Best Approach To Implement Reusable SortedList?
May 8, 2010
I have a situation where I need to maintain a large number of related integer values in my ASP.Net 3.5 application. The SortedList seems perfect for this purpose. If this were a Windows app I'd just create a class and setup one method to Set values within the SortedList and another one to Get values out of it.
But being a web app, I'm not entirely sure of the best approach to use. Sure, I could just create one method for Set and another for Get but that doesn't seem very "clean".I thought about creating a UserControl without any visual elements but am not sure if that makes sense.How would you go about implementing such a SortedList in your web app?
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I want to build a reusable library of User Controls.
I found this article:
While it works for me, but I find it a bit cumbersome to implement, expecially for future maintenance.Also, I noticed that if you create the User Control with code in separate file, it will not work. In this case, you will not get any error, but, the page where the control in registerted will not show (you will get blank page).Why I am getting BLANK result when I develop the User Control with code in separate file ?I appreciate your recommendation on the best approach to implement a library of Reusable User Controls. Also, I did not like the method of Web Controls, becuase they are difficult to implement.
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Apr 4, 2011
I'm working to move my simple website to a three layer architecture. Currently I have Linq queries like the one below in my code-behind files. Basically this code snippet retrieves a collection of customer data from the database and then binds it to a grid control.
I'm wondering if someone can guide me on how to rewrite this in order to move it to my newly-created data access layer. I'm thinking I will turn it into a class (e.g. GetUserBoxesByStatus()) that can be reused throughout the site.
var boxes = from p in sbm.Packages
where p.UserID == CurrentUserId && p.StatusID > 1 && p.StatusID < 3
select new { p.PackageTag, p.PackageName, p.DateReceived, p.DateShipped }; [code]....
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DataTable --- returning a DataTable seems like the best solution but it also appears to require a lot of potentially unecessarry code to define a table (isn't the data source already mapped in my Linq 2 Entities dbml?)
IEneuerable --- I think I could pass an IEnumerable list between the layers but after reading many tutorials about Linq I'm still a little lost DTO --- Conceptually I think I understand what a DTO is but I am not clear on how to begin implementing this approach POCO --- Again, the concept seems logical enough but I don't know how to put this into practice
how they would tackle this using one of the above or some other solution.
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Aug 5, 2010
What is the best approach to one to many relationships?
This is my scenario:
I have a simple one to many relation:
I want to have a DETAIL view of customers and CREATE view for CustomerNotes all in the same page.
I create CustomerController and the different views and its respective actions for edit, create, delete, etc.
I also create a CustomerNotesController and the views and actions like before, but I made the views PARTIALS
I put a RENDERPARTIAL for the CustomerNotes create view in the Details view from Customer.
When I run the app, the page is render as expected: It shows the detail info of the customer and bellow the create form for the notes. However, when I click SAVE, nothing happens. I put a breakpoint in the notes controller and never get hit.
I also try with RenderAction and don't work at all.
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Nov 12, 2010
I've been reading up on DDD a little bit, and I am confused how this would fit in when using an ORM like NHibernate. Right now I have a .NET MVC application with fairly "fat" controllers, and I'm trying to figure out how best to fix that. Moving this business logic into the model layer would be the best way to do this, but I am unsure how one would do that.
My application is set up so that NHibernate's session is managed by an HttpModule (gets session / transaction out of my way), which is used by repositories that return the entity objects (Think S#arp arch... turns out a really duplicated a lot of their functionality in this). These repositories are used by DataServices, which right now are just wrappers around the Repositories (one-to-one mapping between them, e.g. UserDataService takes a UserRepository, or actually a Repository). These DataServices right now only ensure that data annotations decorating the entity classes are checked when saving / updating.
In this way, my entities are really just data objects, but do not contain any real logic. While I could put some things in the entity classes (e.g. an "Approve" method), when that action needs to do something like sending an e-mail, or touching other non-related objects, or, for instance, checking to see if there are any users that have the same e-mail before approving, etc., then the entity would need access to other repositories, etc. Injecting these with an IoC wouldn't work with NHibernate, so you'd have to use a factory pattern I'm assuming to get these. I don't see how you would mock those in tests though......................
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Aug 25, 2010
I am looking into the possibility of shortening / encrypting a url which will be from 150 to 250 characters in length to maximum 12 characters using an algorithm. Initially I am doubting it's possible but I wanted to leverage the great minds of StackOverflow :)
the algorithm should be one that can be written in classic asp, sql, c#, vb, or foxpro or other language.
Is that even possible without a database centric approach?
I was reading here that AES in CFB mode, will do a stream cipher and the output length will be the same as the input length. Is there any way to shorten it even more?
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