SMTP Email Not Sent In One Server But Sent In Another Server?
Nov 23, 2010
I have a section of code that sends email from SMTP server.
The code is carried out webservice & smtp server value is picked up from web.config, while the code hosted on server1 works (send/receive emails), whereas the same code hosted in server2 doesn't send/receive email.
I want to send email without declare username and password in smtp server. I am using c#, this is possible in asp below is the code , anybody tell me how can i use this code in
<% Dim ObjSendMail Dim iConf Dim Flds Set ObjSendMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")....
But, when my SMTP server is down I want to put all the emails in a queue and when it recovers I want to send them one a time. Is there any way how to do this programatically in C#?
module thats available for that uses a queue to send email to an smtp server? the queue being the operative word here.. we need a proper fallback mechanism for storing any messages that can't be sent so that the send can be re-attempted later
I have configured gmail's free smtp server for my web app and previously I was using smtp server configured at the server.
So I have changed my smtp settings accordingly but my app isn't sending any email and giving me error connection time out, third party tool isn't responding after many retrials.
Here are my settings-
SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("", 25); smtpClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "myIDPassword"); smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;....
SMTP is a whole new ballgame for me, but I am reading up on it.
I am attempting to send email from my EC2 instance using GoDaddy's SMTP server. My domain name is registered through GoDaddy and I have 2 email accounts with them.
I can successfully send the email from my dev box no problem.
my web.config
I have a feeling I'm just missing something fundamental. I also have a feeling someone is going to recommend I use AuthSmtp or something similar, I'll agree, and have had wasted the past 6 hours
once user answers security question and clicks submit that you can then re direct them to a new page and display their password on screen? rather than send an email?
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at
I want to send a email without using gmail domain but its giving errorĀ given below...
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: Relaying not allowed - sender domain not local
The question: Is it possible to configure multiple SMTP servers or update the SMTP object server information at runtime?
Description of problem: The site I'm working on has a few pages which send emails. Our site is using Gmail so even though it's a custom domain our email is sent out though Gmail SMTP servers.
Some emails come from the system and some emails come from users in certain groups. I have an SMTP server configured with the admin email for the system e.g. This works fine and when I get the email it shows from admin@mysite.comOne of our user groups let's call it "groupA" has an email configured on our domain i.e. When I send the email and specify a from address for the MailMessage object as it still shows up in my outlook as coming from I did a little further testing and if I specify both the from address and the ReplyTo as it will show as but when I choose reply in outlook it shows My best guess is that Gmail is overwriting the From address with the SMTP user to prevent email spoofing.
I found this: but it won't work for me since group A, B, and C all need to send emails from the same page.
I have developed an enterprise application in ASP.NET that sends emails using localhost SMTP server on the same box as the IIS web server for the ASP.NET app.
So right now any email sent from this ASP.NET app would hit internet firewall of the enterprise and then be directed to the right destination email address.
I was hoping to not hit the internet firewall of the enterprise, but hit the Exchange Server of the enterprise.
So the situation I am aiming for is: ASP.NET APP ===> Localhost SMTP SERVER ===>EXCHANGE SEVER 2003 ===>SEND OUT THE EMAIL
rather than ASP.NET APP ===> Localhost SMTP SERVER ===>SEND OUT THE EMAIL
So I still want to use the same mail configuration in my ASP.NET app of localhost as SMTP server, but just want the email to first go through Exchange Server before being sent out.
I need to copy a (WAV) file that I have just posted to the Web Server (successfully) over to the SMTP server for additional processing. I am confused about the process. Here is what I do now:
1. Post the file via "http POST" from the client to the web server.
Here is what I would like to accomplish:
1. Post the file to the web server
2. Copy the file from the web server to the SMTP server.
I am experiencing a "brain block" which I get too often and cannot visualize the processes. What should I write on the web server as a method to grab the newly received file and send a copy on over to a specific directory in the SMTP server (MailServer is the SMTP server and the physical directory is "c:/TempMessages". Do I need to run IIS on the SMTP server and create a virtual path??
I am trying to get the SMTP Server in IIS7 working so I can use the asp:PasswordRecovery component. I have included a screenshot of my SMTP setup in IIS, the SMTP setup in my web.config file, and my asp:PasswordRecovery component code. I have set it up to not require any authentication settings. I basically want to specify whatever email address I want as the "From" attribute (I'm using a series of noreply* addresses for a web app), like the php mail function that lets you put whatever you want in the from argument. What am I missing? Do I need to install anything else? I'm assuming that when people say "you need an SMTP server to send mail", this is what they're talking about.
I have IIS 7 windows server 2008 R2 64 bit on which I have few web sites which are sending emails thorugh Each web site has seperate "From Address (used inside the code)".
In IIS 6.0 mananger >> Delivery Tab >> Out bound security >>I gave Integrated windows authentication for one account (Let us say abc).
When the emails are firing from different applications, the emails are going only if the from address is abc mentioned in the authentication. If any other email address is used then it is going to bad mail folder saying "Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender".So to make it work I have changed the authentication to anonymous then again the emails are going to bad mail with "Diagnostic-Code: smtp;530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated" error.
I hope you can answer the following question for me. I have a server with win 2008 installed and a simple application that is successfully sending a email through System.Net.Mail.Smtpclient("localhost").Now my 1st question is, how exactly is this mail sent if there is no Default Smtp Virtual Server installed?Next question...I get an error when I try to send an email that is larger than around 4MB. I know this is to do with the limit that is specified on the server but where is this limit set?
Third Question...fter installing a new Smtp Virtual Server #1 in the IIS6 console, I am able to see and change the file size limit on email but I cannot work out for the life of me how to send emails from my application through this smtp virtual server.Obviously the best fix for me would be to work out where the default smtp server is and how to manage it rather than installing another one and then trying to route all applications through this new virtual server.When I think I set it all up correctly I get the old "Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for (email address)", ie I have given my new virtual smtp server a unique ip and port number and changed the Smtp E-mail page within IIS to point to this new server.
in my application when client completes its shopping email will goes to user this works fine when there is internet connection is working fine, if there is some problem in internet connection if one mail stops then all the mails will be stopped even now internet works fine,
how to resend the emails using smtp server, is there any option to resend the emails automatically when internet works fine.
i use 'create user wizard' for send confirmation code to an email id..but before sending a 'confirm code' on given emailid.. i want check that setting of smtp server in in webconfig are ok and able to send mail..otherwise alert a message "smtp setting is enable to sending mail"
I'm using one XP with SP 2 as my local Laptop PC . Its IIS has one default web site, of course, which is the site I'm working on. When some feature is finished I deploy it to my "production" site which is hosted somewhere else. Very common situation, I guess. This app uses email to notify customers of some particular events. Works on production, but sometimes I need to change something in the way those notifications work. Currently I have to upload the changes to "production" to check it out. Is there any way for me to set up smtp server on my local machine so I could work locally with those features?