Open New With Javascript And Use Parent Window's Existing Session?
Jan 8, 2010
I am opening a window with and I am losing the server session. Is there a way to open a window with Javascript and use the same session? I need this working in IE 7 and higher. I am working with ASP.NET on the server side. The sever does not have a sessionless cookie state.
<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="15" />
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Oct 18, 2010
i have an aspx page in which a link in the grid view opens a popup page . the data in the grid view would be dynamic and i need to send the id of the row of grid while calling the child window. i get the id using, but how would i send this using window .open()?
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a requirement to open a new window from Internet Explorer, but the new window should be in new session. It should not share the same session of previous opened window or the parent window. How can it be possible? Any thoughts? I'm using'mywindow.aspx') from parent page javascript to open new windows.
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Apr 4, 2011
I'm storing a token in a session variable. I launch a report that needs this token in a new ASPX page by using the javascript function. When this new page loads the HttpContext.Current.Session is null.I have gotten around this by passing the token in the query string but activity in this window needs to keep the session of the parent window active and I'm not sure what the session object being null means for this scenario.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have a login page that is loaded in popup window (colorbox) and after user logs in it should be closed and parent window should be loaded with new page.
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Do While reader.Read()
If Trim(reader("ZAP").ToString()) = Trim(textBoxZap.Text) Then
Session("A") = "1"
lblErr.Text = "incorect"
End If
So once the buton is clicked and user name and password is corect popup window should be closed and user redirected to default aspx.
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Feb 17, 2011
I have an page that contains an Iframe embedded with some data and a ImageButton. On ImageButton click event (server side) I have Response.Redirct:
This always open the results.aspx in iframe. I want that results.aspx should always open in the parent window. I tried the following till now but none worked:
Response.Redirect("<script language='javascript'>self.parent.location='results.aspx';</script>");
..and also tried the options from [URL]
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Feb 22, 2011
I have a page (parent) that open up a popup window using javascript. User will then work on the popup window and the result will be stored in a session variable. When the user close the popup window, how can I put the value of the session variable back to the server control textbox of the parent window?
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Dec 3, 2010
I have the following HTML
<td class="label" valign="top">
Affiliate Party
<td class="field">
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyId" id="AffiliatePartyId" />
<input name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyName" type="text" id="AffiliatePartyName" class="PartyLookup" />
and the following Javascript/jQuery
$(".PartyLookup").after("<img src='Images/book_open.png' class='PartyLookupToggle' style='padding-left:4px;' />");
$(".PartyLookupToggle").click(function () {"PartySearch.aspx", "PartySearch", "width=400,height=50");
return false;
I need to be able to flag ANY PartyId input field with class="PartyLookup" so that it will modify the DOM and include the image next to the input field. The popup window returns data to populate both the hidden and text fields, but since the click() is generic I need to pass it the ID of the input field.
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Sep 2, 2010
I've got a Jquery function that I wrote which blacks out the screen after a certain amount of inactivity, creates a pop-up that allows the user to click a button to stay logged in, and logs them out (closing the application window) if they do not respond in time.
The environment is ASP.NET (VB). We don't technically use master pages, but we do have a parent page in which our header, footer and nav reside, and my Jquery code is called from that window, loaded via an IFrame.My problem is that if one is working in a child window, the parent window doesn't recognize that the system is in use, and will automatically engage at the allocated time.I've tried everything under the sun I can think of and nothing works properly. My event handler is working, and it does call the parent window function, but the timer is not being reset.
I have this function in the parent window:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function window.reportChildActivity() {
SESSION_ALIVE = true; [code]....
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Mar 16, 2011
i have a string(including a link) comes from database, and i am assigning it to a label, now i want open it in parent window whenever i click on it, the string consists following code,
log on to <a href='http://mySiteName/Login.aspx'> PAS</a> at your earliest convenience. By the way, you are doing a great job.
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Mar 20, 2013
I tried simple code like this using href element. But it tries to open the sheet.xls in the browser window and says it can't find the file. I want the excel file to be opened in excel (not browser).
<a href="file://domainname/vol1/destinationfiles/sheet.xls" >some excel file</a>
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Mar 6, 2010
how to open a popup window and return values to the parent page
i.e passing value fom popup window to parent form.
(The child window contain textbox with a button. Once the value entered in the textbox the value entered should be updated in parent window from child window)
in web application using C# ..
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Jun 25, 2010
Is there any way to force a page (that opens in an iframe) to load in the parent frame (whole page/window)?
I am in a scenario where I really had to use iframes to maintain my website branding because my eCommerce provider does not support customizations. When Payment is made, I would like my TransactionComplete.aspx to open in the parent frame and not within the same child frame.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a parent window from which i open a modal dialog on button click. In WinXP with IE8 it works just fine, but in Win7 with IE8, upon opening the modal dialog it brings me to the login screen. If i enter my credentials, close the dialog and open it again, it works.
The explanation i figured out is that the session isn't transfered between parent and child. The modal is opened with javascript function.
I don't want to store the credentials in a cookie and then read it in my modal because it's a security no-no. Is there an explanation why this is happening in Win7 and not in XP and is there a resolution for this issue?
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Dec 23, 2010
modalpopupextender can't disable the parent page when popup window is open
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Sep 23, 2010
we are running a click-to-call service, my idea is basically like this: website have a link on their page, when the link is clicked, a web page(say it is popup.aspx) hosted on our server is popup, user can input their phone number, and click "call me" button to let the website call him. In the button click event, I want to get Request.UrlReferrer, then query the db to get website's phone. But in IE, Request.UrlReferrer is null(firefox is ok, not test chrome yet),my question is how to get opening window' url in IE? we put popup.aspx on our server because
our client website is not force to use we have the control what we put on the popup window, and can modify the page just from our side, if we put the pop window on our partner's side, if we have 100 partner, and we change the page's design, we will notify everyone of them to change this, change that. we can implement a statics system to know how popup a day, which site is most popular,etc
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Sep 24, 2010
I am using the javascript to open a child window using window.showModaldialog(), i have retuen a value from the child page is working fine in IE and firefox but is not working in chrome browser, is there any work around or alternative for it to work in chrome as well.
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Aug 2, 2010
I am trying to open a file share link from the ... but its adding the http://localhost/vdir/ before the path can any one say what is the problem?
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Apr 28, 2010
I have a screen where on filter icon click on a column i need to show a popup screen or a div looks like popup and in which will have list of check boxes with distinct values of all rows of column one (i.e. the data of popup is like below). All these check boxes are dynamically generated controls.
checkboxcontrol Data1
checkboxcontrol Data2
checkboxcontrol Data3
When user click on any of the above check boxes the parent grid should get refreshed with the filtered data and popup or div tag looks like popup should stay and should not be closed. How do i do this?
The main screen has details like below
Data1 Column2Data Column3Data
Data2 123Data Column3Data
Data2 Column2Data Column3Data
Data3 Column2Data Column3Data
How to refresh my parent page details by keeping my child div tag open or child window open? What is better approach whether to create server side div tag or a modal popup window?
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Feb 25, 2011
On my xyz.aspx page I added a Iframe and set it src to abc.aspx page, when I load xyz page Iframe is alos loaded as well abc.aspx page inside it. I am able to call a function from abc.aspx to xyz.aspx function, the question is how can I call abc.aspx function from my xyz.aspx page?
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Dec 1, 2010
I prepared an aspx file that can open a new window with ( command. In the child window, some values send to parent page with (.innerHTML) command and it can close itself . However, after I set a master page to parent page , command can not send any value from new window to parent and it can not close itself.
How master page can affect my javascript commands?
EDIT: By drachenstern (I do what I can with what I have ... this is what he pasted)
From child code behind:
<br> Page.RegisterStartupScript("CLOSE",
"<...JS...><script type="text/javascript">" +<br>[code].....
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Dec 25, 2010
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Jun 10, 2010
Existing applications works fine with IE 6 and 7, the problem occurs only with IE 8. A new session is created everytime a is used to open a new asp page. This does not happen in IE 6 or 7.
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Feb 13, 2011
I have a pop-up CustomControl which I use in a large-scale web application. The pop-up works well everywhere other than when used inside an asp:UpdatePanel, the problem arises when controlling the visibility of the pop-up (the pop-up is nested in a table) with other controls:
When I click the button to open the window I get Error: Object expected and when I try to debug the error with IE 8 JSEditor I get ``Source Code is not available for this location.
I believe that the code of the pop-up is not being initialized completely, but it is just my guess and I don't know how to resolve this issue.
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Jan 19, 2010
i have opend a popup window using C#.And in pop up window i have a button,clicking that button it should redirect to another page.Here i need to close the popup window and redirect to a page..Right now redirected page is opened in popup window..but it should be opened in parent window .
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