MVC :: Redirect To A Controller In A Different Project?

Feb 22, 2010

If I have two projects say Project 1 and project 2 can I have a controller action in project1 redirect to a controller action in project2?

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MVC :: Call Other Controller Without Redirect?

Feb 21, 2010

application has a main controller which gets some requests that should be filtered first. This main controller decides which other controller should handle the request.The redirection is usually possible with RedirectToAction(..). But using this method causes a round trip and changes the original called url. This behaviour is not wanted. The url should e left as it was in the origin request.Is this possible? If yes - how?If i instanciate a controller myself (simple call of new MyConstructor()) and call the wanted action then this controller runs in the wrong context and the views won't be found.

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Jul 13, 2010

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I know I can use HttpWebRequest object for a lot of web related request tasks outside a web project, but could not seem to get any redirect method there to use after putting in a using System.Net; in my utility class.

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is the directory. I want it where if you try to navigate to a page that doesn't exist in that directory, it goes to a specific page, ie:


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Cannot initialize the ASP.NET project'{Project Name}'.

The event log specifies the following reason:

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.Unity, Version=2.0.414.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. Strong name signature could not be verified.

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Aug 16, 2010

I have a simple model where a Person has Gifts. I have a view which is a list of Gifts belonging to one Person.

My problem is with the Create action for a new Gift. I want it to default to the PersonID that we are already viewing the list of Gifts for. I tried simply passing the last PersonID (they are all the same)

Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create", new { id = Model.Last().PersonID }) which works fine if there is already at least one Gift for that person but if this is the first Gift I don't have a value.

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How do I pass this PersonID from my Gift List controller to my Gift Create controller via the Gift List view? Or is there a better way to do this?

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May 30, 2010

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How can I persist values from controller to controller?

Should I use Session? TempData?

I am using Structure Map for IOC.

Maybe I could have a class that contains a Property for each Session Value that I use in my application and inject it on the controllers that need session?

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Mar 14, 2011

How do you get the current action / controller name in a controller or class?

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Jul 22, 2010

C#: HomeController.vb: works fine HttpPost RsvpForm gets the object filled with user input.

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Mvc;using RsvpInC.Models; namespace RsvpInC.Controllers{ public class HomeController : Controller { //

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MVC :: Calling Action Of A Controller From Another Controller?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a User entity and a department entity. I have a UserViewModel and DepartmentListModel which has List of departments.

UserViewModel has a property of type DepartmentListModel .

Now on user/create action I need to populate DepartmentListModel by calling DepartmentController's list action. List action returns populated DepartmentListViewModel.

From UserController how do I set DepartmentListModel ?

I tried doing so


But RedirectToAction returns RediretToRouteResult

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Jul 18, 2010

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So my question is how to redirect to obtain a clean url likeöteborg?

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Web Forms :: Response.Redirect - Redirect To Error Page ... ?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a problem with Response.Redirect to specific error page.

so far i have something like :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if ((Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "")[code]......

What i want to do is.. I have one main page with new posts Each subject of the new post is the link to Another page where is Specific post and coments and user can leave a coment.

What I want is when the Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "" or null I want to redirect to error page ...

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Apr 16, 2010

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whenever i go to my default.aspx page, it seems it doesn't redirect to login.aspx.

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Feb 13, 2010

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Mar 11, 2010

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Would it be possible (and how?) to create a PaymentsController class in one of the Areas, have that inherit the PaymentController Class in Shared?

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Error msg:

Conversion Report - SMSSend.csproj:
Error converting project file. MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Missing resource 'MissingAttribute'

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Trying Create Unit Testing For An Existing Website Project (not Web Application Project)?

Mar 11, 2010

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