Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Internal.ExpressionHelper.GetRouteValuesFromExpression(expr) Exposed Now?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to use the method:


but I don't want to use Microsoft.Web.Mvc, is this call supported in mvc now?

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Difference In C# Between The Access Modifiers Internal And Protected Internal?

Mar 10, 2010

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Business Logic Not Exposed On Formview

Oct 16, 2010

I have to maintain an application in VB.Net. There is a page with a FormView bound to a ObjectDataSource. I have to add some business logic on the ItemUpdating event of this FormView. Unfortunately, some the data that I need to add this business logic is not exposed on the FormView user-interface itself, so I can not use FindControl to get the values (I could add the controls, bind them to the fields I need and set their visible property to true, but that's ugly).

So, what I would need to do is to get access to the Data Row corresponding to the currently selected item in the FormView from the code behind as it has the data I need to add my business logic code. Unfortunately, I don't manage to get access to the row.

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AJAX :: Pages Methods Not Being Exposed?

Feb 28, 2011

I am trying to use some page methods on an aspx page. I've done this several times before in other applications and never had issues until now. I believe that maybe the issue has something to do with the methods be exposed to POST but I'm not entirely sure. Everything on the page loads correctly then once it attempts to make an ajax call rather than hitting the "test" function, the page tries to reload and the page_load method is called again. I chacked the URL string on both cases when page_load is called and both are correct. I am suspicous that there is some need to do with the web.config but I'm not sure what. The application is close to 10 years old and has been grandfathered up all the way to 3.5. On another note, I can hit asmx functions perfectly fine its only page methods that seem not to work.

Imports System.Web.Script.Services
Imports System.Web.Services
Partial Public Class CustomDataFilter[code].....

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Controlling Which WebMethods Get Exposed Externally In A WebService?

Jan 11, 2010

I couldn't think of a decent title, so let me first apologize for that. I have a WebService (call it A) written for my app so I can take advantage of ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX features. I use the generated JavaScript proxy to make AJAX calls.As a side effect, WebService A is exposed for anyone to add as a reference to another project, which is great, except I don't want certain WebMethods to be available to external applications (in the same domain, BTW).So I've got two questions:Is there a way to control the exposure of WebMethods in WebService A?

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Mar 28, 2011

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Feb 10, 2011

I'm considering a hosted SVN solution, preferably with Trac, but I have a major concern in doing so: Connectionstrings.I mainly work on websites, so all of them have connectionstring in web.config, which means my DB password would be "exposed" to the hosted SVN provider.

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EDIT: To clarify the sites are indeed ASP.Net based.

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How To Do Internal Messaging

Apr 17, 2010

I have a website with auctions and i want to notify the winner. In a forum on my website users have an inbox and i want to send the message to there if they are the winner. Is there a way to message internally?

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C# - Exception Handling Internal Bug?

Mar 18, 2011


public static void Test()
OpenConnectionToDatabase(); //Opens a connection to Oracle DB
} catch(Exception e)
e.Data.Add("Query:", command.CommandText);
throw e;

When this code is executed when the Database server is being shutdown and the communication is disrupted, .NET throws the following error: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'Query:' Key being added: 'Query:' at System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal.Add(Object key, Object value) How can this be?

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What's Internal Access Modifier

Apr 4, 2010

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Architecture :: Using Internal Static DAL?

Jan 5, 2010

I have designed an application and am wondering if this is the best architecture to use and whether there is any danger.

In namespace Membership I have a public class, MembershipManager, which inherits from webservice

public class MembershipManager() : System.Web.Services.Webservice

The single public web method of this class often needs to read and write to a database.

[WebMethod()] public string DoMembershipWork(...various parameters...)

The database work is done by implementing, in the same namespace,an internal class

internal class MembershipDataAccess

which has a series of internal static methods for data access e.g.

internal static bool UpdateMembership(MembershipManager m)

The MembershipManager class accesses the data access class by calling the appropriate method with itself as a parameter e.g.


Is this a good idea. This application will be processing many transactions simultaneously. Is there a danger of not being thread safe. Note also that sometimes the MembershipDataAccess class will return datasets to the MembershipManager class.

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Writing Internal ToMVCHmlString In TagBuilder

Mar 23, 2010

I am looking to write a few helpers in my own assembly modeled after the helpers in System.web.mvc. My problem is that I cannot use the call to Tagbuilder.ToMvcHtlString since it is internal. So if I return a string it wont be ready for 4 when it comes.

I don't want to add anything to system.web.mvc as that is a given dll.

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Can't Access The Website (while Its Uploaded) Using Internal IP

Mar 31, 2010

I created a Website and i upload it using the development server.

So on the explorer the address is something like this http://localhost:port

The problem is that i can't access the Website(while its uploaded) using my internal IP from within the network.

So if i type i get an error "Internet explorer cannot display the webpage".

I disabled my firewall(windows 7).

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Access The Website Using Internal IP Address

Jan 28, 2011

I do have another PC on the intranet and am not able to access the website using my internal IP address.

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Configuration :: How To Rename An Internal Ip As A Hostname

Mar 21, 2011

we have a INTRANET website that was just created.

The problem is the address is

I want it to be easy to access. Something like [URL]

This way I can tell my employees to go to [URL] while on the Intranet.

This would be easier for them to access then remembering the IP address.

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How To Implement Internal Website Search In C#

Nov 3, 2010

I did lot of R & D to implement website internal search in

I have found a good article in code project


It has some limitations

Search with special characters is not working.

Pdf and word documents are not searching.

Not able to high light the searched text.

If I am implementing this in master page then child title is not displayed in result page.

I need to implement search result should be like this [URL] In description the search text must be highlighted.

Note: I need to implement this with coding not any 3rd party tool (I know lots of 3rd party website which do free hosting but they will post there adds and logo). Moreover i dont want to use any database for this internal searching.

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How To Implement Internal Website Search

Oct 9, 2010

Iam working on internal Website search as user can search any thing in the website
Now i dont have idea from where i can get start ?? how search will work .it should be whole database search or pages only???

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Catch 500 Internal Server Error In C#

Oct 19, 2010

Im using Google Analytics Dashboard Control which are available at [URL] Issue is its working fine when im connected to internet but if im using it on a machine that doesnt have internet access then it shows Server Error in '/' Application. The remote name could not be resolved: '[URL]' I want to catch this exception and shows a friendly message to user. Im calling these dashboard control on my View in an iframe like this <iframe src="../../GoogleAnalytics/Visitor.aspx" height="275"></iframe> and if i place try catch in Visitor.aspx page it doesnot catch the exception. How should i catch this exception, Im using mvc 2 with c#

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To Deploy And Secure .NET Web App To Be Available To Internal And Outside Users?

May 21, 2010

My company has several web applications written in ASP.NET. We need to make these applications available to Intranet users as well as authenticated external users. Most of the features are the same for the two groups, though there are some extra features available to the Internal users. The two different sets of users would use a slightly different security setup... our internal people will be authenticated using LDAP against Exchange, whereas the external users will have accounts in SQL Server.

What is the best approach for deploying our web apps? Should we deploy 2 copies to different servers, one configured for an Intranet and one for outside users? Or is there a better way to share the code between the 2 servers, yet have the flexibility to use different web.config settings for security??

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