Web Forms :: Accessing Previous Page Controls On Current Page?

Feb 23, 2010

I want to access controls (textbox and HTML hidden fields) from current page to do some transactions in my database.

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Web Forms :: Send TextBox Text Value From Current Page To Previous Page?

Dec 15, 2012

i want to see my textbox value when i click on previous button in another page

then display my 1st page enter textbox value.

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Forms Data Controls :: When Use The Previous Button To Navigate Back To The Previous Step The Page Reloads But At The Bottom Of The Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm using a wizard control with 4 steps, when I use the previous button to navigate back to the previous step the page reloads but at the bottom of the page.Instead of showning the whole of the page, the user views the footer of the site and the previous button and next button.I'm sure there is a very simple answer to this but I just can't figure out how to get the page to reload to the top.

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Web Forms :: Accessing Previous Content Page Control?

Jan 4, 2011

Inside Page2.aspx file I'm trying to access Textbox1 control which is defined in Page1.aspx file but it gives error because it cannot find the control. The statement PreviousPage.FindControl("TextBox1") works only if Page1.aspx file is not tied to a master page. How can I find the control when both Page1.aspx and Page2.aspx files are part of the master page as shown below?

Page1.aspx file:


Page2.aspx.cs file:


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Web Forms :: How To Disable Dropdown List Value In The Current Form That Was Selected In The Previous Page

Aug 27, 2010

I am having 2 web formsand will have a drop down list on those web forms. If i select a value from drop down and click on ok i will get tranfer to next page. In that page i will have a drop down with the same values in the previous form . What i need is i would like to disable the selected value in the previos form and would like to display the remaining normal.

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Localization :: How To Get Current Language Or Culture From Previous Page

Feb 14, 2011

i create a simple webpage to test the Localization. i create two pages.

Default.aspx & Welcome.aspx

i use two languages ENglish & FRench. i already created Localized folder & .RESX of both.

but i can change only current page languages. using UIculture.

but i click on the link for Welcome.aspx.... it still show me ENglish, not showing french. Language conversation only going on Default.aspx page.

here is my Coding:-



Now what i have to write in welcome's CS file?

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C# - How To Disable Dropdown List Value In The Current Form That Was Selected In The Previous Page

Aug 27, 2010

I am having 2 web formsand will have a drop down list on those web forms. If i select a value from drop down and click on ok i will get tranfer to next page. In that page i will have a drop down with the same values in the previous form . What i need is i would like to disable the selected value in the previos form and would like to display the remaining normal

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Query In New Page Using Previous Page Control Value?

Nov 26, 2010

How can I build a query in a new page using the value from a prevous pages control's value. I can transfer the value to the new page, I just don't know how to use the passed value to build a query. I want to populate a data grid filtering with values obtained from the proveous page.

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Javascript - How To Go Back To Previous Page While Retaining The Previous Page Data

Jan 5, 2011

I am having problem while using onclick="javascript:history.back();" with Aspnet. In the first page i filled some data and click search button it show some results, i click on particular result for its details which navigate to the 2nd page but when i click on custom back button it refresh the page and all data set to initial values,when i use onclick="javascript:history.back();" I get nothing but the page displays "webpage has expired."

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Grid Page As A Result Of Selection Of Parameters On The Previous Page?

May 21, 2010

i am creating a grid page for a first time.

I looked on some tuitorials also but i still have few confusions.

I have a few parameters on page A. After the selection of those parameters, i should pass to the new page which should have a list of fleet items. There will be few columns and at the right most, i want a tickbox whether to select that item or not.

As a default, i want each checkbox be checked but if user wants to uncheck it, they should be able to do it.

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Web Forms :: Master Page Controls Accessing Controls Inside Content Page And Vice Versa

Jan 26, 2011

i have a masterpage and has some linkbuttons in it, i also have a webform which is a content page for the masterpage. i like to access the controls to the webform via the linkbutton residing in the masterpage or access the linkbuttons via the webform controls.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Current Gridview Page To Selected Row's Page After Sort / Edit?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm new to ASP.net (and coding in general) and I was very impressed about how easy is to learn enough to create something useful :)

Unfortunately, now I'm stuck on a problem involving gridview sorting and paging: I created a master gridview bound to an sqldatasource, I enabled sorting and paging and then I linked it to a detailsview to enable editing and inserting.

In addition, I set up two other gridviews whose datasources depend on the master gridview.

When a user selects a row and modifies it in the detailsview, the sort takes place and the row is often moved to another page. This can be a little confusing, especially because there are other controls relying on the selected row of the master gridview.

There's a way to find and select the page of the selected row after gridview's databind and sort take place? I tried creating a dataview to search the index of the selected datakey in the databound event of my gridview, but it doesn't work, because it seems that the rows aren't sorted yet. Maybe I should choose another event?

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Master Page Controls From Content Page Formview?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a master page with a textbox that I want to use for a search, and display the results on the content page.

I've dragged in the datasource to the content page, and configured the formview to use that datasource... almost.

The issue I'm having is that on the last step of the configure datasource wizard where you select the parameters, I want to select the master page textbox control for the search parameter... but of course it's not available in the list. The list only allows me to choose controls from the content page.

How do I set this master page search box as the parameter for my datasource?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Master Page's Body Tag From Aspx Page That Is Not A Content Page

Jan 8, 2011

I am using Master page and Content page combination.But how can i access <body> tag and it's event (onload, onunload) of Master page in .aspx page that is not a content page.

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Web Forms :: Page Back Option And Edit Content Of That Previous Page

May 13, 2010

i am having three pages.first of all i fill register page it will redirected to next page .again i will fill this pageto move to next page. in this time i want to go back to previous page and want to edit content of that prevoius page.in this time i got one problem like"Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Skills'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Skills'. The statement has been terminated." how can i solve this problem.i am not having any primary key in my database.

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When User Back Any Previous Tab(page) The Will Be Show The Previous Data Without Loading 2nd Time?

Jul 26, 2010

I am developing a web application in ASP.NET3.5 with C#. I also using Telerik RadAjax Control. When user click the menu then open the page with a new tab(Like web Browser).I want to create, when user back any previous tab(page) the will be show the previous data without loading 2nd time( like browser tab). Is it Possible ?

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Web Forms :: Page Not Redirecting To Previous Page Using Session?

Mar 17, 2013

protected void lblNVariz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["Page"] = "~/Admin.aspx";

but when I click on link button it didn't redirect to Bank_data.aspx page it just refresh admin.aspx page

but when I change code Like below

protected void lblNVariz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

it redirect to Bank_data.aspx page.When I put session on it, it didn't worked...

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Accessing Controls / Events On A Master Page From Child Page

Sep 3, 2010

I have a problem i am trying to work out the best method with my limited skills. Im using vb.net(VS 2010) I am using a dll for an IFrame , which is call from code behind. On my site I havea masterpage which has two gridviews. ( GrdViewWebBureau is the one i am using for this query) GrdViewWebBureau is contained within an update panel and updated on a timer control trigger. GrdViewWebBureau updates the page with file counts and status from our clients. I can click on any one of the cells and the code behind is fired. What I am trying to do is put an IFrame on the master page and every time a user clicks on the grid, the Iframe is fired up.

I have tested the iframe and vb code behind from a dummy page and it works, however when the Iframe is on the master page it doeant work. What I am tryingh to achieve is that no matter what page a user is on the site, they will be able to click on the GrdViewWebBureau and the iframe will fire with the correct childpage. Each webPage may also have an Iframe as well, so i dont know if it is possible to make the IFrame global and just call that control ?? I have no idea if 1 this is possible with the code i have and 2, if i have the brains to understand the who what why and when.


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Forms Data Controls :: Display The Current Page Number And The Total Page Number In The Report Footer?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a web user control with DataList control in it. In my .aspx page, I have a report header, an empty panel as a place holder, a report footer.In my .aspx.vb file, I'll loop through a list of departments. Within each department, I'll load a label to display the department name and the user control for the data, and add both the label and user control to the panel. So there are two variables:
the number of departments and the number of records in a user control.

Now I need to display the current page number and the total page number in the report footer. Is it doable? How? I'm thinking of this approach: declare a page variable count, count the number of department name labels and the number of records in a user control. When the total count reaches a number, such as 20, I'll break the page. This way, I can get the the page current number and the total number of pages. But how to add a page break to an asp.net page?

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Web Forms :: Return To Previous Page With Data In Controls Intact

Apr 28, 2010

I have a "search page" where the user enter some search criteria and a gridview where I display found records. When selecting "edit" on a row I open a second form to allow editing the found data. When the user click close button on the second form I want to go back to the search page. From the beginning I did just return (redirect to page 1) to the page but now the users also want to retain the search form with the serach criteria and found rows (also refreshing the found rows with possible changed data).

I can not just use a javascript with "history.back()" since the edit page might have done postbacks so that will not return to search page.Of course one solution would be to call the search page with a query string (or other ways to pass data between pages) containing the original search data but that solution might get messy.

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Forms Data Controls :: Previous & Next Links For Details Page?

Jan 12, 2011

Site basically has datbase results which can be sorted on a page. each record in the recordset also has a link to a Detail Page with more information on that item.

I would like to put some links "previous" and "next" on the details page so that a visitor does not have to go back to the results page and choose the next item in the list.

I've seen this on other sites but just can't seem to grasp it. Database results are done using ASP.NET

Anyone have any pointers? or if you have an asking price I'm all for that as well as long as I learn from it. I can provide url and code if needed.

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Restricting Certain Pages -- Redirect On Every Page? Or On Master Page By Viewing Current Page In Url?

Feb 6, 2011

Per different user mode, some pages should not be accessible by users unless they have a valid session key.In your opinions -- would it be better to have a list of acceptable pages in the master page, and check if the current page is valid for the current user? Or handle this on every child page?I'm thinking master page, just want to hear what your input would be.

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Forms Data Controls :: Go Back To Parent Page In Previous State?

Apr 6, 2010

Considering three webpages. In all pages there are gridivews. The gridview columns has numeric data.

When user click on data figure suppose 29 then it redirects to other page with 29 records. In the redirected page if user again click on data suppose 12 then it redirects to another page with 12 records.

I want to give option to user that if form third page he wants to go back by clicking a hyperlink on that page then the second should appear in its previous state i.e. have showing the clicked value 29 and if he wants to go the first page then first page should keep and display its previous state with the searched data.


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Forms Data Controls :: Update The Gridview And Go Back To The Previous Page?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a gridview, getting data from sql server, there is an Edit link to get the detailed information for example, for a user from database.

this link open a new page with detailed information and when I click the updated button,I want to go back to the same page with that users informaton.

I set the page size to 10, it means I can see only 10 users per page,and if I click the edit link on page 25,and update the users info, I want to go back to page 25.

Should I use viewstate or gridview has any commnad to go back to the same page? the code is written in ASP.net C# sqlserver,

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Web Forms :: Accessing Master Page From Content Page - Raising Event?

Sep 10, 2010

Here is my situation: I have a user control that has a menu in it. This user control sits on my master page. It is my main navigation menu for my application. I am having an issue where, on one of my pages, users seem to be leaving the page before committing all changes to the database, which results in a loss of data. So what I want to accomplish is - if the user is leaving this page and the data has not been saved yet, I want to prompt the user and say something like "The information is not yet saved, are you sure you want to leave this page" in a modal popup. So my approach is this: In my menu user control, create an event handler called MenuClicked that is raised when the menu web control's (in the user control) MenuItemClicked is raised, I raise my custom MenuClicked event. Then on my master page, I can catch this event in NavMenu_MenuClicked. My problem is - I need to catch this event in my content page, not the master? Am I approaching this correctly?

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