Passing Variable From One Website Page To Another Website Page Without Using QueryString
Jan 3, 2011
Passing Variable from page to page using ASP.NET (C#) without using QueryString
The difference in my case is that the request is coming from a different website (in java) to my website (in I do not want the variable to appear in url.
To explain my scenario, we are making a webpage(plugin), which can be called from any other website. To authenticate request, i am looking for a mechanism when other website will pass id & auth-key to my page. This i can use to authenticate the request. I do not want these variable to be visible.
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Looking for advice on passing variables from page to page without using QueryString. The web crawlers such as google get caught up on the querystrings found in a URL. I'm trying to get away from using it. Is there another suggested method for passing the variables? I've thought about using session variables, but this is just for simply passing the variable from page to page and they won't always be the same.
On another note, I can't do it using forms. I'm using a master page with a form embedded in the master page and also the content pages. Unless microsoft updated it so you can multiple forms on one page.
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<a href="Page2.aspx?WONumber=12345">
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When passing variable from one page to another
To avoid the user messing around with the URL parameter Values
Is it best to ...
1) pass the variable via session
2) pass the variable in the URL along with a signature
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Eg. If my ID is 1056, then in my DataGridView in Page2.aspx should populate elements of this ID.
This is the code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string getEntity = Request.QueryString["EntityID"];
int getIntEntity = Int32.Parse(getEntity);
if (getIntEntity != 0)
//What should I do here???
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I have this sub in a class modulePublic Shared RunMySub(ByVal P as Page) 'I need page ref in the class sub to clear cache like
end sub
When I call this sub 'RunMySub' from a page, it works fine, ok, great !BUT now I need to run it from another class I did this
Dim mpage As New Page
mpage = Nothing
I get the error : Cache not available...How can I pass a page from another class module , thats not a page, or some how manage cache functions on a class module without pass the page varible ???
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I can display my SessionID in the new (Boxes.aspx) page by using the following:
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I've tried this:
But I'm sure my code is not correct @ the Eval declarations as I'm getting an error here...?
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Once we select on an item it should redirect to another page with customerId as a querystring parameter..
Now the problem is we have to save all the customerIds and need to send them to display page..and need to select next one once they done with previous one without going to the search page again..
if they got 10 customers in the search page then we need to send all 10 ids to display page by starting display of firstone and once they select next button on display page they have to move on to the next cutomer from that list..if they reached the end of list they have to start again from the first...we need to avoid the user going to the search page for each customer every time...
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Mar 3, 2011
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Aug 16, 2010
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Aug 29, 2011
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Now, the client has a guestbook on her old website (I'm basically rebuilding her website, adding the ability for her to upload new content in her browser), and she wants to keep it. This guestbook is from a 'free guestbook' third party website, over which I have no control. It's simply a website in the form [URL] .... which shows the guestbook for a user 'Username'.
In her old website, I was using frames, so the menu on the left side was in a different frame, and I would simply open the third party website in the center frame. That would create the illusion that the guestbook was on her site, while it was actually a completely different website in a separate frame.
In my new website I'm no longer using frames, but the master/child layout as explained. Is it still possible to 'host' or 'embed' this third party website as a 'child' of the master page?
I tried just putting the url to the guestbook in the NavigateUrl of a NavigationMenu item, but that doesn't work, it just navigates to the third party website and doesn't embed it in any way.
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Jan 1, 2011
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The solution needs to be platform independent, even though I will be developing in since our dealers' website platforms vary. I would assume most, if not all, do not have an existing API to interface with.
What do you think would be a good means of accomplishing this task?
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Jul 18, 2013
i have contact-us HTML form in i want to pass the value on submit [contact.html] to contact.aspx on server2 and retrieve value to contact.html in server 1. how to achieve this.
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Dec 15, 2010
I've got an external site that's built in SharePoint 2007. the user of the site need to have an option to view the full site when accessed from a mobile device. I am thinking of just creating a button control to do this. The question is, what would be the best solution to do this?
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Dec 18, 2010
I have two websites both of which will share the same users in a SQL DB for membership. The first site is the standard site while the other is a subdomain for admins.
If the admin logs onto the either site, I don't want that person to have to re log on to either site if he/she is sent there via navigation. To the user it would just seem like one site. Because user would be using same session, if they log off either site they would have to reauthenticate.
How would I go about passing this information?
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Oct 14, 2010
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I am tasked with adding some functionality to the administration side that uploads files. These files then need to exist within the folder structure of the actual site. I was thinking I might have to write a web service that sits on the actual site that accepts the file bytes and file name from a call within the administration site, and creates the file in the correct folder, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about a cleaner way to accomplish the same thing.
In general, how would you tackle a scenario where you upload a file on one site, and send it to the directory structure in another?
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Apr 1, 2010
I just need to use an button to link to another page on my website. I know this is basic but I can't figure it out.
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