MVC String Formatting C# - Show 20 Characters Of 100 - Trim / Cut String?
Aug 23, 2010
I want to show just a part of a string for example:
Instead: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."
Just a: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing..."
I have a string with 100 characters and it is for me too long in one line. I want to make NewLine after each 25 characters. For example:
Instead: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."
This is my first class ever buildt (I am a real beginner) in C#. My aim is to "Sanitize a string". The class should do: trim an input make the first letter upper case. Is there a way to better code it? Would it make sense to use a PARAMETER for a method like: CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim(string x) when I initiate an object I need write a lot of code like below, any other way to make it shorter?
UserInputSanitizer myInput = new UserInputSanitizer(); myInput.Input = " ciao world"; string ouput = myInput.CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim(); Useful resource ----------- CLASS using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace WebProject.Core.Utilities { public class UserInputSanitizer { // Backing variables private string _input; // Properties public string Input { set { _input = value; } } private string _output; // Backing variables // Properties public string Output { get { return _output; } } public string CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim() { // Trim _input.Trim(); // Make First letter UpperCase and the rest levae lower case _output = _input.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + _input.Substring(1); return Output; } } }
I have the following code, which generates insert queries
For Each f As String In Directory.GetFiles(d) objSQLStringBuilder.Append("insert into table1 (full_path, file_name) values ('" & f.Replace("'", "''") & "', '" & f.Remove(0, Len(d) + 1).Replace("'", "''") & "');") Next
However, the paths which it finds are formatted as follows c:program filesmicrosoft officewinword.exe I need to format the paths as follows file:///c:/program%20files/microosoft%20office/winword.exe. How can I modify the above code to do this?
I've been wrestling with this for a while, and I just can't seem the get the correct amount of quotes in the correct place, so as a last resort, I'm hoping someone could attempt to correct it.
I have a calculation that takes place utilizing the TimeSpan.FromTicks method, the result is stored in a TimeSpan object. The calculation itself is working correctly, but I'd like to format the result a bit nicer than it is and I can't figure out how to format a TimeSpan.
The result from the TimeSpan is:
I'd like to remove any preceding zero's and round up to the second decimal place, such as:
Does anyone know how I might be able to accomplish this? I can't seem to find a .NET 'built in' solution.
What is the proper way to.. escape if that is the proper term, that html entity so that it will produce the output Code: 8:53 am and the non breaking space is rendered correctly be the browser?
I have a table in my SQL DB that is a DateTime table, what I want to do is take the numeric datetime it stores and convert it to a long date (i.e. 12/12/2012 conversts to December 12, 2012). Seaching the forums it looks like the string.format is the way to go and searching for info on that I found [URL] which lists all the different formats but they do not list a formating string to convert to the format I want to use. Does anyone know what format string I would use to convert a numeric date to a long date like I want? And can you show it in a code example because I am not 100% sure I understand the code examples shown on that site.
I populated a DataList with a Title (<%# Eval("Title") %>) and Content (<%# Eval("Content" %>) and all is OK. My problem is to how to trim the "Content" so that it only shows part of the string, say only the first 5 sentences, and I would like to add a "more details" link afterwards.a url on the "Title", same url of the "more details" link.
I have problem in converting date to string I am using cstr(p.tripstart) , which is returning Date as 12 Aug 2010 12:AM I need to make formating This is my code :
I am fetching data from MySql database.When i look at the object it looks like this:But when this object is converted to String then it appears like this:The Formatting of the object is gone..How can i get/show the original formatting that is fetched from the database..
I have a label I want to display as a lovely number format i.e. {0:N0} Now, this label text equates to a query string value.How do I go about formatting a label's text from a query string value in one fell swoop?I have tried this
a typical Unique Identifier looks like this "e7321a77-8422-408e-90ed-eb3df9aca4d8"How can I trim that down to display only first 23 characters? I would like to display that output in a label.
for example:
lblUID.text = "e7321a77-8422-408e-90ed" can someone give me a 3.5 example?
I want to be able to store strings in the DB but some are long and i want to format them such that when i copy them out of SQL and past them into notepad they have line breaks to break up the otherwise single line that runs on forever and hard to read.
lets say i am storing a string of all the session variables like this, how do i include line breaks in here?
StringBuilder theBody = new StringBuilder(); theBody.Append("Session Values: " + " "); foreach (string s in Session.Keys) theBody.Append(s + ":" + Session[s] + " ");
We have a service that generates a report (using word templates and a 3rd party library), and then returns a string in HTML. While this HTML isn't great - its formatted correctly in this string. We want this HTML to show up on a page - format intact. What we currently have done is set an Literal's text element to this string. While this works, I have noticed that it has reformatted the HTML string slightly. For the most part, it looks like it generated a bunch of new CSS classes, and a new style element in the HTML. This HTML does not exist in the string thats being returned. I could filter all of this back out, but wonder if there is a better way. I assume that the Page itself is altering something. What is the best way to display this raw HTML back to the user? I can't directly use a Response.Write(string), because this page does have a few other controls on it.
I've got a program that in a nutshell reads values from a SQL database and writes them to a tab-delimited text file.
The issue is that some of the values in the database have special characters (TM, dash, ellipsis, etc.) When written to the text file, the formatting is lost and they come across as junk "â„¢ or â€" etc"
When the value is viewed in the immediate window, before it is written to the txt file, everything looks fine. My guess is that this is an issue of encoding. But, I'm not real sure how to proceed, where to look, or what to look for.
Is this ASCII or UTF-8? If it's one of those how do I correct it before it's written to the text file.
Here's how I build the text file (where feedStr is a StringBuilder)
objReader = New StreamWriter(filePath) objReader.Write(feedStr) objReader.Close()
I'm currently working on this application that records a users email.
I was wondering if there was a function that would read the last 7 digits of the inputted user email and store it in a variable? Is there any way to do this?