Programming Model For Prototyping Then Reusable For Production
May 15, 2010
In .NET land what would be a good approach for quick prototyping of a concept (i.e. development just on my PC) that could then be extended out to product (users across LAN/WAN), BUT in a fashion that the model/business logic code and data access layer code can be used as is? One thought for example I had as to do:
(a) WinForms with business logic and Entity Framework layer to SQL Server Express on my PC, then
(b) Go then to (using the business logic / data library) with SQL Server/IIS
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Dec 3, 2010
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Programming Model
I just watched this video about choosing the right model for me/my application:
Choosing the Right Programming Model. If looks like ASP.NET MVC, which I thought was the best approach, is more for the veteran Web developers, people who are comfortable with Web applications. I have used a lot of DataBinding in Windows Forms, and WebForms seems to be more what I'm looking for into ASP.NET, until they say that MVC allows for Unit Testing, TDD and Agile methodologies, which I adhere to, as a certified Professional Scrum Master. I'm a bit mixed up on what will be more natural for me speaking of programming model.
Taking into account my base of knowledge and my experience, what programming model do you think I'm going to be more comfortable with? Will choosing one over the other allow me to get acquainted enough with ASP.NET to one day try the other model? In the video about choosing the Programming Model both sat on ASP.NET, I heard about DataBinding while using Web Forms, but no mention of DataBinding in the MVC model. Is there any possible DataBinding in MVC?
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Feb 6, 2010
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Nov 9, 2010
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Dec 14, 2010
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Feb 12, 2010
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Aug 24, 2010
I'm trying to create reusable "zones" but am having trouble figuring out how to give them all unique ids.What I'd like is to be able to create a component which can be put on an mvc page using the usercontrol syntax or using RenderAction or RenderPartial. I want to be able to update these components' content using ajax, so I need someway to reference them by id. However, there is no mechanism in MVC that wraps anything in a div or something like that.
I've learned that if I extend ViewUserControl and put the controls on the page like so:
This way, I can pass the previous ID and put it in ViewData, in case I need it laterThen, I can even go through all my controls on page load event in the master page and get my unique ID and write somekind of register javascript function to the page so that I can do javascript stuff if I want when the page loads.
Is there a more elegant way to do this? I see similar stuff from 'Areas' but never seen an example where someone has put more than one area on a page and then needed to reference them via javascript. This also seems similar to custom templates, but I'm having trouble figuring out how that would work.
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Jan 23, 2011
I want have a web application that I am putting together - but I have started to see that some of the things I am writing are repeated over and over, example -
GetDepartments() in the code behind has all the database connections and is linked to a stored procedure.All it does is return Department Names' and Ids', ie then bind them to a dropdownlist.My question is this I have seen Class files - I want to know if I can put this type of information in there and just call it whereever I need it in the site and then bind to whichever dropdownlist I need to?I have had a look around the net and even saw some examples by scott mitchell - but it used datasets (.xsd) files etc and dont want to be using them, plus it was a little over my head. Does anyone know of some good simple examples out there that I can follow, or maybe some examples on here?
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May 8, 2010
I have a situation where I need to maintain a large number of related integer values in my ASP.Net 3.5 application. The SortedList seems perfect for this purpose. If this were a Windows app I'd just create a class and setup one method to Set values within the SortedList and another one to Get values out of it.
But being a web app, I'm not entirely sure of the best approach to use. Sure, I could just create one method for Set and another for Get but that doesn't seem very "clean".I thought about creating a UserControl without any visual elements but am not sure if that makes sense.How would you go about implementing such a SortedList in your web app?
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Jan 20, 2010
I have been given the task to create a TAB control ( probably the Jquery tab control) as the company wants the Lazy loading of data.
The tab control should not have fixed items on it. It should be reusable in different projects . So I cannot fix the items in the tab control. Depending upon the project the tabs can change.
Need some great ideas on how I can achieve it.
Note: I am using MVC, VS 2008, C# for my development.
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Jan 24, 2010
I am trying to write a simple library for MVC2 projects that takes care of user login, e-mail validation, password recovery, logging, etc. Since some of these steps involve user interaction, I need to have Views and Controllers in that project.In MVC2 Preview 2, one could do this by abusing areas (at least, it seems) since they were implemented as different projects. However, in the RC, creating a new area will merely create a subfolder. Since I want to share the base code between applications, that is not an option.I tried to brutally hack the AfterBuild steps into my project files, but that feels like the craziest hack ever.
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Mar 16, 2010
I want to build a reusable library of User Controls.
I found this article:
While it works for me, but I find it a bit cumbersome to implement, expecially for future maintenance.Also, I noticed that if you create the User Control with code in separate file, it will not work. In this case, you will not get any error, but, the page where the control in registerted will not show (you will get blank page).Why I am getting BLANK result when I develop the User Control with code in separate file ?I appreciate your recommendation on the best approach to implement a library of Reusable User Controls. Also, I did not like the method of Web Controls, becuase they are difficult to implement.
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Jan 20, 2011
I want to build a reusable control which will enable e to perform add/edit/delete operations easily. All I want to do is give the control a datasource and it will handle the rest.
What controls should I use? I want it to be as user friendly as possible.
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Aug 26, 2010
Say you have a for loop which renders a bunch of the exact same control. This is probably done with RenderAction or RenderPartial.
What is a way to ensure that each of these controls in the list gets wrapped in a div with a unique ID?
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Jul 19, 2011
I need to have a section in my website dedicated to viewing and printing reports.I've created a Reports Table (ReportID, ReportTitle, ReportDescription, ReportCategoryID), so I can display a list of Reports on a page.I also have a ReportCategory Table (ReportCategoryID, CategaoryName, Active).So i could have all the categories in a dropdown perhaps(not sure it's the best option)
Then once a selection is made I can display the reports under that category.Clicking on any of them will then display the report or save it to disk.My question is, should I create a Reports Class? if so, can I get a few pointers
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Jan 11, 2010
I have implemented AJAX for calling server side function using client side function call i.e Calling server side function using javascript tag by using PageMethod in javascript.
I have few question regarding the same implementation.
This FunctionName will be the name of server side function that a developer want to call.
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Apr 4, 2011
I'm working to move my simple website to a three layer architecture. Currently I have Linq queries like the one below in my code-behind files. Basically this code snippet retrieves a collection of customer data from the database and then binds it to a grid control.
I'm wondering if someone can guide me on how to rewrite this in order to move it to my newly-created data access layer. I'm thinking I will turn it into a class (e.g. GetUserBoxesByStatus()) that can be reused throughout the site.
var boxes = from p in sbm.Packages
where p.UserID == CurrentUserId && p.StatusID > 1 && p.StatusID < 3
select new { p.PackageTag, p.PackageName, p.DateReceived, p.DateShipped }; [code]....
Some of the options that I've investigated but have not had success implementing are the following:
DataTable --- returning a DataTable seems like the best solution but it also appears to require a lot of potentially unecessarry code to define a table (isn't the data source already mapped in my Linq 2 Entities dbml?)
IEneuerable --- I think I could pass an IEnumerable list between the layers but after reading many tutorials about Linq I'm still a little lost DTO --- Conceptually I think I understand what a DTO is but I am not clear on how to begin implementing this approach POCO --- Again, the concept seems logical enough but I don't know how to put this into practice
how they would tackle this using one of the above or some other solution.
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Sep 16, 2010
I want to build my navigation so I can use it on multiple views. How do I do this? Nested views? Whats the best practice and show me a quick example?
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Jan 5, 2010
I want to create a reusable user control which contains a date time picker in Need to add this user control in a grid view as column.While clicking the column,date time picker has to be displayed.Which is the suitable method,Creating the component or creating the user control. Also want to know, How to add this component in to the toolbox?
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May 19, 2010
I'm building an MVC 2 RTM app, and I want to be able to share my model across applications. I'd *like* to be able to implement it like:ASP.NET MVC2 app (holds Views and Controllers)Class library to hold Model(s)WCF app to handle the data transactions with the models via different data stores across apps I had the MVC app working fine, but I wanted to abstract the data stuff and be able to work with the model across apps through the WCF site, so I created a class library project and moved all of the Models classes into that and set-up a WCF app, then added project references to the MVC and WCF apps that point at the class library. The idea was I can create services that take and return objects from the model via method calls across apps. It appears that everything's wired up correctly in the MVC project, so I'm passing the objects stored in the Models class library between controllers and views and everythig is compiling just fine, but for some reason the data is not being passed back from the views to the controller on POST -- all of the properties in the classes are null or empty.
When I debug the app, I can see that the values are stored in the model data dictionary but not the model object itself. What am I doing wrong? Am I on the wrong path, or missing something obvious (to some)?
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Sep 1, 2010
Is it possible, inside a Custom Model Binder, to fire "something" that "says" the value is invalid so it gets handled by validation part?
Basically, I am getting an exception when the value for the property is invalid.
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Jan 10, 2011
I made a few changes to the DB in SQL server management studio then right clicked on the .edmx doc to get it to update. That seemed to work fine but when i compiled the app everything that referenced the EF seems to be broken.The Error list now contains the below error for all classes that used it.
The type or namespace name '' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
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Mar 11, 2010
I have an issue of static variable in an application. Let's say I have a server with 8 CPUs running windows 2008 R2 hosting an webbsite, nothing fancy here, no funny configuration.
Is the following statement true? at any single time, there's one and only one process is running and accepting requests, even in the recycling stage. The reason I am asking is: I have a static field in my class, and I want to make that's the only static instance in the website. I've heard in some circumstances, IIS is recylcing your application, and it will start a new process, but the old process is still working, thus I will have 2 static instances in memory, which defeat the purpose of static field.
One step further, let's assume there might be 2 instances in memory, can I assume there are at most 2 instances at any single time? And can I assume once the second instance is up, the first instance will NEVER accept new requests?
Another question: Recently I have a problem with an applicationdomain concept. Looks like if an application domain causes a memory leak, unload the domain will not release the memory (Umanaged leak). So to what extent Application Domain is isolated?
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