Action Is Invoked

Mar 7, 2011

I'm writting an application where I want to execute some code before a controller is invoked, even before the controller is created. I would like to somehow hook into the request processing as early as possible after the request is parsed and the RouteData is available. I've tried to hook in by handling the BeginRequest event but at this point there is no RouteData. Is there another place I can look for the area when BeginRequest delivered or is there another place in the request processing pipe that I can hook in to find the area before my controller is invoked.

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Web Forms :: How To Clear The Value Of Text Area

Sep 15, 2010

I have a tab, under that there is a textarea. Now I want to clear the value of the textarea when I am going to another tab.I need javascript function because I made the property of tabcontainer autopostback= false.

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Best Way To Do Global Viewdata In An Area Of MVC Website

Nov 16, 2010

I have an several controllers where I want every ActionResult to return the same viewdata. In this case, I know I will always need basic product and employee information.

Right now I've been doing something like this:


This is just pseudo-code so forgive any obvious errors, is there a better way to be doing this? I thought of having my controller inherit a class that pretty much does the same thing you see here, but I didn't see any great advantages to that. It feels like what I'm doing is wrong and unmaintable, what's the best way to go about this?

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What Is The Lifespan Of Each Data Storage Area In MVC

Jan 3, 2011

I've seen some explanations of these, but nothing that really compares where they start, end, or overlap, or good examples of their use.

What is the life span of each of the following data collections? And am I missing any?


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MVC :: Calling Editor Template In Another Area?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm inside a project in MVC 2.

I need to call the editor template of two different classes in the same View.

I noticed this is currently possible. Unfortunately, one of them is set in another area.

Like this: [URL]

I know that inside a Controller class you can call View() with full path and this can be useful sometimes.

It doesn't seem the case for Html.DisplayFor() and Html.EditorFor().

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MvcContrib - Get Area Into MenuBuilder ActionLink?

Jan 12, 2011

I am using MenuBuilder with code like this:

public static MenuItem MainMenu(UrlHelper url)
Menu.DefaultIconDirectory = url.Content("~/Public/Images/");
Menu.DefaultDisabledClass = "disabled";
Menu.DefaultSelectedClass = "current";
return Menu.Begin(
Menu.Action<HomeController>(p => p.Index(), "Home")
Menu.Secure<HomeController>(p => p.About(), "About")
Menu.Action<RegulationController>(p => p.Index(null), "Compliance")
)/* This is in the Compliance area */

But I am also using MvcContib Areas and in the code above the final menu item is in an 'Area' called 'Compliance'.

(There are two other areas in the Mvc application and the first in the list of registered areas is called 'Legislation')

What happens is the following:

When a page is rendered (I am using the standard WebFormsViewEngine) the Urls are all rendered using the 'Legislation' area!!?

E.g. http://localhost:1337/Legislation/Home or http://localhost:1337/Legislation/Home/About

and finally http://localhost:1337/Legislation/Regulation

The first two links should not pick up the 'Legislation' area. The last menu item should be in the 'Compliance' area.

How do I prevent the erroneous Area (Legislation) being rendered on the first two links?

How do I get the MenuBuilder markup in the Site.Master to accept an 'area' attribute or get it picked up automatically from the Controller for each link?

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Expanding Drop Down Area Above Instead Of Below With Javascript?

Nov 29, 2010

Ok so the story is my users need a multi-select dropdownlist, which doesn't exist in ASP.NET, so the simple solution I'm going with is I'm using listboxes with multiselect on and I start them off at size 1, and onmouseover I change the size to say 10, onmouseout sets it back to one. Simple enough and the users don't know the difference.

Now, my issue comes from the fact that since I have any number of controls on my web app, I've set these listboxes to higher z-index numbers than the other controls, which creates a problem: on my listboxes closer to the bottom of the page the list expands below and not above, and part of the listbox goes under the bottom of the page but since onmouseout resets the size of the listbox I can't scroll the page down.

Does anybody know what I need to set to make it expand up instead of down?

edit Also, some may ask "why don't you just rearrange the listbox to a higher position in the page," the reason this isn't a viable option is I have well over 40 controls on the page and it they're grouped cohesively, I didn't just randomly place them where they are.(ie. investment info in one section, account in another, suitability in another)

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MVC :: Disable A Text Area And Also Specify Its Dimension?

Jan 4, 2011

i try to wrote the following on my view:-

<%: Html.TextAreaFor(model => Model.article1.Article_Body, new { value = "FL", disabled = "disabled" }, new { cols = "50%", rows = "20%" })

to disable the textArea and also specify its size, but the above statment raised an error mentioning the i can not specify three parameters?

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MVC :: Implemented An Area For Mobile Support?

Mar 11, 2011

I have just been dabbling in MVC over the last couple of weeks. Knew I wanted to go in this direction but have been putting it off due to comfort/familiarity with webforms. Also knew that with my first MVC site I wanted it to support mobile devices. One of the first tutorials I saw implemented an Area for mobile support. I started that way as well.

Since I want to get off on the proper footing here I guess I'd like to ask you guys. What would the best practice be? Is it just a matter of preference? Are there any specific pros or cons to using or not using Areas when it comes to support for mobile devices?

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MVC :: Add Area For Visual Basic Error?

Mar 17, 2011

I used Visual Baisc and ASP.NET MVC 3 to add "Area",but show a error message.This path is bad,I think,This is a bug for ASP.NET MVC3 in Visual Basic.

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MVC :: ContentTemplate Not Works When Add View In Area?

Oct 20, 2010

I have Asp.Net MVC project where I have added area for admin. In the root I have ContentTemplates folder where I have .tt generators for views and they work fine. But when I add view in the ~/areas/admin the views are using default MVC content generators and not my. I decided to add folder with my custom ContentTemplates to ~/areas/admin folder but anyway it uses default MVC contentTamplates.Did anybody this before - I mean using contentTemplates in Areas? If yes then I will check all things again..

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