Page Loads Twice In Google Chrome

Jan 5, 2010

Does anyone have any problems with Page_Load being executed twice in Google Chrome?
It's a short question, i do not know what else to explain...

I have a simple page and in Firefox and IE all it's working fine.
But in Chrome the Page_Load is fired twice...

Later EDIT:
- what is strange is that i have 4 repeaters... binded with random values. The random methods are twice fired (because of page loaded twice) but the repeaters takes the INITIALLY, the 2nd post back is somehow raised after the rendering step.

3rd edit: It happens ONLY at the refresh!

Solution (in my case): There was an empty img src, and that was the cause

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Similar Messages:

Page Loads By IP Address But Only By Domain Name In Chrome

Aug 4, 2014

Just transitioned servers, in Chrome the domain name works fine, but in IE I get an error:

This page can’t be displayed

•Make sure the web address is correct.
•Look for the page with your search engine.
•Refresh the page in a few minutes.

And in Safari I just get a blank page. If I enter it comes up fine.

Chrome works fine.

This is an .aspx page using IIS.

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Google Chrome To Full Page Reload On Postback?

Sep 27, 2010

I am creating one of my first Asp.Net tools and I ran in to a small bump. Currently I am doing a postback on a buttonclick which does some server-side calculations. The server-side code then uses those calculations to alter the contents of a div. In IE and Firefox when a postback happens, the div updates as expected. However, in chrome all postbacks do a complete refresh of the entire page. What is causing this and is there a way around this behavior?

ClientSide I have the following..
<asp:Button ID="Button2" Style="float: right" runat="server"
OnClick="S_ButtonClick" Text="Calculate" />

Which calls a method summarized as so.

protected void S_ButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Code parsing values from textboxes ect.
//Do Some Calculations
//Output Results
outputDiv.InnerHtml = "<h2>Foo</h2><br/>";
outputDiv.InnerHtml += "Bar: " + calcValue;

It is possible that when this postback(if I understand this correctly) happens, that it is still fully reloading in firefox and ie, but it doesn't show it. This effectively masks the postback. However, when I test in chrome, any postback completely blanks the page before reloading the state. Hopefully this clears up exactly what I am asking. Also, my C#/.Net usage might be slightly flawed and I am willing to take comments on such.

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Web Forms :: Make Home - Page And Add To Favorites In Google Chrome?

Jan 22, 2011

how to make my web - home page and add to favorites in google chrom ? (in C#)

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AJAX :: CalendarExtender Popup Position In Google Chrome After Page Scrolled Down

Jan 26, 2010

I'm having a problem with the CalendarExtender's position in Google Chrome ( (36714)) when a page is scrolled down such that the scrollbar position is > 0

For example, if you use Chrome to goto:

- Scroll down so that the "Calendar Demonstration" subheading is just below the top of the browser rendering area.

- Click the first TextBox labelled "Default Calendar"

- The CalendarExtender popup appears with it's top edge at the very top of the page instead of below the TextBox.

The same happens when you click on the 2nd TextBox or on the button trigger for the "Calendar with an associated button" example.

It seems that the "top" css value of the resuting popup div isn't being calculated with the scroll position taken into account. Running the same example in Firefox results in a "top" value of 391px, with the Chrome value being 273px.

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Web Forms :: Scrolling Of Page Using Up And Down Arrow Keys Is Not Working In Google Chrome

Jan 26, 2013

I have developed a website in,c#. Its  pages are not scrolling through arrow keys (Up/Down) in google chrome. They are working well in IE and firefix mozilla. I also have no problem in my admin control panel. Admin control pages are  scrolling through arrow keys in google chrome, IE and firefox mozilla. What i should do to scroll my website pages through arrows keys in google chrome.

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Web Forms :: Silverlight Application Not Loading On FireFox & Chrome But Loads On IE?

Jul 6, 2010

We have an application designed on Silverlight 2.0 connected with OLAP data cubes

Onn IE it works fine but on FireFox or Chrome it doesnot load giving following error

This is the error Message Given by Firefox whwn it tries to call a WCF Webservice.

"Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary() at OlapSilverlightCharts.ServiceReference2.GetChartDataCompletedEventArgs.get_Result()
at OlapSilverlightCharts.MainPage1.webService_GetChartDataCompleted(Object sender, GetChartDataCompletedEventArgs e) at OlapSilverlightCharts.ServiceReference2.Service1Client.OnGetChartDataCompleted(Object state)"

We have ClienAccesspolicy and crossdomain policy in place.

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AJAX :: Hovermenu Loads On Datalist Loading In Chrome Not In Other Browsers?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a page in which u can search result for ex: restaurant search.

when u type a name in the search box u will get a result.

i will display search result using th data list.

inside that datalist i vl show the details, for showing some full details i use hover menu.

Problem i face: the hover menu is working well in IE, Firefox .

But in Chrome while i displaying the result itself hover menu is shown without an mouse over.

How to rectify this browser issue ?

View 1 Replies

Onclick Go Into Sub - Not In Google Chrome?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a gridview, one column is a template field with an imagebutton, onclick it should go into the following sub, which it does in IE but not in google chrome. What could be the problem?

Protected Sub btnDetails_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)

View 4 Replies

WebParts And Google Chrome

Oct 4, 2010

I started learning ASP.NET these days. Google Chrome is my default browser and I'm also testing my applications in Google Chrome.

I recognized that some Elements of ASP.NET won't run in real time when I use Chrome. For Example ASP.NET WebParts. If I change the modus of the WebPartManager from default to edit (or something else), Google Chrome needs 1 - 2 seconds to renew the page. Internet Explorer does this in real time without any loading times.

I'm a rookie in ASP.NET and many people said, Microsoft's AJAX for ASP.NET is some kind of crap.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and maybe you'll say, I should use jQuery instead of internal Features like WebParts.

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MVC :: TempData Bug In Google Chrome?

Sep 10, 2010

So TempData works on my local machine in chrome, but not out on the server. It works fine in IE and firefox. I'm using the default Session State as InProc. I can see the cookie in chrome by looking at the developer tools.

View 4 Replies

Bug In Google Chrome - Dynamic Controls?

Jan 12, 2010

Has anyone had anyone problems with dynamic controls in Google Chrome?I tried the following code:

Sub Page_Load() Handles MyBase.Load

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Web Forms :: No Caching In Google Chrome?

Feb 9, 2010

Does anyone know how to prevent caching of ASP.NET pages in Chrome? I tried using the following in the Page_Load event but it does not work:

//doesn't work in Chrome

View 6 Replies

FileUpload Not Working In Google Chrome?

Apr 23, 2010

ASP.Net FileUpload not working in google chrome.It shows validation error,even after choosing right file type.

Here is a code :

<asp:FileUpload ID="FU1" runat="server" />
id="FileUpLoadValidator" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Upload jpg and gif only."

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Web Forms :: Results Not Loaded In Google Chrome?

Dec 1, 2010

we have a multiLingual site. which is working fine in Others browsers but not in google chrome. In google chrome, reults are not Loaded. we are using using "AR" as Regioncode.

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Web Forms :: Microsoft WebControls In Google Chrome?

Feb 10, 2011

It looks like WebControls do not work correctly in Google Chrome. I've researched this issue and found solution here but it does not work in my case. Maybe because our server is on .NET 4. Does anybody know how to make WebControls work in Chrome/Safari? Unfortunately changing WebControls to something else currently is not an option so I must find a work-around.

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Web Forms :: Google Chrome Not Showing Sub Menu

Apr 19, 2010

i have one application which has menu bar and sub menu are Horizontal. in my IE browser itz working fine.. but in google chrome itz not showing the sub menu.

View 7 Replies

C# - Open Internet Explorer From Google Chrome

Mar 29, 2011

I currently developing a ASP.NET web application.

The application is designed for Google Chrome. I would like to pop out IE when printing is involved because Chrome lack preview etc. at a button click the IE should open. Here's the code:

protected void btn_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://localhost/storeapp/printpage.aspx?orderno=" + Request.QueryString["orderno"].ToString() + "");

Here I have passed a particular orderno to the URL. But when I click nothing happens. I have set IE as default web browser. Why is this?

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On Change Event Not Fire In Google Chrome

Mar 25, 2010

I have a web application build on, the Textbox onchange event not working in chrome? On page load i wrote this code,

textbox1.Attributes.Add("onchange", "SetEditDataFlag();");

SetEditDataFlag() -- it is a javascript function. When I browse the application in chrome then this function is not called when i changed some value on the textbox.Its working properly in IE.

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On Click Event Is Not Fire In Google Chrome

Mar 26, 2010

I am trying to fire the button click event from javascript. Its working fine in IE, but the same code is not working on Chrome, Here is the js code,

<script type= "text/javascript" language="javascript">
var btnSave = document.getElementById('btnSave');;
alert("The changes are saved sucessfully!!");

View 5 Replies

Google Chrome Caching DropDownList Selections

May 21, 2010

I'm experiencing what seems to be a caching issue with Google Chrome and Safari on my cart page. In the cart there are 2 dropdown lists. When you hit the checkout button after changing the values in the dropdown lists, it commits what's selected in the lists to the database.

It's a little bit hard to explain the unexpected behavior so I will try to write it out step by step with an illustration of my problem.

Lets say the first dropdown list has the values of:


And the second dropdown list has the values of:


I add an item to my cart.

Screen Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1

Database Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1

I hit Checkout.

Database says: VALUE1, DUMBO1 (I can't see the dropdown lists after I hit checkout because i'm not at the cart page)

I hit the back button.

Screen Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1

Database Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1

I drop down the VALUE1 combo and select VALUE2, VALUE2 is selected momentarily and then the site posts back and VALUE1 is re-selected in the drop down list (from being reloaded from the DB)


Database Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1


Screen Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1

Database Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1

Hit Checkout.

Database Says VALUE1 ,DUMBO1 (I can't see the dropdown lists after I hit checkout because i'm not at the cart page)

Go back.

Screen Says: VALUE2, DUMBO1

Database Says: VALUE1, DUMBO1

So it appears that it's remembering my selection of VALUE2 even though it jumped back to VALUE1 before I checked out.

It seems to be a caching problem, however I've got some no-cache code to prevent caching of that page that works great in firefox and internet explorer but seems to be failing in Chrome and Safari. I'm basically returning in the headers for the cart page: no-cache, no-store, and must-revalidate to attempt to prevent caching, but based on this scenario it seems to be caching the page anyway and not reloading it when I hit the back button.

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MVC :: Image Upload Failing In Google Chrome

Feb 10, 2010

I have an image upload form:


That posts back to the action

The code works accross all browsers but Google Chrome. My IDE is Visual Studio 2k8, and I haven't figured out how to debug on Google Chrome with it, however, I am throwing error messages, and I know that for some reason under chrome, the following check doesn't pass:

So apparently, under Chrome, the HttpPostedFileBase parameter picture isn't encoded right and loses its mime type, howwever, this might not be the only problem. What is excatly wrong with the HttpPostedFileBase parameter under Chrome, and how can I fix it?

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How To Prevent Google Chrome From Saving Passwords In MVC

Dec 12, 2010

Is there a way to prevent Google Chrome and other browsers from saving a password for a specific site? The server is ASP.NET MVC .NET4.

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C# - Paste Functionality In Google Chrome And Safari

Mar 19, 2011

I am unable to paste the content to a textbox whose property "Textmode"is multiline this issue is happening in google chrome and safari browsers

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AJAX :: HoverMenuExtender Not Working In Google Chrome?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a GridView in which I have item,Edit ,Footer and Empty Item Template , and also a hovermenuextender to show Edit/Delete link on row hover. when my page opens if it doesn't have any data it show empty row , when user enters data and click on Add button it save's the data and load the grid. All works fine in IE and firefox but not in google Chrome.

After saving data in chrome all links stop working , but when i reload the page it workes fine if i remove the hovermenuextender it works fine in chrome also, So i think hovermenuextender creating problem in chrome when it's added at runtime(if empty grid comes hovermenuextender will be added after data saved)

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