Maintaing Changes On The Previous Page?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a page in by clicking on the grid in the page it takes me to the detail page,on this page i have a back button (not browser back) by clicking on the button it takes me again to the search page. i want to see the page with changes which i have made before coming to the detail page,also i want to disable back button of browser. i dont want to use session variable or viewstate variable. is there any property for this scenario.

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Jun 25, 2010

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Web Forms :: Page Not Redirecting To Previous Page Using Session?

Mar 17, 2013

protected void lblNVariz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["Page"] = "~/Admin.aspx";

but when I click on link button it didn't redirect to Bank_data.aspx page it just refresh admin.aspx page

but when I change code Like below

protected void lblNVariz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

it redirect to Bank_data.aspx page.When I put session on it, it didn't worked...

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<a href="javascript:void(0)"

Above Code is linking a Page B from Page A How to get a value page A textbox value in Page B.

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server.Transfer("~/admin/mypage.aspx?msg=A",False )
server.Transfer("~/admin/mypage.aspx?msg=A",True )

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Web Forms :: How To Get Previous Page Value

Sep 19, 2010

my login page contains username and password field. when the user name is correct then the page will be redirected to Default.aspx page...for that i am using Response.redirect("Default.aspx") page is redirecting correctly. but wat the pbm is the username should be displayed in Default.aspx page after redirecting.....for displaying it i am using

Label4.Text = CType(PreviousPage.FindControl("TextBox1"), TextBox).Text in Default.aspx.....

but the vale of TextBox1 in login.aspx page is not displaying in Default.aspx page.

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Apr 12, 2010

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but not able find name how can i do this

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How To Access The Previous Page URL

Mar 19, 2010

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This only returns the URL of the current page.

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Web Forms :: Get The Name / Url Of Previous Page

Jan 31, 2011

I am trying to get the previous page name of my application like if i am redirecting from default1.aspx to default2.aspx then i need the name default1.aspx as my previous page.

i tried it with Page.Request.UrlReferrer , page.previouspage.AppRelativeVirtualPath and other several ways available on the net but i am not getting the value of my previous page


this problem is coming when i am running my application in IE, if i run the same in Mozilla then it gets the name of previous page.

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Web Forms :: Get Previous Page URL

May 7, 2015

i am having a doubt in retrieving previous page URL.I am using below code to get previous page URL. It working fine on my local machine. but i have not tested on live server since my company have not yet purchase SSL certification. all my pages are SSL certified (HTTPS).I had come across a question on stackoverflow which states that (UrlReferrer) won't work if pages are in https application flow it is a 3 step registration process. we are not allowed to pass any data through querystring.

1. after successful completion of step1, I store a value in session which is been checked on step2

2. Session is checked of step 1 and after successful completion on step2, I store a value in session which is been checked on step3.

3. Session is checked of step 2 and after successful completion on step3 it get diverted to Dashboard.

all three pages are under one project only

if (Request.UrlReferrer != null)
if (!Request.UrlReferrer.ToString().ToLower().Contains("/registration/step2"))


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Web Forms :: How To Track The Previous Page

Jul 13, 2010

I am redirecting from A.aspx to C.aspx and B.aspx to C.aspx.In C.aspx i have a button "Back Page". I am implementing as below.If there is a better way pls let me know.

In A.aspx and B.aspx before redirecting to C.aspx,saving the LastPageURL in session

Dim lastPage as string = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath
Dim sArray() as string = lastPage.split("/")
lastPage = sArray(Array.Length-1)
Session("LastURL") = lastpage
On click of Button "Back Page" in C.aspx

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