ADO.NET :: Trim String In LINQ Query?

Mar 17, 2011

I have the following query;


How do I modify to trim all strings?

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Web Forms :: Trim Span Long String To Short String Inside Repeater

May 7, 2015

Suppose i am having 25 character length string and I want to bind only first 15 character of that string into the label control.

<a href="[URL]" >"<span class="name" style="text-align: left; font-family: Arial; color: #0094DA; font-size: 14pt">
<%#Eval("Name").ToString().Length >= 30 ? Eval("Name").ToString().Substring(0, 30) : Eval("Name").ToString()%></span></a>

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MVC String Formatting C# - Show 20 Characters Of 100 - Trim / Cut String?

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I want to show just a part of a string for example:

Instead: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."

Just a: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing..."

Which method can I use to do that?

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Web Forms :: Trim Comma From End Of String?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm trying to trim a comma from the end of a string. I've tried the following:


I've also tried:

char[] CharToTrim = { ',' };

Neither option is working. why?

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Web Forms :: Trim A String Without Using Code Behind?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to to display the first 50 characters of text from a database field.

I thought I could do it something like this: <%# Eval("BodyTxt").ToString().Trim("50")) %> but it doesn't work.

I've also tried this: <%# Trim(Eval("BodyTxt")) %> although I never expected that to work.

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Crystal Reports :: Trim The String After The First Comma?

Aug 1, 2010

I developed crystal report using the tool available with VS2005.

I need help for extracting a string in a formula field.

Example :

String= CFG:1,132578992,1958| result should be 132578992

String= CFG:2,158974,1953| result should be 158974

in the string always starting part is "CFG" and ending part is "|" how can i trim the string after the first comma .

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Forms Data Controls :: Sql To Linq Query / Looking To Translate An SQL Query Into Linq?

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SAQ.UserId =
Usrs.UserId AND Scan.UserId =

I'm not sure how to include the "AND" in the LINQ statement.

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C# Utility Class For To Make The First Letter Upper Case And Trim An Input String

Nov 23, 2010

This is my first class ever buildt (I am a real beginner) in C#. My aim is to "Sanitize a string". The class should do: trim an input make the first letter upper case. Is there a way to better code it? Would it make sense to use a PARAMETER for a method like: CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim(string x) when I initiate an object I need write a lot of code like below, any other way to make it shorter?

UserInputSanitizer myInput = new UserInputSanitizer();
myInput.Input = " ciao world";
string ouput = myInput.CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim();
Useful resource
----------- CLASS
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace WebProject.Core.Utilities
public class UserInputSanitizer
// Backing variables
private string _input;
// Properties
public string Input
set { _input = value; }
private string _output;
// Backing variables
// Properties
public string Output
get { return _output; }
public string CapitalizeFirstLetterTrim()
// Trim
// Make First letter UpperCase and the rest levae lower case
_output = _input.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + _input.Substring(1);
return Output;

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C# - Trim String At The End Of The String?

Nov 19, 2010

I want to remove the last word from my sentence in C#. Here is my query:

"SELECT * FROM People WHERE City = @City AND County = @County AND"

I want to remove the last AND programatically, how can I do that?

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Trim String By Sentence (not By Character) And Add A "more Details" Link Afterwards?

May 28, 2010

I populated a DataList with a Title (<%# Eval("Title") %>) and Content (<%# Eval("Content" %>) and all is OK. My problem is to how to trim the "Content" so that it only shows part of the string, say only the first 5 sentences, and I would like to add a "more details" link afterwards.a url on the "Title", same url of the "more details" link.

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ADO.NET :: Linq String Compare / Find Out Which States In The "query" Are Not Included In The "query2"?

Feb 9, 2011

I got 2 linq results, one of them is as follow.


I need to find out which states in the "query" are not included in the "query2".I can loop through 2 results with nested loop but I think there might be better way of doing the same task with LINQ.Please show me the right direction if it can be done.

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ADO.NET :: Dynamic LINQ Query / Use "if Statement" In Linq Query

Feb 11, 2011

I want to use "if statement" in Linq query. How can I do this situation?

For example:

if txtAge.Text=="", I will not use that in Linq Query.

else txtAge.Text!="", I will use that in Linq Query.

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ADO.NET :: Build A Linq Query / Linq Random Selection?

Sep 14, 2010

I've build a linq query.But i want a random selection so its not always ID : 1,2,3,4,5,6 How can i randomize this var? I like to bind it to a repeater.//TagCloud:

Random rand = new Random();
var tc1 = from i in
select new


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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert Sql Query Into Linq Query

Mar 10, 2010

select Groupid,GroupName,onorusername from palgroup where groupid in (select distinct Groupid

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Linq Query Returning Less Records Than Sql Query?

Mar 19, 2011

I am facing a big problem with simple linq query.. I am using EF 4.0..

I am trying to take all the records from a table using a linq query:

var result =>x);

This results in less rows than the normal sql query which is select * from tablename;

This table has more than 5 tables as child objects (foreign key relations: one to one and one to many etc)..

This result variable after executing that linq statement returns records with all child object values without doing a include statement.. I don't know is it a default behavior of EF 4.0 . I tried this statement in linqpad also..but there is no use... But interesting thing is if I do a join on the same table with another one table is working same is sql inner join and count is same..but I don't know why is it acting differently with that table only.. Is it doing inner joins with all child tables before returning the all records of that parent table?

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Linq Query - How To Select Inner Query Into List

Oct 17, 2010

I am writing a linq query to select a blogpost,


The blogpost i am testing got 3 tags attached to it. The table structure is:

(table)BlogPost -> (table)BlogPostTags <- (table)Tags

So the BlogPostTags table only contains 2 fields, BlogPostID and TagID.

When i run the query above i get 3 results back. Same blogpost 3 times but with 1 tag in each. It should return 1 post with 3 tags. The problem lies in the Tags query above.

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Query String Can A Query String Contain An Url That Also Has Query Strings

Nov 22, 2010



I added the iis tag because I am guessing it also depends on what server technology you use?

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State Management :: How To Pass Dynamic String Through Query String With Java Script

Dec 24, 2010

I m facing some problem. i m not passing Dynamic string through query string..

I m using this code

string abc = "CPCB_" + TextBox1.Text + "_" + TextBox2.Text;


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ADO.NET :: LINQ Entity Framework Query - Construct "nested" Query?

Jan 22, 2011

I have a web app for our golf club. When I compute handicap index for each golfer, I have to select the most recent scores and then a subset of those scores depending on how many rounds of golf the golfer has played. All the scores are entered into a single SQL Express table called "Rounds". Verbally, this is what I'm trying to do:

1) select the twenty most recent golf scores (sort on date descending, "take(20)") [if less than 20 records, then select all available];

2) for this set of records, select the 10 lowest scores (or smaller number if golfer has less than 20 rounds);

3) compute the average round differential for the subset of records, etc. to calculate handicap index (this step is working ok...)

My current VB code has this LINQ query (which is flawed -- it selects the lowest handicap differential scores of ALL records for the filtered user):


How do I modify this query to accomplish items 1) & 2) above? It seems this should be simple, but my experience with queries is still limited.

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Web Forms :: How To Send A String Consists Of (,.&') In A Query String

Dec 7, 2010

Is It Possible to send a string consists of (,.&') in a query string ?

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C# - Cannot Pass A Input From Text Box To A Query String And Then Keep The String In This Box?

May 28, 2010

I have a simple page:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<p><asp:TextBox id="input_box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button Text="OK" runat="server" OnClick="run" /></p>

I want to send input from input_box to a query string, and then keep this input in the input_box when the page reloads.

That's the code behind page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
input_box.Text = Request.QueryString["input"];
protected void run(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = string.Format("?input={0}", input_box.Text);
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + url);

Problem is that when query string is not empty, string from input_box cannot be passed to query string. How to correct it?

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Sending An HTML Encoded String In The Query String?

Jan 5, 2011

We are sending an HTML encoded string in the Query string. It was working fine on IIS 6 (windows 2003). We have recently moved the website to Windows 2008 (IIS 7.x). Since the move any Query String that contains "+" sign i.e., "%2b" gives error on the server "404 -File or directory not found."

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Query The Database Through A Query String?

Jan 15, 2011

I wanted to create a URL like http://localhost/menu.aspx/?id so that on typing this, it displays all the id's in the database. for eg:134




may be the id's which should be displayed after fetching from the database. However, it should be displayed as it it is without any control or without arranging in any gird etc. How can that be done?

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ADO.NET :: IN Query, Linq To Sql?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a list which contains few email ids

List<string> EmailId= { ....}
Now I have a db table Users. I need to select all users whose email exist in the above list. In sql we could write "where emailid in ('email1', email2' ,...)"

how to do this in linq to sqlquerable<Users> existingUsers = Users.getTable().where (u=>u.emailaddress in EmailId). I want to do some thing similar

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