Making Backup File Copy?

Mar 14, 2011

I need to make a backup copy of a file on a remote server. The backup will remain in the same directory on that server. The problem I am having is that the file is large and it appears to be copying it back to the server the code is running on and is taking too much time. Is there a way to make a copy of the file in place without it being sent across the network?

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sPath + dataReader["url"].ToString(),
Path.GetTempPath() + dataReader["url"].ToString(),

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File.Copy("C:Documents and SettingsadminDesktopEmergencyBreakDow... strPath, True)

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Dim myFtpWebRequest As FtpWebRequest
Dim myFtpWebResponse As FtpWebResponse
Dim myStreamWriter As StreamWriter
Dim filename As String = Request.QueryString("filename")
filename = filename.Replace("../incoming/mms/", "")
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using can I do that ?

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Copy File To Network Drive?

Mar 17, 2010

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string Source = @"c: emp est.exe"
string Destination = @"Z: est.exe"
File.Copy(Source, Destination, true)

Z: is mapped to the Remote machine network drive. I am able to physically copy files to this drive from the Web Server machine, but when I try from, I get the following error System.Io.Exception: Logon Failure: unknown user name or bad password

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Loading A PDF File And Creating A Copy From It?

Feb 9, 2010

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