Responding To A Text Message Using .NET?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm interested in creating a service that will receive a text message and based on it's content send a text message back to the original number. I've looked around a little bit but haven't found any good resources for information on how to do this.

Can anyone point me to any good links to find some info on this or recommend what .NET libraries I should investigate first?

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Pop Up Message With Text Box (password)

Mar 16, 2011

I need to show a pop up message when the user click on a button. The pop up message box should contain a textbox(password), for the user to enter security key. Then I need to verify the data entered in the textbox is correct or not. possible ways of doing it.

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How To Display A Message If Clicked On Text Box

May 26, 2010

I want to known how to display a message if I clicked on text box in then. Like on [URL].

If I click on text box then it shows me skills, Designation etc. How is that possible?

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Web Forms :: How To Validate Text Box With Confirm Message

Apr 10, 2010

have Two textBox with RequiredFieldValidator and one Button with OnClientClick for Confirm message. How to validate the Text box before showing the confirm message popup

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Web Forms :: Text Message System In Mobiles

Mar 5, 2010

Is there any system to send text message to mobiles in my ASP.NET web site?

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Write Message To Text Box HTML From Code Behind?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a textbox on my aspx page defined as:

<input name= tbdisplay type="text">

I can pick the data (I built a touch screen keyboard and I used javascript to write to the thextbox) from code behind using:

string textdisplaydata = this.Request.Form.Get("tbdisplay");

But I can't figure out the way to write back to the same display from code behind. In other words, I need to send a message back to the textbox from code behind. Because I did not defined the tbdisplay to runat="server", I can't see the control tbdisplay. Also, I can't run the tbdisplay at server because the keyboard doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: How To Receive A Text Message To Application

Dec 16, 2010

I want to make a web application that will send text messages to any phone and then allow that phone to send a text message back and store it in a data base, so then the person using the website could see the response etc. I have seen a couple of post on google, but nothing too good yet. Is there a free way to do this?

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Click On A Text Box And Delete The Initial Message?

Jul 30, 2010

I've created a form and I in this form has an initial message, I would like that when I click on the TextBox, the initial message would be deleted

I've created that with a condition "If", but I think on the header is the problem

I just have experience with VBA

Partial Class Ishikawa
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Materialtxt_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Materialtxt.????? (I don't know what type in this part)

If Materialtxt.Text = "Click to add information Then
Materialtxt.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
End Class

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Web Forms :: How To Populate Message Box From A Text Box When User Enters A Value

Feb 4, 2011

How to populate message box from a text box when user enters a value?

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Web Forms :: Setting Body Text For Email Message?

Nov 18, 2010

what can I use on a form that will hold images and text and can be sent as the body in an Email? For example, can I use a panel and add a table inside it and then organize text and images in the table and then use the panel as the body in the email?

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How To Save The Compose Message Text In Draft Automatically

Mar 21, 2010

we have a application with send and receive mailing also. Now we have added a session timer of 30 min but the users are complaining that they are facing a problem when they write a long text message or while composing they get busy in something else and when they return back to continue composing message , they are redirected to a session expiry page, and their long text message is gone forever. So I am new to this and I was thinking like , when the user is in compose message the text should be automatically saved to drafts like hotmail.

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C# - How To Include A Newline In A Text Message Sent As Email From .Net Application

Apr 6, 2010

I have an ASP.Net Application that sends text messages to mobile phones. It does this by sending an email. For instance, if your phone number is 555-555-5555 and your wireless carrier is Verizon, you can send an email to and it will show up as a text message.

I want to be able to include a newline in the body of the message. How do I do this? Also please note that my ASP.Net program gets the message from a database (MS SQL Server) so what I really need to know is what characters to include in the message body when I store it in my database.

I already tried but it just showed up in the text message as

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Javascript - How To Populate Message Box From A Text Box When User Enters A Value

Feb 4, 2011

I am using 3 text boxes for range selections. I want to show range value in a message box when user enters range in text box.

Suppose user enters

100 in 1st text box , I want to show "you are selected <100".
100 in 1st text box and 500 in 2nd text box I want to show "you are selected 101 - 500"
500 in 2nd text box and 1000 in 3rd text box I want to show "you are selected 501 - 1000"

After entering a value in 3rd text box ,I want to show all ranges in message box.

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Web Forms :: Label Not Displaying Error Message Text

Oct 4, 2012

I use below code for doesn't insert duplicate data in table 

ALTER procedure [dbo].[insertestate1]
@position nvarchar(max)
,@Transfer nvarchar(20)
,@Type nvarchar(20)
,@Behcode nvarchar(10)
,@Measure varchar(20)
,@code varchar(20)


Behind code

protected void ImageButton2_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
string data = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["BehCode"]);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("insertestate1", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;


now my problem is that  when it insert or didn't insert data in data base it didn't show any message in LBLERROR

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Configuration :: Application Not Responding

Sep 29, 2010

Recently our client's server was having ASP.Net application not responding issue and after restarting the server, IIS seems back to normal. We found the following error in event viewer and suspected it caused the problem.

Faulting application avp.exe, version, time stamp 0x4ab901f6, faulting module MSVCR80.dll, version 8.0.50727.3053, time stamp 0x4889d619, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0001500a, process id 0x0a0, application start time 01cb3f860132e1d6.

Would this error cause the IIS become not responding? As the user can't access the ASP.Net application, and the page just keep loading. However, the other JSP application running on tomcat was working fine.

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VS2010 Debugger Not Responding

Jul 19, 2010

I am working on a large website that is comprised of multiple applications. We are still using web forms. All of the applications are in a common directory that serves as the root directory in my localhost. The site was originally built in 2005 on 3.5 but has been migrated to 2010 still running on 3.5 (2.0). My problem is that my debugger will run once. After I stop debugging I cannot run the debugger again - it just hangs. My locals and watch windows open but do not populate and the browser never opens. We are running Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on Windows 7 32 bit.

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Responding To ActionResults With JQuery?

Jan 3, 2011

I know how to respond to a form post in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery, but I'm having trouble with something that is a little bit more simple.

The scenario is that there is a list of items on the screen, like an ordered list.

<li>Item 1</li> // each will corrospond with an id.
<li>Item 2</li>

This is a crude example, of course, but the basic jist is that when the user clicks one, it will perform some server side logic... so in the controller, there is a method such as ..

public bool CheckSomething(int id)
// do some logic to determine if the result should be true
return true;

It's very simple logic, really - but it still requires database access, so I cannot do it in javascript. I need to have it hit my controller. The problem is that I want the UI to respond to this. how to exactly wire this up without using a Form.

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Web Forms :: How To Populate A Message Box When Mouse Cursor Enters In A Text Box

Jan 31, 2011

I am using 3 text boxes and button. When I click on 2nd text box I want to show 1st text box value in message box (if 1st text box passed the validations). Same procedure when i click on 3rd textbox I want to show 1st text box value and 2nd text box value in message box(if 1st text box,2nd text box passed the validations). When I click on button ,I want to show all text box values in message box with some text message like "you are selected '1st text box value' .... '2nd text box value'.....'3rd textbox value' ".

How can I populate these message boxes?

View 3 Replies

How To Send Text Message Using JavaScript To Avoid Post Back

May 25, 2010

This is what I have implemented, for further code, how to send the text of the text box to the server to store in variable or database without post back? It can be done by using Ajax and update plane, but I would like to implement it using a JavaScript script.

<div id="CommentID" style=" width:30%; height:30%">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server"
OnClientClick="visibleDiv('id1'); return false;" />
<div id="id1" runat="server" style="visibility: hidden; background-color:Green; width:100%; height:100%">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"
AutoCompleteType="Disabled" Rows="3"
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="98%">
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server"
onclick="Button2_Click" />
<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server"
OnClientClick="visibleDiv('id1'); return false;" />

View 2 Replies

Javascript - How To Populate A Message Box When Mouse Cursor Enters In A Text Box

Jan 31, 2011

I am using 3 text boxes. When I click on 2nd text box I want to show 1st text box value in message box (if 1st text box passed the validations). Same procedure when i click on 3rd textbox I want to show 1st text box value and 2nd text box value in message box(if 1st text box,2nd text box passed the validations).

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Web Forms :: Unable To Put The Html Text Into Message Of TheMailItem.HTMLBody = (msg)

Jul 6, 2010

I am executing

#region To render the preview page

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
Server.Execute(@"~/Default2.aspx", sw);

To have the ouput in String Writer sw and want to put in message body of outlook compose window.

So i modified the String Writer sw to

string strText = (sw.ToString()).Trim().Replace("
cstext2.Append("var msg =");
cstext2.Append("theMailItem.HTMLBody = (msg); ");
cstext2.Append("theMailItem.display(); ");

But its throwing a error saying missing semicolon ";".

Don't know how to handle complete html out of a page.

The html text of Default2.aspx page is

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default2.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default2" %>
<head runat="server">


The problem is I am unable to put the html text into message of theMailItem.HTMLBody = (msg)

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C# - How To Cancel A Web Service Call If It's Not Responding

Apr 8, 2010

I have a web page (.aspx) that calls a third party web service to get some data. It usually takes couple of seconds to get the response back, and then the rest of the page will load. Occasionally the call gets stuck either due to the web service is down, or internet connection, etc., the page just hang there and will not load.

My questions is:

1) Is there a way to abort/cancel the web service call after a set amount of time?

2) Is it even possible to verify the status of the web service before calling it?

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MVC :: IIS Responding With 404 On HTTP HEAD Request?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm currently trying to setup testing with Selenium. It seems that Selenium sends a HEAD request to my route /Home/Index before it sends the GET request. This causes all my tests to fail. I was wondering how I would go about getting HEAD requests to respond correctly (not 404).

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Aspx Page With A Reference To A Dll Not Responding?

Jun 9, 2010

I have published a aspx website in IIS 5.1. My second page refers to a .dll file of a vb6 program.My backend program is written in c#.At first when I published i couldnt load my second page as I got an error saying that I have to register external com objects....

so I registered the dll file in my root directory using "regsvr32 ". Now after registering im able to access that page, but the buttons are not responding. When I click the buttons on the page the refer to functions in that dll. But its waiting for localhost to respond for a long time and im not getting the results.

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ADO.NET :: Timeout Expired - Server Is Not Responding?

Mar 23, 2011

I am working on one application and it has report functionality in it. i have one stored procedure which is doing some calculation and inserting whole calculation in one table and then that table will show up in one report..this insertion procedure may have to insert 5000 number of records or more than that so while my stored proceudre is executing that calculation and insertion part, my application is thorwing below exception :

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.i have set timeout in web.config i.e. timeout=10000000...still throwing an exception

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