Which One Is Better Response.redirect Or Postbackurl(asp:button Feature) To Redirect Webpage

Aug 13, 2010

which one is better response.redirect or postbackurl(asp:button feture) to redirect web page?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Postbackurl & Response.Redirect Controls Not Working

Jan 29, 2010

i'm using button for open a new form.the code in test.aspx file is,

< asp:Button
Enquiry" Postbackurl="~/contact.aspx" Width="90px"

this is also not working. And i tried this control in code behind file,test.aspx.vb.

Sub Button3_Click(ByVal
sender As
ByVal e
As EventArgs)
Handles Button3.Click

i'm sending a label value to next form(i.e "contact.aspx")or user filling form,where some textboxes must be filled by user.

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Web Forms :: Webpage Gets Expired After Using Response.Redirect()

May 20, 2010

i have a page that have gridview control which is dynamically generated and have select button

when i press any select button it takes ID from grid row and i use Response.Redirect() to navigate to some other page.

now the problem is when i press Back button on browser it gives me an error saying that Webpage has expired

Most likely cause:

The local copy of this webpage is out of date, and the website requires that you download it again.

here is my code where i use response.redirect:

int LeadId = Convert.ToInt16(GridViewCommon.DataKeys[Int32.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString())].Value.ToString());
Response.Redirect("~/Common/NewLead.aspx?LeadId=" + LeadId + "&Op=Update");

so when i try to come back to this page again pressing back button on browser i got error stated above....

I also tried Server.Redirect() but that also doesnt works... :-(

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Response.Redirect - Local Characters - Redirect To Obtain A Clean Url ?

Jul 18, 2010

I want to redirect to "~/City/Göteborg", but if I just write Response.Redirect("~/City/Göteborg"); I will end up with an ugly URL in the address-bar like this: http://www.mysite.com/City/G%c3%b6teborg..

So my question is how to redirect to obtain a clean url like http://www.mysite.com/City/Göteborg?

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Web Forms :: Response.Redirect - Redirect To Error Page ... ?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a problem with Response.Redirect to specific error page.

so far i have something like :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if ((Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "")[code]......

What i want to do is.. I have one main page with new posts Each subject of the new post is the link to Another page where is Specific post and coments and user can leave a coment.

What I want is when the Request.QueryString["UbytovaniePrispevokID"].ToString()) == "" or null I want to redirect to error page ...

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Redirect To Other Page From Pop Up Window With Response.redirect?

Feb 13, 2010

how can i redirect to other page from pop up window with response.redirect.

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Web Forms :: Add Redirect Button After Response.BinaryWrite

Feb 3, 2011

I need add a buttom to my aspx page.

My code is

byte[] buffer;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"C:info.pdf", FileMode.Open);


I need a click button after the code. How can I do this.

View 5 Replies

C# - Create A Back Button That Uses Javascript Or Response.redirect

Apr 22, 2010

Im using asp.net c# (webforms) I want to add a back button to my page. (you land on this page if you incorrectly fill in a form). if javascript is enabled i want to go back via javascript, but if it is disabled i'll just do a response.redirect("~/home.aspx"). how can i implement this? is it 2 buttons? how can i hide the other in the 2 different states if so.

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Web Forms :: Use Response.redirect On Button Onclick Event?

May 30, 2010

How can I use response.redirect on button onclick or onclientclick event?

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Redirect To Another Webpage When Message Box Button Is Click?

Jan 15, 2011

I am doing a message box that when user clicks on the Ok button, it will redirects to another aspx page. However, I do not know what is wrong with the code. This is the code that I have input in:



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Web Forms :: Can Use Send Button Image To Response Or Redirect To The View Message Page

Jun 7, 2010

I'm rewriting a messaging module and the old asp application has a send button image and it used HTML submit button. My new application is asp.net. Can I use the asp send button image to response.redirect to the View message page?

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Use Of Response.Redirect In C#

Feb 16, 2010

I am working on a website that I inherited (ASP.NET and C#), and I noticed that in almost EVERY method in the code behind of the project pages (except some helper methods), the original author uses Response.Redirect() to redirect to a page (typically home.aspx, but not always).

What is the purpose of doing this? It seems unneeded to me - at least it doesn't appear to change anything the website is doing if I keep it in or remove it.

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Necessary To Call Response.End() After Response.Redirect(url)?

Jan 13, 2011

Is it necessary to call Response.End() after Response.Redirect(url) Update for all the answers. Because some answers say that it's necessary and others say no, I have searched more and have found in msdn under remarks the following: Redirect calls End which raises a ThreadAbortException exception upon completion.

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C# - Response.Redirect Causes Download Of The Swf?

Feb 20, 2010

I have a flash image slider with a button below each image. When i press that button, the user is redirected to a new page where i add that image product to my cart. The problem is that after doing the adding, i want to redirect the user back to the initial page.

The code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
addProductToBasket(getCategoryIdFromUrl(), getProductIdFromUrl());

note that in Firefox is working fine but in IE or Chrome it is DOWNLOADING the swf...If i comment Response.Redict(...) the user remains on this page so the click button is working well, only the redirect seems to be the problem.

Edit: The problem seems to be that Request.UrlReferrer keeps as link not the initial page containing the swf but the swf itself.

So, instead of doing redirect to:[URL] if does redirect to the swf contained on the Index.aspx page[URL]

Solved: with a session variable where i keep the initial page's url

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Web Forms :: Response.Redirect From .net 2.0 To 4.0

Jun 2, 2010

I recently upgraded a web app to ASP.NET 4.0 , but I have to downgrade it back to 2.0, because the Response.Redirect from another web app, which is in ASP.NET 2.0, did not work.

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Response.Redirect Max URL Length?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm looking at creating a simple URL shortening service for our corporate intranet, and I'm curious if anyone knows if there's a maximum length for URLs returned by ASP.NET's Response.Redirect method?

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Use TempData With Response.Redirect?

May 21, 2010

I am working with ASP.net MVC 2 framework, for multiple sites. We have a base site and then sub sites that inherit from a "Core" site that contains 90% of the functionality that the sub sites will use.

In one of the controllers, I am saving some data, adding a UI message to the tempData and then using Response.Redirect.

The redirect works, but the tempdata is empty after the redirect.

I have tried returning "RedirectToAction" and "RedirectToRoute" with the same routing location and while it populates the TempData, the redirect doesn't happen lol..

So I guess in short, is there a way to get tempdata working when using a standard Response.Redirect?

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Querystring In Response.redirect?

Mar 31, 2010

Is it possible to pass on variables in response.redirect in a query string kind of way (without using form and submit).

If yes, what is the format?

I want to pass some variable (from a text box) from a classic asp page to .aspx page and this is what I am trying to do (I could not use session variables since classic asp and .NET asp share different sessions)-

<input type="text" name="txtZip0" id="txtZip0" onblur="<%Response.Redirect("getcitystate.aspx?txtZip0 = "%> + (this.value)<%")%>"size="14"/>

It is throwing me the error -

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EE)
Expected ')'

Is this format correct? Is this even possible to accomplish?

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C# - Response.redirect Working In FF But Not In IE?

Jan 7, 2010

I want to redirect from one page to another based on condition .

For e.g I want to redirect from www.abcd.com/Doc/blogs.aspx to www.abcd.com/movies based on condition which I need to check from code behind C#

I was trying to use Response.Redirect("movies.aspx");

but its not working in IE7

I am getting Http 400 bad request.... whereas in Firefox its working fine

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Response.Redirect() Target In To A Div?

Oct 6, 2010

redirect a page into a div using Response.Redirect()?

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Response.Redirect() To An Address In Another Server

Jan 10, 2010

Response.Redirect() to an address in another server, for example my site is in

but i want to have Response.Redirect to

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Web Forms :: Perform Two Response.Redirect() One After The Other - What's Best

Jun 20, 2010

Here's my code:


What this code does at the end is Redirects to a direct download, and THEN afterwards, to a "tutorial page" on how to use the download. I can't seem to use these back to back. I've even used Response.Redirect(tutorialURL, false) so it wouldn't terminate processing, but it didn't work. It just STOPPED page processing. I've tried to use the Sleep() method of the Threading namespace, no luck. I'm sure there's an easy way to do this, I just don't know what it is.

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What Is Difference Between Response / Redirect And Server

Feb 4, 2011

When I went for interview, they ask me this question. I don't know this question and concept is not clear.

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Get Previous Page URL After Response.Redirect?

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to get the previous page URL after I do a response write and i've looked around the web and people are using HTTP_REFERER but that doesn't work with Response.Redirect so is there anyway to get the URL of the previous page?

I have this code on a few pages and i need to know which page it is coming from when it gets to the servererror/default.aspx page


And on my servererror/default.aspx page i'm just trying to grab the previous page URL and put it into the Session Session("ErrorPage")


I have now got it to work like this

Response.Redirect("server-error.aspx?404&" & Request.Url.ToString())

That passes the URL of the page with the error to the next page and I then grab that from the Query String

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C# - Response.redirect To Classic Failing

Jun 9, 2010

For some reason, the response.redirect seems to be failing and it is maxing out the cpu on my server and just doesn't do anything. The .net code uploads the file fine, but does not redirect to the asp page to do the processing. I know this is absolute rubbish why would you have .net code redirecting to classic asp, it is a legacy app. I have tried putting false or true etc. at the end of the redirect as I have read other people have had issues with this. it runs locally on my machine but won't run on my server! I am getting the following error when I debugged remotely.

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