Web Forms :: Page Lost Images / Website Use Master Page As Template?
Mar 3, 2011
My website use master page as template. All my other pages spread in different level folder. Master page will get images (which use related path - related to master page) from style sheet file which located in App_themds's sub folder. When application run,The page will lost all images if the content page did not located in the same level as Master page.
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exactly like cms , i want to create page programmatically with this options:1: page-name2: add template (master-page)and etc...
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Apr 22, 2010
i am using a master page in my application. i added a content page by right clicking the content place holder in the master page. I get an issue "could not load type" but when i manully changed the masterpagefile attribute it worked fine. But in the content page all the style in my master page is lost,
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Aug 10, 2010
A client of mine uses SharePoint to manage its websites, and recently asked me to build a small website for them using ASP.NET, which they would then implement via SharePoint.My skills with ASP.NET are intermediate, and I have no experience at all with SharePoint.I created a master page for the site, as well as the individual pages, but the client is telling me that they also need a page layout template in order to view and manage the site via SharePoint.
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May 15, 2010
I have seen a few ways to show images randomly every time the page is entered.Can this type of thing be done in a master page as each time a child page is entered it has a new image?
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a few css files, javascript files and images referenced in my master page. When I do a "View Source" of the pages that use this master page, I can see that the css files are showing correct paths but javascripts and images don't. I tried using "~" in path but nothing worked so I used relative paths.
If I have a path for css file as "../../css/blah.css" and a page that is in sub-folder uses this master page, it correctly shows the path as "../../../css/blah.css". But the images and javascript paths continue to show the original path (hence broken images, javascript errors, ...).
A javascript source listed as src="../../scripts/blah.js" continues to show as "../../scripts/blah.js" instead of "../../../scripts/blah.js". Same thing with images. I did try "~/scripts/blah.js" and "~/images/blah.gif" but still can't find it.
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Feb 3, 2010
I am using the Forms Authentication in my application.
I have a master page and I have a default content page in the defaultUrl of the Forms Authentication. I am facing an issue: when the session expires the images and the css of the Master Page are not available.
How can I make the images available in the master page after the session expire?
View 6 Replies
Nov 3, 2010
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View 7 Replies
Nov 29, 2010
We have an ASP.NET application that users use to generate certain reports. So far we had one PDF template that had one image on it, and we would just replace that image with our programatically generated one (graph). We have used code from this site for that: [URL] Problem now is that we have two different images on one PDF page, and the code from link above selects both images on one page and replaces them all at once with our generated image. how to replace multiple different images on one page with itext?
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Apr 13, 2010
this is probably something really simple but I cant see what! Any images I have in a masterpage aint showing in child pages, all i get is the box with the red cross in it. Dont think Ive done anything different from usual and its not something thats happened in other sites so im kinda scratchin my head with it.
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Jan 18, 2010
I am using Master Pages for my project (VS-2005). I used sitemappath control and placed it on master page but couldn't see it during runtime on Content Page. Where should I place it ?
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Jun 11, 2010
I have a master page in my website. I want some sort of container to load external website in my contentplaceholder.Frames and object tags are the tried options. My DOC type doesn't support Frames and object tag has that scroll border displayed by default and I can't remove it because it will be a page from another domain.
On the loaded site the users will be able to browse and search products, so I just dont want to read the html once. That will be the actual website loaded/displayed.
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Jun 4, 2012
i have only basic Knowledge of Master Page and a Small Knowledge of CSS,
Now i have to Create a MasterPage with Menus, images, header, footer etc, asĀ Educational Website must have.
Exmaple or any Link Through Which i can Learn how to use id and Classes, div Tag to Divide The Page, and id and Classes to give Nice Look to Menus and other items,
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Jan 5, 2011
My Project is a normal web site, not a Web Project, and I am using VS 2005.
I am trying to define common Master Page Type in app_code which has an area to display error messages and the like. Very simple.
I added the following in app_code:
Also, I added the following in Master Page Source Declaration:
Also, I added the controls tblrowErrMsg and lblErrMsg as server controls to the Master Page.
Why I am doing this ?
This will allow me to display error messages from nearly any where inside the code in code-behined, app_code, and other core Class Projects (DLL).
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Dec 9, 2013
I hv a master page with image field which displays the profile pic of the user. now i want to display this image to the image fieldĀ on the master page as and when the user logs in (like in fb) i hv used http handler to display the image from db. i m able to imsert and display image from db.but how can i write a select query to display the users image.i m using sql server 2008 and asp.net vb
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Aug 29, 2011
I have a web application that uses the master/child page layout you get by default (at least in a VS2010 web project). The Masterpage has a NavigationMenu, each item on that NavigationMenu has a NavigateUrl that looks like "~/Pages/MyPage.aspx". This automatically opens 'MyPage' in the Content of the Masterpage, so that the master page with menu and header etc stays visible.
Now, the client has a guestbook on her old website (I'm basically rebuilding her website, adding the ability for her to upload new content in her browser), and she wants to keep it. This guestbook is from a 'free guestbook' third party website, over which I have no control. It's simply a website in the form [URL] .... which shows the guestbook for a user 'Username'.
In her old website, I was using frames, so the menu on the left side was in a different frame, and I would simply open the third party website in the center frame. That would create the illusion that the guestbook was on her site, while it was actually a completely different website in a separate frame.
In my new website I'm no longer using frames, but the master/child layout as explained. Is it still possible to 'host' or 'embed' this third party website as a 'child' of the master page?
I tried just putting the url to the guestbook in the NavigateUrl of a NavigationMenu item, but that doesn't work, it just navigates to the third party website and doesn't embed it in any way.
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Oct 21, 2010
I have atleast 10 websites that have different css,html,javasacripts and webconfig. But the same code behind files.With this design everything is hard to maintain. So I decided to work on it and I started moving all the queries in the code beghind file to stored procedures. Since every website uses the same database.
What I have decided is to make use of themes and multiple master pages? IS this the best way to go about it?
Also lets say I have two templates. There is site A and site B. both using different templates. And have pages Home About Us and Contact.
Now would I be creating three different masterpages? for each template so 6 in total? ( since none of the templates are supposed to look the same)
or Should I just create two masterpages? if so how would I manage the html of the page so it looks different?
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Feb 21, 2010
I have a site with about 4 pages or so. I was asked to implement a very simple security (check if user in database, if not kick out) using active directory and validating against a table of users. I was simply thinking of createing a master page and making all pages inherit that master page. I would then authenticate the users from the master page.
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Sep 5, 2010
I have a master page setup that is used throughout my site that is basically a header with a menu. I recently added a textbox and a button to this master page which is to be a quick search box that is available anywhere in the site. When a user enters text into the search box and hits the button, I need to load the actual content page which is used to search and show search results (which also uses this same master page), and have the text entered available so the search can be triggered automatically. Again, this search text box and button is now in my master page so it could be triggered from anywhere in the app... it serves as a convenient way to do a basic search from anywhere in my app, without having to first navigate to the actual 'search page' that already exists. You can also navigate to the actual search page, which uses the same master page, where there is many more search options.I'm thrown off by the master page arrangement, which I have not used until this project. What do I do?
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Jan 8, 2011
I am using Master page and Content page combination.But how can i access <body> tag and it's event (onload, onunload) of Master page in .aspx page that is not a content page.
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Mar 25, 2010
I have a master page homeMaster.aspx and many content pages. However the situation is I have few .html pages. Now when a user clicks on a link the html page should get loaded.inside the master page. The problem is these are .html and not content page with .aspx.
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Nov 13, 2010
I have a master page with a background and 3-column layout. The start page "default.aspx" is a content Web Form and is linked to the master page. At the design time, everything looks great but when run, the master page background is invisible. It disappears.
How to fix this?
** Edited **
Master Page Form Code
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Oct 19, 2010
I just started at a new job as a asp.net developer. The place I am working, a small college, has several web pages made with old school html, vbscript, php, and asp (not asp.net). My boss wants their websites to have a menu system to navigate through the pages. I started a asp.net master page with a header, footer, and menu on the left. However, now, I am trying to get the school's websites to appear in the contentplaceholder. Is there someway to insert a pages content (example www.google.com) into the contentplaceholder? I was thinking of using a combination of frames and asp master pages but all I get are errors so far.
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a master page containing a tree and 3 dropdown lists. I am populating a context menu on right click of each node, and when clicked on any item of the context menu, it navigates to required pages.
My problem is after navigating to the required page, the selected values from the drop down lists and the selected node from the tree are getting cleared.
I can set the selected values for the dropdown lists by making some properties in master page.
But how do i maintain the selected node?
In my content page, i have got the valuepath of the right clicked node.
Or is there any other way than setting the properties in master page?
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